浅井久仁臣 『今日の中東』



2004年11月29日 | Weblog
 38歳になる医師は診療から自宅に帰る途中であったとする家族に対して、イスラエル側は、不審な動きをしていたから撃ったと釈明しています。あくまでも私の取材体験に基づく想像ですが、このような状況ですと、まずイスラエル軍は予告もなしに突然、それも一方的に現場を「closed military area(軍事閉鎖地域)」と宣言し、買物や仕事をしている住民達に帰宅を命じます。それはすなわち「curfew(外出禁止令)」を意味します。
Israeli occupation soldiers have killed a Palestinian doctor and teenager and wounded five other men and women in the southern Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medical sources confirmed on Sunday that Samir Hijazi, a 38-year-old physician, and 18-year-old Abd Allah al-Rahawi died from wounds sustained when Israeli tanks stormed the Rafah refugee camp, firing volleys of shells and automatic gunfire.

Hijazi was shot as he passed by a petrol station close to his home. Medics who evacuated him recognised him as being a local doctor, hospital officials said.

Five others were also hurt in the assault, including two women.

But Israeli forces said they had only fired on people they suspected were crawling towards a road patrolled by the army inside an "off-limits" area near occupied Gaza's border with Egypt.

"The forces fired at them and identified three hits," a military source said.

Hijazi's death brings the toll since the start of the al-Aqsa intifada to 3555 Palestinians. Some 961 Israelis have died in the same period.

Aljazeera + Agencies
