Jun's Blog in English


Shop in Kagawa Prefecture

2022-04-24 09:00:29 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

I often buy several goods by using Amazon which is a popular
shopping site.

Yesterday, I bought two neckties through Amazon.
When I received the goods, I was a little bit surprised because
the shop which provided them was located in Kagawa prefecture.

Kagawa is a local area in Japan.
Before the internet was developed, this shop might have sell
their goods to only customers living in Kagawa.
But now, they can sell them to customers all over Japan or maybe
the world through Amazon and other shopping sites.

I think that shops in local area have chances to expand their
business through the internet.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ
にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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