Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 5/4)

2024-05-04 19:10:00 | Translation

Ref.>"追悼碑の撤去費、2062万円 県が市民団体に請求"

>"差別だ!土地返せ!サケ捕らせ!… もうみんなウンザリだ!"

>"朝日新聞「朝鮮人追悼碑の撤去費、2062万円 群馬県が市民団体に請求」⇒ 崔碩栄(チェ・ソギョン )氏「不親切な記事だな… 追悼碑を守る会の主要メンバーが『チュチェ思想研究会』のメンバーであることも書いてくれないと」"


Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 5/4)


> 不親切な記事だな🙄
> 追悼碑を守る会の主要メンバーが「チュチェ思想研究会」のメンバーであることも書いてくれないと🥴
> メディアは知ってて隠すのか?
> 知らなかったのか?

This is an unkind article🙄
It shoud've written that key members of the association to protect the memorial monument are members of the "Study of the Juche Idea -- International Institute of the Juche Idea🥴
Does the mass media hide that, while knowing that?
Or didn't they know?

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翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 5/4)

2024-05-04 17:48:21 | Translation



>【櫻井よしこ特別版!】 "小石河"では無理だ 憲法改正「ラストチャンス」

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 5/4)


> 昨日は福岡・博多で二回講演をしました。
> まずは、美しい日本の憲法をつくる福岡県民の会 第7回憲法フォーラム。
> 地元の井上貴博先生も駆けつけて、ご挨拶してくださいました。

Yesterday, I gave lectures two times in "Fukuoka" and "Hakata."
At first, the 7th constitution forum organized by the Fukuoka prefectural residents' association to creates a beautiful Japanese constitution (correct name in English is unknown).
Locally elect LH lawmaker Takahiro Inoue (LDP) also rushed to the venue and made a speech.
Starting with "What's the constitution," In addition to talking about the difference between the constitution (practically) and the constitution (in formality), the current LDP proposal, the progress-situation of constitutional revision (to be continued)

> 安全保障についてもお話ししました。
> 会場は立ち見が出るほどでした。
> 終了後は、スタッフの皆さんと記念撮影。
> 本当にありがとうございました😊

I talked about the security too.
The venue was so crowded that there were even standing audiences.
After the event, I took a commemorative photo with all the staff.
I'm really grateful to everyone.

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翻訳:日比、訓練円滑化へ協定交渉加速 防衛相会談、南シナ海情勢も協議

2024-05-04 11:35:16 | Translation

Ref.>"日米豪、先進技術協力を推進 反撃能力導入へ緊密連携"

>"【朗報】中国を脱出して日本に向かう金持ちたち 日本に住む中国人6万人増"

>"Joint Readout from Australia-Japan-Philippines-United States Defense Ministers' Meeting"


Translation; Japan-Philippines defense ministerial meeting was held = acceleration of RAA-negotiation in order to facilitate training was agreed and the South China Sea situation was talked too

>"日比、訓練円滑化へ協定交渉加速 防衛相会談、南シナ海情勢も協議"

> 木原稔防衛相は3日(日本時間4日)、米ハワイでフィリピンのテオドロ国防相と会談した。
> 自衛隊とフィリピン軍部隊の往来と共同訓練実施をスムーズにする「円滑化協定(RAA)」の早期妥結に向け、さらなる交渉の加速で一致。
> 南シナ海の情勢についても協議し、自由で開かれたインド太平洋の実現が重要だと改めて確認した。

On May 3 (the 4th Japan local time), DM Minoru Kihara held a meeting with the Secretary of National Defense Gilberto Teodoro in US-HI.
They agreed in further acceleration of talks in order for early conclusion of an reciprocal access agreement (RAA) -- which makes the immigration procedures of mutual visit and conduction joint drills by the Japan SDF and the Philippines forces be simplified.
They also talked avbout the situation in the South China Sea, and re-confirmed that realization of Free and Open Indo-Pacific was important.

> 木原氏は会談で「これからも防衛協力を強化したい」と強調。
> テオドロ氏は南シナ海で威圧的行動を繰り返す中国を念頭に「正当な権利を妨害しようとする試みだ」と指摘し、これまで以上に日本との関係を重視する考えを示した。

During the meeting, DM Kihara emphasized that "We would like to continuously upgrade defense cooperation from now on too."
His counterpart Teodoro pointed out that "It's an attempt to interfere with legitimate rights" while taking China in mind, which has repeatedly taken coercive actions in the South China Sea, and showed his intention to place importance on the relations with Japan more than ever before.

