Jun's Blog in English


Tapioca Boom ended

2022-10-12 08:17:51 | 日記
Hi there! Jun Tomioka again!

I happened to watch a TV show yesterday morning.
It reported about Tapioca Boom’s ending in Japan.

Tapioca is starch took from a plant called ‘cassava’.
Tapioca Peral is a food which is a ball shape made from
Tapioca. It was made in Taiwan for the first time.

Tea with Tapioca Pearls used to be popular in Taiwan.
It came to Japan several years ago and it became popular
among young people in 2019.

There were over 30 Tapioca Tea shops in Harajuku Town
Where young people gather.
Now, almost every shop closed. The boom ended.

Changing of fashion goes fast.

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にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 中小企業診断士へ


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