

温暖化ガス削減 「25%」は撤回し現実的目標を

2012-05-27 06:04:18 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 25, 2012)
Set new, realistic target for greenhouse gas reductions
温暖化ガス削減 「25%」は撤回し現実的目標を(5月24日付・読売社説)

The government should immediately withdraw Japan's target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels by 2020.

This ill-advised target spelled out by former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama at a U.N. meeting three years ago is totally unrealistic. Estimates released Wednesday by the Environment Ministry's Central Environment Council are obvious proof of this.

The council compiled the estimates in the wake of the crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. It calculated reduction rates in greenhouse gases in 2020 based on five different ratios of nuclear power in relation to the country's total power generation, from 0 percent to a maximum of 35 percent.

Nuclear power plants, which emit almost no carbon dioxide when they generate electricity, are an important energy source in terms of fighting global warming.

The estimates show Japan may be able to cut greenhouse gas emissions by a maximum of only 19 percent in 2020 from 1990 levels, even if the ratio of nuclear power generation is raised to 35 percent from the 26 percent level before the nuclear crisis and energy-saving policies are thoroughly implemented.


More nuclear power unlikely

Currently, the country has no operating nuclear reactors and there are no prospects of them being restarted. Nuclear reactors must be reactivated soon to ensure a stable supply of electricity, but it can hardly be assumed that the ratio of nuclear power generation will be higher than before the nuclear crisis.

We can safely say that achieving the 25 percent reduction target will be difficult even if purchases of overseas emissions quotas and the absorption of greenhouse gases by forests in Japan are taken into account.

As the Kyoto Protocol will expire at the end of this year, a U.N. conference will enter full-scale discussions to formulate new rules with the aim of putting them into effect in 2020.

If Japan continues to tout the 25 percent reduction, which has already become an empty promise, there is no doubt it will be cornered into a disadvantageous situation in negotiations to decide on a new international framework for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Japan's commitment to the 25 percent reduction was originally premised on building a fair framework with the participation of all major greenhouse gas emitters--including China and the United States, the world's two largest greenhouse producers--and reaching an agreement on ambitious targets.


Heavy burden looms

However, Japan could be forced to assume obligations for extremely high reductions, as the 25 percent figure has taken on a life of its own.

The government therefore needs to set a new, feasible target so it will not repeat the failure of the Kyoto Protocol, under which Japan shouldered unfair reduction obligations.

The government plans to announce a new energy strategy this summer. It is essential to decide appropriate ratios for electricity generated by different power sources, including nuclear power, and map out a target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions based on these ratios.

Curbing greenhouse gas emissions is important to achieving energy conservation, but an unduly strict reduction target would adversely affect production. Such a target also could hinder reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

We urge the government to set a target that will not dampen Japan's vitality.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 24, 2012)
(2012年5月24日01時32分  読売新聞)

中比対立激化 尖閣諸島でも警戒が必要だ

2012-05-26 04:39:41 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 25, 2012)
China-Philippine confrontation a warning for Senkakus
中比対立激化 尖閣諸島でも警戒が必要だ(5月24日付・読売社説)

A confrontation between China--which has been building up its military in recent years--and the Philippines is intensifying over marine interests in the South China Sea. We urge both countries to engage in dialogue to prevent the dispute from escalating into military conflict.

The confrontation started April 10 when a Philippine Navy warship inspected Chinese fishing vessels at Scarborough Shoal, which is called Huangyan Island in China. Beijing immediately responded by sending patrol ships to the area, and a standoff between Chinese and Philippine vessels in the waters has continued for more than one month.

Beijing and Manila both claim sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal.

The Philippines has proposed that the territorial dispute be resolved through the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. It also has strengthened military ties with the United States--which recently unveiled a new defense strategy that places greater emphasis on Asia--through such measures as conducting joint military exercises. This appears to be an attempt to counter the huge military pressure from China.


Beijing's overwhelming power

Beijing issued a strong warning against the recent moves by Manila: "The Chinese side has made all preparations to respond to any escalation of the situation by the Philippine side."

China's naval might is far superior to that of the Philippines and other nations near China. China even has a plan to deploy its first aircraft carrier soon. We urge China to refrain from taking a hard-line stance on the standoff.

Overreactions to the dispute have already emerged in China--travel agencies have suspended tours to the Philippines, and the government has stepped up quarantine inspections on bananas grown in the Philippines. The government has justified these responses by citing an increase of anti-China protests in the Philippines and the detection of pests in bananas, but it is likely that Beijing is attempting to pressure Manila over the shoal dispute.

China's reaction has shades of its response to the collisions between a Chinese fishing boat and Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea in autumn 2010. After this incident, Beijing piled pressure on Tokyo by restricting exports of rare earth minerals to Japan, for instance.


