Jun's Blog in English


Dinner with our dog

2022-04-30 09:30:26 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka here.

Yesterday, I visited my mother’s house in Atami with my family,
who were my wife, my son and our dog.

Before, there was an Italian restaurant which my cousin run near
my mother’s house, so, we used to go there to have dinner.
But the restaurant was closed recently.
We should have another restaurant instead of that.

The problem is that there are few restaurants which accept pets.
But I finally found an Italian restaurant suitable for us through
the internet.

The name of the restaurant is ‘Blue Nine Café’ where is located
near Atami Sun Beach. We can take our pets to the restaurant.
Both of foods and atmosphere were good.

I hope we will visit there again.

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