おうち Engish!! home english class!!

2010-09-25 | Most important- Education
september class

every time kids come to the lesson- i set my alarm for 25 min.
and we play, or flashcards, and other ice breaking activities to make the comfortable feeling for the kids to learn english :)

i used my Indiana state university "bear" the other day for the lesson,
then who knew it? kids looooooooved the bear, they named it "blu chan" cause its blue, they were so cute!!!
i used some flashcards of food and animals and pretended the bear' voice
"i want some food- im hungry" and " i wanna play with a friend"
and kids supposed to have NO IDEA what im saying, but they figured out
that the bear was "hungry" and "sad" cause i made all this noise and thanks to my great acting
i realized... that the bear (doll) can be better teacher than an actualy person

Snaks time- they are getting so much better to say "thank you for the food", and todays snack was ramune and chocolate cookies :)
im glad they are having fun in my class, and they always dont wanna leave home. haha
they are also hard working with their homework which is so great!!!!!!

i love my kids


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puppets + teaching = WIN (chuchuchie)
2010-09-29 00:30:05
puppets are very helpful when teaching, especially with little kids (2-4 years old)! i've noticed when i teach classes, i am never without 1. a ball for games and passing around, 2. puppets for conversation, and 3. my whiteboard for vocabulary and other games. it wouldn't matter if i didn't bring any flashcards or CD player. as long as i have those three items, i'm good for the class :)

maybe you could get a whiteboard for your room. they're awfully handy, and i will guarantee 100% that your kids will love using it as well! although, don't know where you could get something like that in Japan... :/

thanx (dazu)
2010-09-29 12:31:55
yah,i have a small white board i got from daiso-! daiso has everything you need for teaching. hahaha!!!
those kids dont know how to write or anything yet, but since they are already 6and 7, i have to do different kind of activities. but to my surprise, they loved !the pupppets! hahaha