

米大統領選 対中圧力で一致した外交討論

2012-10-26 04:01:40 | 英字新聞

Obama, Romney agree on applying pressure on China
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 25, 2012)
米大統領選 対中圧力で一致した外交討論(10月24日付・読売社説)

Which candidate will win the closely contested U.S. presidential election?

President Barack Obama, a Democratic candidate seeking reelection, and Republican candidate Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, crossed swords in a heated third and final nationally televised debate Monday.

Polls taken immediately after the debate suggested Obama won the verbal joust. This, combined with the unemployment rate's recent fall to 7.8 percent, could provide Obama with a tailwind.

But the two candidates remain locked in a dead heat in public support rates. The fierce battle will certainly continue until Election Day on Nov. 6.

The topics for the final debate were diplomatic and security issues.

The Middle East situation has become chaotic in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolutionary movement and as the civil war in Syria intensifies. In Asia, North Korea forges ahead with its development of nuclear weapons and China has expanded its military presence in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. How will the next U.S. president handle these issues? The attention of Japan and many other countries was focused on the debate in this respect.


Is U.S. power ebbing?

Romney criticized Obama's diplomacy as weak-kneed, saying that "nowhere in the world is America's influence greater today than it was four years ago."

Obama, who gave a lackluster performance in the first debate on the economy, was more eloquent as he discussed diplomatic issues.

The president boasted of his diplomatic achievements such as ending the war in Iraq, paving the way for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan and listing the effects of tough sanctions imposed on Iran to check its nuclear development program. Citing these points to refute Romney's contention, Obama said the United States "is stronger now than when I came into office."

However, Romney was correct in the sense that U.S. influence has declined in relative terms due to the rise of China and other newly emerging countries.

Obama said China is "both an adversary, but also a potential partner in the international community if it's following the rules."

Beijing is a principal trade partner for Washington. The United States is running the biggest trade deficit with that country among its trade partners. China is now the nation holding the most U.S. Treasury bonds after it overtook Japan. Therefore, China must be closely watched by the United States, but at the same time their relationship is interdependent.


Compliance with rules

Obama stressed his policy line of pressuring Beijing to conduct economic activities based on international standards and bolstering cooperation with allies in carrying out security policies.

Romney, for his part, stated he would deal with China strictly if it violated international rules, declaring he would label China "a currency manipulator" on his first day in office. He displayed a harder line toward Beijing than Obama did.

Obama reconfirmed that the United States, as a Pacific Rim nation, would attach importance to Asia. Romney basically shared this stance. This was welcome news to Japan.

Japan, together with the United States, should urge China to comply with international rules. Japan needs to make all-out efforts to maintain its territorial integrity and ensure the freedom of navigation and trade.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 24, 2012)
(2012年10月24日01時33分  読売新聞)

危ない自転車 運転マナー欠如が事故を招く

2012-10-25 05:52:02 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 24, 2012)
Rising tide of bicycle accidents calls for education, enforcement
危ない自転車 運転マナー欠如が事故を招く(10月23日付・読売社説)

Bicycling through gaps between pedestrians at high speed. Furiously ringing a bell at people walking ahead. Such dangerous and reckless behavior by bicyclists continues without end.

Urgent measures must be taken to make bicycle riders obey traffic rules.

There were about 140,000 accidents involving bicycles last year, accounting for 20 percent of all road traffic accidents and reflecting a recent uptrend in the percentage of such accidents.

Accidents include those between bicycles and automobiles, bicycles and pedestrians and bicycles and bicycles. Showing a remarkable increase are accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians. Last year saw 2,800 such accidents, a 50 percent rise over the past decade.

According to the National Police Agency, accidents in which bicycle riders are at fault have been significant. Behind such accidents are reckless cycling on walkways, ignoring traffic signals, drunk riding, riding with a passenger and bicycling while talking on a mobile phone.


Pedestrian-first rules vital

Lack of riding manners, it can be said, cause accidents.

Bicycles are vehicles that are easily available. But they are classified as light vehicles by law and riders are obliged to observe the Road Traffic Law. The law makes it mandatory for bicycles to run on the road. But as an exception, bicycles are permitted to use sidewalks when riding on roads is deemed dangerous, as in the case of thoroughfares.

Speeding on sidewalks is prohibited. Pedestrian-first rules must be thoroughly driven home.

Police launched a crackdown on dangerous bicycle riding in October last year. Almost a full year has passed since then but the number of accidents has not shown the hoped-for decline.

As for traffic violations by bicycle riders, there is no system in place to impose fines on violators, as there is for violations by drivers of automobiles. Even if violators are caught, punishment is no more than a caution in almost all cases. For this reason, simply strengthening enforcement would not deter dangerous riding.


Seminars eyed for violators

The NPA established an expert panel earlier this month to begin studying a system that would make it mandatory for violators to attend safety seminars.

The proposed seminars would teach that bicycles are vehicles that may pose threats to pedestrians. The seminars would introduce cases in which people died after being hit by bicycles and the riders ended up paying damages. If the seminars serve as an opportunity to learn the danger of bicycle riding, they will contribute to enhancing riders' awareness of safety.

