Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;国産飲料水に変えれば所得増? 小泉進次郎氏、海外産購入に異論

2024-09-22 10:50:28 | Translation


>"【総裁選】小泉氏 58票でリード、党員票も優位 石破・高市両氏含め決選投票見通し"



>【右向け右】第540回 -- 矢野将史・夕刊フジ編集長 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation; If it switches to domestic drinking water, will income increase? = Shinjiro Koizumi expressed his objection to purchasing foreign water

>"国産飲料水に変えれば所得増? 小泉進次郎氏、海外産購入に異論"

> 自民党総裁選に出馬している小泉進次郎元環境相は 21日、海外から輸入される飲料用ミネラルウオーターの購入をやめ、国産や水道水に変えれば「可処分所得が増加し家計の懐が温かくなる」と主張した。
> 視察先の千葉県富津市で記者団から水政策への見解を問われ答えた。

On Sept. 21, former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, who is running in the LDP presidential election, argued that if people stopped buying drinking mineral water imported from overseas while switching to domestically produced mineral water or tap water, "disposable income would increase and households would have more money in their pockets."
He replied so to a question from reporters about his views on water policy in Futtsu City, Chiba Pref., to where he was visiting.

> 小泉氏は「水がおいしい町なのにコンビニで外国のペットボトルの水を飲んでいる。こんなに理屈の合わない消費の仕方はない」と指摘。
> 同時に「水道水とコストを比べたら100倍以上違う。高いものをわざわざ飲む、私はこういう基本的な日常の水の飲み方、使い方を変えていく」と強調した。

Koizumi pointed out that "Even though it's a town where the water is delicious, they drink bottled water from overseas (* purchased) at convenience stores. There is no more illogical way of consuming water."
At the same time, he emphasized that "If you compare the cost with tap water, it's more than 100 times more expensive. They go out of their way to drink something that's expensive. I will change such basic way of drinking and using water in everyday life."

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