Don't turn blind eye to dispute

Japan cannot afford to ignore the Scarborough Shoal dispute, as the nation faces similar friction with China, which claims sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands.

Chinese fisheries surveillance vessels routinely sail around the Senkaku Islands to make their presence felt. China's strategy of using fishing boats and fisheries patrol vessels to give the irreversible impression that the area belongs to China is identical to what is happening in the South China Sea. Japan must not let the situation in the East China Sea deteriorate to what is going on in the South China Sea.

Peace and stability in the South China Sea is not only crucial for nations in Southeast Asia. It also is in Japan's national interest to ensure that its sea lanes remain safe.

The Japanese government plans to use official development assistance to provide the Philippines with patrol vessels for its coast guard. This will help the Philippines strengthen its maritime security, and also be important in making China pause to think.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 24, 2012)
(2012年5月24日01時31分  読売新聞)

NATO会議 長期的アフガン支援が必要だ

2012-05-25 05:16:59 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 24, 2012)
Long-term assistance key to achieving Afghan peace
NATO会議 長期的アフガン支援が必要だ(5月23日付・読売社説)

Leaders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ended their meeting in Chicago on Monday after affirming the deadline for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and pledging to provide long-term assistance for the troubled country.

The Chicago Summit Declaration adopted at the meeting clearly states that the combat mission of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) "will be concluded at the end of 2014" and the public safety forces of the Afghan government will start leading the combat missions in the middle of next year.

To make this possible, NATO must make greater efforts to bolster the training and equipment of the Afghan force.

Despite the presentation of a deadline for the pullout of ISAF combat units, there is no sign of combat with the Taliban coming to an end. To realize the withdrawal as scheduled, improvement of public safety is needed more than anything else.


Transition to self-reliance

Last year, the ISAF began a full transfer of security control to the Afghan side. We urge Afghan forces to enhance their capabilities and become able to stand on their own feet as soon as possible.

Given the protracted hostilities and the growing number of victims, public opinion has grown louder among NATO member nations for the early withdrawal of their troops from Afghanistan.

French President Francois Hollande pledged during his election campaign to advance the pullout of his country's troops by one year to "by the end of this year." He reaffirmed this commitment during the NATO meeting.

But if France resorts to early withdrawal without taking into consideration the Afghan situation, there is concern other countries will follow suit. If NATO's solidarity is weakened by this, it will only embolden the Taliban.

Afghanistan should never again be a hotbed for international terrorist organizations. Cooperation in the international community is indispensable in this regard.

The Taliban is deeply rooted in local tribal communities. Even if the country is brought under control militarily, it will not bring about real peace. The United States must continue exploring the possibility of holding dialogues with moderate elements of the Taliban, thereby laying the foundation for realizing national reconciliation in Afghanistan.


Manifestation of political will

NATO has decided to provide strong long-term assistance even beyond 2014. This decision is significant as the manifestation of its political will to help stabilize the Afghan situation.

In his talks with NATO officials after the summit meeting, Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba expressed the Japanese government's policy of continuing assistance for the Afghan security forces. He sought NATO's cooperation in achieving a successful result in the International Conference on Economic Assistance to Afghanistan to be held in Tokyo in July.

The Democratic Party of Japan-led government has been implementing a pledge it made after its inauguration in 2009 to provide about 5 billion dollars (about 400 billion yen) in assistance to Afghanistan over five years from that year. It is necessary to examine whether the assistance has been provided effectively.

The government should call on the Afghan government, which is suspected to be riddled with corruption, to become more transparent in revealing how it utilizes the aid it receives.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 23, 2012)
(2012年5月23日01時27分  読売新聞)

電力全面自由化 効果と副作用を冷静に考えよ

2012-05-24 06:04:46 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 23, 2012)
Think carefully before liberalizing power business
電力全面自由化 効果と副作用を冷静に考えよ(5月22日付・読売社説)

The intended effects and the possible side effects that would be brought about through full liberalization of the electricity retail business must be carefully considered.

An expert panel of the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry has reached a broad agreement to liberalize the electricity retail business, including supplies to households.

The liberalization plan is aimed at encouraging the participation of new companies in the business to increase competition and lower utility rates. The plan also calls for abolishing the current system under which utility charges are decided by adding certain levels of profits to the personnel and fuel costs of power companies.

The government plans to submit a bill to the ordinary Diet session next year to revise the Electricity Business Law to fully liberalize the utility retail business as early as fiscal 2015.

Behind this move is the government's and the public's distrust in power companies that have neglected necessary corporate efforts, while remaining dependent on the current system that allows them to monopolize their respective service areas.

In connection with its plan to raise utility charges, an executive of Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, "It's our [vested] right to raise the rates." This insensitive statement drew harsh criticism.

All power companies must realize that such a public outcry is the driving force behind the effort to liberalize utility rates.