A system has been introduced in Mitaka and Musashino, both in Tokyo, to give preference in the allocation of rights to bicycle parking spots to those who voluntarily take part in safety seminars. The response to these offers exceeded the capacity of the seminars. The number of bicycle accidents has reportedly dropped by 30 percent in the two cities since the system was introduced.

With the Mitaka and Musashino cases as a reference point, we suggest that police and local governments cooperate in studying measures to prevent dangerous riding.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 23, 2012)
(2012年10月23日01時21分  読売新聞)

EU首脳会議 危機克服へ統合を深化せよ

2012-10-24 12:49:34 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 23, 2012)
EU must deepen integration to overcome crisis
EU首脳会議 危機克服へ統合を深化せよ(10月22日付・読売社説)

The European Union has hammered out a policy of boosting solidarity and deepening its unity in a bid to weather its fiscal crisis. This is one step forward in solving the crisis. However, the EU's ability to quickly realize its plans has yet to be tested.

At a summit meeting, EU leaders agreed to have the supervision of eurozone banks--presently carried out by each member country--carried out unitarily under the European Central Bank, starting next year and continuing in stages. It can be said that the accord came in line with the plan of pushing the eurozone toward a "banking union," which would integrate the financial administration of EU members.

Although European countries have been unified in their use of the euro, financial administration has been handled by each member country.

Bank supervision has been lax, allowing fiscal deficits of some member countries to expand. Learning from this, the European countries have taken a step forward in deepening its integrity. This is quite appropriate.

To provide a permanent financial stability net, the European Stability Mechanism was inaugurated on Oct. 8.

For the ESM to shore up banks in financial difficulties through a direct capital injection, it is a prerequisite for the ESM to precisely grasp the management condition of banks.

With a single supervisor overseeing banks, the way will be opened to utilize the ESM to assist shaky banks. The supervision by one body is expected to stop a "negative chain reaction," whereby a member country rescues its banks through public funds, deteriorating its fiscal health and sending the market into disarray.


EU countries must act quickly

Yet it remains uncertain as to when the single supervisor for banks will be created.

For the eurozone to complete the banking union, it is necessary to work out a deposit insurance system for the EU countries as a whole and measures for the disposal of failed banks.

Although Germany, wary of an increase in its financial burden, remains cautious over the creation of the supervisor, EU countries must seek a point of compromise swiftly.

At the summit meeting, EU leaders also agreed to discuss measures for fiscal integration, including the introduction of a "common budget for eurozone countries" designed to shore up members in fiscal crisis, with the discussions to continue at their next summit slated for December. We hope they expedite their effort in working out a concrete action schedule.


Woes continue in Spain, Greece

A matter of concern is that EU leaders have deferred assistance measures for Spain, a key issue at the moment. This is because the Spanish government, which is in a serious fiscal crisis, has not sought assistance from EU authorities.

Even though the yields on Spanish government bonds have been relatively stable lately, it is too early to relax. It is vital to work out assistance measures for the country and tackle fiscal reconstruction quickly.

Also worrisome is the outlook for the fiscal reconstruction of Greece, the epicenter of the European fiscal crisis. EU leaders at the summit talks put off a decision on whether they should agree to postpone the target date for putting that country's fiscal house in order, as Greece had requested.

The EU won the Nobel Peace Prize this year for its role in contributing to the peace and reconciliation of Europe and the promotion of democracy and human rights.

The prolonged European financial crisis has been slowing down the global economy. The award is probably meant as a morale booster for the EU as it struggles to deepen its integration to overcome the crisis. Each member country must fulfill its responsibilities.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 22, 2012)
(2012年10月22日01時19分  読売新聞)

中国GDP 景気減速をどう食い止める

2012-10-23 06:50:05 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 22, 2012)
Can China rise to the challenge of stemming GDP slowdown?
中国GDP 景気減速をどう食い止める(10月21日付・読売社説)

With the impact of the European debt crisis still being felt and Japan-China ties remaining chilled, there is little sign of a reversal in the slowdown of China's economy. All eyes are on what policies the Chinese government will hammer out to get its economy sizzling again.

China's gross domestic product slowed for a seventh straight quarter in the July to September period, growing 7.4 percent after inflation from a year earlier, according to preliminary government data. Growth for the July-September quarter fell below the government-set target of 7.5 percent for the full year.

Economists say 8 percent annual economic expansion is the "minimum requirement" for China to ensure its economic health and generate enough jobs for its workers. However, it is difficult to tell when China's falling growth will bottom out. Indications are that growth through 2012 will likely dip under 8 percent for the first time in 13 years.

The slowdown of China's economy, which has been a locomotive of the global economy as one of the world's key growth centers, must be closely watched because it could hurt the economies of Japan and other nations.


Risk factors surging

China's downturn can be attributed mainly to falling exports to Europe, its biggest export market, where financial uncertainty has spread. Consequently, the output of China's export industries and related sectors has been sluggish.

