

井川NEWS、New York Daily News記事 - 伊良部の悪夢

2006-12-18 08:51:59 | MLB
All the buzz surrounding the Boston Red Sox's signing of Japanese pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka invokes memories of another Japanese import who once held terrific promise.

Hideki Irabu could throw a ball as hard and fast as anyone who ever pitched in Major League Baseball, and when he signed a four-year, $12.8 million contract with the Yankees in 1997, it seemed like a relative bargain.

He was only 28 years old then, and no one in New York had any reason to think that he would be anything but a success.

But Irabu would only last 2 1/2 seasons with the Bronx Bombers, his tenure marked by tantalizing promise but disappointing results. The low point came when Yankees owner George Steinbrenner called him a "fat toad."

He was soon traded to the Montreal Expos. By 2002, he was out of baseball in the U.S., nothing more than a sub-.500 pitcher with more fanfare than fans.

So what happened to Irabu after his American baseball dreams got benched?

He returned to Japan in 2003 to pitch for his native Hanshin Tigers, winning 13 games and leading them to their first Central League pennant in 18 years.

But his success was short-lived; during the following season, Irabu suffered a career-ending injury to his right knee.

Since then, Irabu has lived quietly in Los Angeles with his wife and children, according to a spokesman for the ex-pitcher.

"He has opened a restaurant and prefers not to be in the public's eye," said the spokesman.

He travels back and forth to Japan often to visit family and friends but has made America his home.

Asked about the Matsuzaka signing, Irabu preferred not to comment, said his spokesman.

Meanwhile, the Yankees - who had better luck with Japanese outfielder Hideki Matsui - are about to take another shot at a Japanese pitcher.

The Yanks have exclusive negotiating rights until Dec. 28 to sign Kei Igawa, hoping that his pitching performances here inspire terror - rather than comparisons to toads.