But what effect total liberalization will have remains to be seen. In the domestic electricity market, liberalization of retail sales to large-lot users began in 2000. Liberalization has been expanded to users with a contracted electricity volume of 50 kilowatts or more, including small and midsize factories.


Few new participants

Under this system, users are allowed in principle to freely select their power suppliers and negotiate with power companies on rates. But the amount of electricity generated by new participants in the market is between 3 percent and 4 percent of the total. Existing power companies dominate the business in terms of capital and equipment.

If the power retail business is fully liberalized while leaving a situation in which there is no real competition, we fear the monopoly the power companies enjoy will allow them to raise power charges at will.

It is not easy to realize a sound electricity market in which a variety of companies compete freely. To help encourage new participation in the market, a plan is emerging to reexamine the current system.

The plan calls for establishing a nationwide independent organization to manage power transmission between power companies rather than have utilities undertake both generation and transmission of power.

However, some people warn that if transmission is separated from power generation it will become difficult to supply electricity flexibly in response to changes in demand.


Stable supplies vital

Major blackouts have occurred in Europe, the United States and South Korea partly due to the separation of power generation and transmission. The government must investigate these overseas cases thoroughly before deciding to separate generation from transmission.

In the aftermath of the disaster at TEPCO's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, no nuclear reactors have been restarted, causing a power supply shortage. If the electricity retail business is liberalized at a time when there is a supply shortage, power rates are almost certain to soar. A stable power supply must be in place before liberalization is implemented.

Another concern is whether liberalization will lead to supply cuts and rate spikes on remote islands and in depopulated areas, where power transmission costs are high. Calm discussions are needed before resorting to spur-of-the-moment liberalization.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 22, 2012)
(2012年5月22日01時20分  読売新聞)

東京スカイツリー 世界一の塔が日本を元気に

2012-05-23 05:23:41 | 英字新聞

The Yomiuri Shimbun (May. 22, 2012)
World's tallest tower will invigorate Japan
東京スカイツリー 世界一の塔が日本を元気に(5月21日付・読売社説)

At long last, Tokyo Skytree will officially open on Tuesday.

Its height is 634 meters, nearly double that of Tokyo Tower. It is the world's tallest freestanding broadcasting tower. Views from the two observation decks, at 350 meters and 450 meters above the ground, must surely take every visitor's breath away. We would like to celebrate the opening of a structure that Japan can boast about to the world.

While construction was still going on in March last year, the Great East Japan Earthquake rocked Tokyo Skytree, which had nearly attained its ultimate height. However, no workers were injured and there was no damage to the tower itself. Construction steadily continued, and the tree's height reached 634 meters a week later.


Symbol of overcoming ordeals

The incident demonstrated the reliability of Japan's earthquake-resistant construction technology. It also reinforced the image in many minds of Japan and the Japanese not yielding to difficulties.

Just as many people remember Tokyo Tower as a symbol of the rapid economic growth period from the late 1950s to the early 1970s, so may Tokyo Skytree become a new symbol of the present period, when Japan and the Japanese are overcoming ordeals of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Tokyo Skytree embodies the best of Japan's construction technologies from the past to the present.

Materials made with cutting-edge technologies and fine techniques of craftsmanship, such as steel pipes that distort very little even if they are piled up sky-high, were chosen from all over the country in a strict selection process.

As the tower was constructed on a relatively small piece of land, its cross-sectional shape changes from an equilateral triangle at the base to a circle higher up. Here, shapes called "sori" and "mukuri," seen in temple and shrine construction and the design of Japanese swords, were utilized.

The use of a "shimbashira" cylindrical central column to dampen earthquake vibrations is taken from the technique used in Japanese five-story pagodas.

It has been reported that those who were involved in the construction of the Skytree engaged in the work with a zeal to surpass their engineering forebears who constructed Tokyo Tower. Their own efforts are now destined to become a similar target for engineers in the future.

Tokyo Skytree is scheduled to take over the role of transmitting TV and radio waves from Tokyo Tower as early as January next year.


Big economic effect

Annual visitors to Tokyo Skytree and its related facilities are expected to number 32 million. The ward office of Sumida Ward, Tokyo, where the tree is located, estimates the economic ripple effect of the facilities will be 88 billion yen in the ward alone.

Around the Skytree, new tourism spots have arisen one after another, including the Tokyo Gate Bridge. We think many foreign sightseers will be attracted by the synergy of the Skytree and the other facilities.

However, although so many people are expected to visit Tokyo Skytree and its related facilities, infrastructure in the surrounding environment, such as sidewalks and train stations, has not been made fully ready for the opening.

The Tokyo metropolitan government, the Sumida Ward Office and Tokyo Skytree officials should make every effort to prevent accidents and turmoil from occurring.

People's faces naturally turn upward when they approach the Skytree. We hope it will become a new strong base to invigorate the entire nation.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, May 21, 2012)
(2012年5月21日01時52分  読売新聞)