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翻訳:韓国慰安婦訴訟で追加提訴 日本政府に損害賠償請求

2024-05-04 11:05:01 | Translation

Ref.>"韓国、日本の教科書検定を非難 「極めて非常識」"


>"韓国紙「韓国車は泣いて、日本車は笑って… 米国市場で食い違った成績表」"

>"日本の街に大量に捨てられた韓国アイドルのアルバム、その理由は 韓国ネット「こんな方法で売れて、歌手本人は喜ぶの?」"


Translation; An additional lawsuit relevant CW issue was filed in S. Korea to seek compensation against Tokyo

>"韓国慰安婦訴訟で追加提訴 日本政府に損害賠償請求"

> 旧日本軍の元従軍慰安婦だった韓国人女性の息子が、日本政府に損害賠償を求めて、韓国中部の清州地裁に提訴したことが3日分かった。
> 原告側弁護士が明らかにした。
> 日本政府を相手取った韓国人元慰安婦らの集団訴訟は、第2次訴訟が昨年11月にソウル高裁で原告側勝訴となり、判決が確定した。
> その後、新たな追加提訴が判明するのは初めて。

On May 3, it turned out that the son of a S. Korean female, who is a former (* not) military comfort woman of the former Japanese forces, filed a lawsuit with the Cheongju District Court in central S.Korea to seek compensation from Tokyo.
A lawyer on the plaintiff side revealed so.
When it comes to class actions by former S. Koream comfort women against Tokyo, the 2nd lawsuit was won by the plaintiffs at the Seoul High Court in last November, and the sentence was finalized.
This is the 1st clarification since then that an additional lawsuit was filed.

> 日本政府はこれまで、訴訟に出廷せず、賠償にも応じていない。
> 提訴は1月 27日付で2億ウォン(約 2200万円)の支払いを求めた。
> 弁護士は3日、共同通信の取材に「歴史問題を整理して、韓国と日本の関係の新たな出発」になることを期待していると述べた。

Tokyo has hitherto neither appeared at court nor consented to pay compensation.
The filing lawsuit was done on Jan. 27 seeking 200 million won (approx. \22 million) payment.
On May 3, the lawyer said that "We expect this to re-organize historical problems and to become a new start of Japan-S. Korea relations" in a coverage by Kyodo News.

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翻訳:首相、改憲「党派超えて議論を」 先送りできない重要課題と訴え

2024-05-04 10:14:50 | Translation


> 5/3 第26回「公開憲法フォーラム」(令和6年)

Translation; "Non-partisan discussion, please" = PM Fumio Kishida appealed that the constitutional revision is an important issue intolerable to postpone

>"首相、改憲「党派超えて議論を」 先送りできない重要課題と訴え"

> 岸田文雄首相(自民党総裁)は憲法記念日の3日、東京都内で開かれた集会にビデオメッセージを寄せ「社会が大きく変化し、憲法改正はますます先送りのできない重要課題となった」と述べ、改憲の必要性を訴えた。
> 自民派閥の裏金事件を改めて陳謝した上で「信頼回復のためにも政治改革と併せて、憲法改正について党派を超えて連携しながら、真摯に議論を行う」と強調した。

On the Constitution Day, May 3, PM Fumio Kishida (LDP President) sent a video message to a rally held in Tokyo. He appealed for the necessity of constitutional revision, saying that "The society has changed dramatically, and constitutional revision has become an increasingly important issue impossible to postpone."
After apologizing for the slush fund case by the LDP intra-party factions, he emphasized that "In order to restore trust, along with political reforms, we will seriously discuss constitutional revision, while cooperating with non-partisantly."

> 9月までの自民総裁任期中の改憲を掲げる首相は「国会の発議を見据えた議論をしていかなければ、いつまでも改正は実現できない」と議論の加速化を提唱。
> 現行憲法の基本理念は今後も決して揺らぐことはないとしながら「時代にそぐわない部分、不足している部分は果断に見直しを行わなければならない」と指摘した。

The prime minister, who has advocated amending the Constitution during his term as LDP president until September, proposed to accelerate the discussions, saying that "If we don't discuss that while taking into account the proposal by the Diet, we will never be able to revise the Constitution."
He kept the CDPJ, which requires cautious discussion, in check, sayin that "If we unnecessarily prolong the discussion and don't even show the options, it can't be helped that be said an abdication of responsibility."
He pointed out that "We must decisively review parts that are not in keeping with the times or insufficient," while saying that the basic principles of the current Constitution will never waver."

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