Jun's Blog in English


160 years ago

2023-04-10 07:00:00 | 日記
Hi there! It’s Jun Tomioka again!

I am reading a book titled ‘The Coup happened out of
the Sakurada Gate’ written by Akira Yoshimura.

The age is the Edo Period. It’s 160 years ago.
Japan had just started to open to foreign countries.

In that age, there were no cars, no buildings, no TV.
The industry in Japan was only agriculture and commerce.

Their lives were poor. It was not convenient.
Our lives cannot compare with the lives in the age.
The difference in time is only 160 years!

I feel I am happy to live at this age.

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へにほんブログ村
にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へにほんブログ村
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