The deterioration of ties between Tokyo and Beijing over the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture also has contributed to China's slowdown. Boycotts of Japanese-made products, including motor vehicles, spread across China, hitting sales of Japanese goods. In addition, personal consumption--an engine of China's growth--has been losing steam.

Due to the surge in such risk factors in China, many Japanese companies have decided to cut production there. Cracks have started to emerge in the production framework based on a division of labor in which Japan exports parts to China, where they are assembled into finished products.

If these trends spread, in addition to the tepid production of Japanese firms in China, employment and income conditions of Chinese workers at Japanese factories and other places will deteriorate. This could spell even more bad news for China's economy.

After Lehman Brothers collapsed four years ago, the Chinese government implemented a massive stimulus package that generated, albeit temporarily, a V-shaped recovery. The stimulus measures created several downsides, such as leading to a real estate bubble. As a result, Chinese authorities are reportedly circumspect about launching a similar large-scale package to deal with the latest slowdown.


Boost Japan-China trade

Amid all this, China is in an unstable period as it prepares for a transition of power. Vice President Xi Jinping is set to take the helm of a new government in November. If the business slowdown cannot be halted, the very foundation of the government could be shaken.

Widening income disparities between urban and rural regions and increasing unemployment among young people have become serious social problems in China. Under these circumstances, maintaining China's stable growth could be the most urgent task for its leaders.

Specifically, front-loading and accelerating projects to improve infrastructure such as expressways, in tandem with steps to boost personal spending, will be indispensable.

Additional monetary easing measures may be another option. We hope China promptly takes steps to lift its economic growth while preventing a reemergence of the bubble economy.

China needs to expand trade with Japan and encourage more investment by Japanese companies. Chinese authorities should change their hard-line policy toward Japan and quickly bring bilateral ties back to normal.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 21, 2012)
(2012年10月21日01時30分  読売新聞)

民自公党首会談 首相が守り一辺倒では困る

2012-10-22 06:48:47 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 21, 2012)
Prime minister should compromise on dissolution
民自公党首会談 首相が守り一辺倒では困る(10月20日付・読売社説)

The three major political parties--the Democratic Party of Japan, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito--finally held a summit meeting Friday, but it quickly broke down. The three parties should seriously try to find common ground to resolve a mountain of issues.

During the meeting with LDP President Shinzo Abe and New Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda asked them for their cooperation to tackle key issues such as the passage of a bill allowing the government to issue deficit-covering bonds.

However, Noda was coy about the timing of a dissolution of the House of Representatives for a general election, saying only, "It's a grave matter" that must be considered. During three-party talks in August, Noda said the dissolution of the lower house would be carried out "sometime soon." The opposition party leaders urged him to specify the timing Friday as a condition for their cooperation, but he did not do so.


Discuss issues in Diet

It is understandable that Abe and Yamaguchi argued Noda's "sometime soon" statement concerning dissolution of the lower house is a pledge to the people.

The opposition party leaders said they would not cooperate in passing the legislation without a definite pledge to dissolve the lower house and would boycott Diet deliberations after submitting to the House of Councillors a censure motion against Noda. This stance is unlikely to win public support for their parties.

An extraordinary Diet session is expected to start on Oct. 29. We think the opposition parties should grill the government about problems, such as what appears to be misuse of the budget for disaster reconstruction, through Diet discussions.

Meanwhile, we view the maneuvers currently taken by the Noda side as more problematic. More than three weeks have been wasted between the time Noda met with the then LDP leader and the three-party talks Friday. This apparently resulted from Noda's stance of placing priority on delaying a decision on a general election to buy time.

His instruction to his Cabinet members to draw up a new economic stimulus package by the end of November is also a tepid move. This is no doubt part of his strategy to put off the dissolution of the lower house.

If he wants to effectively stave off an economic slowdown, the prime minister should ensure the extraordinary Diet session is long enough to formulate and then pass a more substantial supplementary budget, instead of tapping budget reserves.


Noda's 3 proposals

During the meeting Friday, Noda proposed the opposition leaders work together with him on three issues to pave the way for the lower house dissolution: drawing up rules for handling a draft budget and a deficit bond bill together; correcting the wide disparity in the value of votes in lower house elections; and setting up a national council for debate on social security system reforms.

The idea of making rules on the deficit bond bill is praiseworthy as it seems to be a constructive proposal that could avert blocking the issuance of deficit-covering bonds in the divided Diet.

As for the vote disparity, Noda only proposed that the issue, which includes reducing the number of lawmakers, be discussed again by party secretaries general. Can such discussions lead to an agreement between the DPJ and the opposition parties?

The ruling party should give the nod to the proposal by the LDP and other opposition parties to reduce five single-seat constituencies of the lower house as a first step for electoral reforms.

After Friday's talks, Abe expressed his disappointment with Noda for his failure to present a new proposal on the timing for the lower house dissolution. Noda will not be able to break the current deadlock if he remains defensive.

The government and ruling party cannot fulfill their responsibility as long as they regard pushing back the dissolution as the best answer.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 20, 2012)
(2012年10月20日01時52分  読売新聞)