Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;西村幸祐(ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 5/26)

2024-05-26 23:20:51 | Translation

Ref.>"Thousands gather around Legislature to protest reform bills review"

> Close to 80,000 protesters gather outside Legislative Yuan against KMT-TPP bills|Taiwan News

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 5/26)


> さらに重要な事に気づく賢明な読者もいるだろう。
> それは今から12年前の12月 27日、第2次安倍政権発足翌日に安部総理が発表した英語論文「>"アジアの民主的安全保障ダイヤモンド"」に英国やフランスに太平洋に加わって欲しいと書いていたからだ。
> 日本訳は>"なぜか報道されない安倍総理のセキュリティダイアモンド構想."

Some smart readers may notice something even more important.
The reason why is that, on December 27, 12 years ago, in his English paper >"Asia's Democratic Security Diamond" which was issued on the day after the inauguration of the 2nd Abe administration, PM Abe wrote to want the U.K. and France to join the Pacific Ocean Region.
The translation to Japanese-language is >"なぜか報道されない安倍総理のセキュリティダイアモンド構想."

> 台湾の頼清徳新総統就任に合わせ、中国共産党は野蛮な恫喝を行った。
> 2年前に台湾封鎖実験をした人民解放軍(PLA)が今回同様の行動を執るのは日米両軍に共有された情報だった。
> 米空母ロナルド・レーガンがオランダ軍艦とともに牽制していたからだ。
> 重要なのは樋口譲治元陸将が指摘するように PLAの目的が《黄海から東シナ海、南シナ海に至る中国沿海域の内海化、軍事的聖域化》である事だ。

In conjunction with the inauguration of new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te (* aka William Lai), the Chinese Communist Party has carried out a barbaric intimidation.
It's shared information between U.S. and Japanese forces that the Chinese PLA, which conducted Taiwan-blockade-experiment two years ago, would take similar behaviors this time as well.
The reason why is that USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) has kept it in check, along with a Dutch naval vessel.
What does matter is that, as former Gen. Joji Higuchi points out, the purpose of the Chinese PLA is to [turn China's coastal waters from the Yellow Sea to the East China Sea and the South China Sea into inland waters and military sanctuaries].



> 日本では余り報道されない、台湾立法院(国会)前での数万人の台湾市民による立法院改革への抗議活動。
> これは野党国民党と連動する中国共産党 CCPへの抗議活動でもある。
> CCPの海上封鎖は台湾への野蛮な恫喝で台湾人が声を挙げる起爆剤になった。
> 台湾人は CCPの目論見とは逆に一致団結に向かう。
> シナが1996年と同じ失敗をしたのはこれで3回目だ。
> 習近平や CCPには民主主義下の民意の動きが理解不能だからだ。

It's the protest-campaign by tens of thousands of Taiwanese citizens in front of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan (national assembly) against reform of the Legislative Yuan, which isn't reported in Japan so much.
This is also a protest against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is linked to the opposition Kuomintang (* KMT, or Chinese Nationalist Party).
The CCP's naval blockade was a barbaric intimidation of Taiwan, and served as a trigger for Taiwanese to raise their voices.
On the contrary to the CCP's intention, the Taiwanese persons will move to unity.
This is the 3rd time that China made the same mistake as in 1996.
The reason why is that Xi Jinping and the CCP can't understand moves of public will under democratic system.

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