文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Anyone can come up with the idea that "Well, then we should move our factories to China."

2021年12月29日 17時11分02秒 | 全般

Mr. Mutsuo Mabuchi is a man who was born with the brains to study at Kyoto University and is our senior.
All of you who subscribe to the monthly magazines I have mentioned know that Mr. Mabuchi is a real intellectual and a true patriot.
However, I think many people, including myself, have felt that it is a bit reticent about the "deep state," the perspective he has arrived at in his life.
Subscribers to his latest book, which was published on November 1, 2021, under the title of "The Truth about the World in 2022: The Start of a Quiet World War III," as read by former Ambassador to Ukraine, Mutsuo Mabuchi, should all be cleared of the above sense of "reticence.
At the same time, they should have a great appreciation for Mr. Mabuchi.
This book is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
Japanese citizens who can read must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe to it right now.
I'll do my best to let the rest of the world know about it.
Is the planet really warming, and is that dangerous? 
Under the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, developing countries can emit as much carbon dioxide as they want.
Developing countries should emit more carbon dioxide because by buying carbon dioxide emission rights from developing countries, developed countries will have fulfilled their obligation to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. 
With this structure in place, there is no way that it can achieve the carbon dioxide emission reduction target by 2050. 
In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Al Gore (Note 1) was unsuccessful in his campaign against the global warming crisis, but it established a grand scheme for making money.
It is emissions trading, and it is a business.
Also, China is treated as a developing country and will not be subject to any restrictions until about 2060.
Anyone can come up with the idea that "Well, then we should move our factories to China."
It is unrealistic to still talk about such things in the current situation.
If the current situation continues, the average temperature will increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius, but a 1.5 degree Celsius increase will make little difference.
Is it necessary for us to sacrifice our lives to suppress it? 
Some people will die in the heatwave, some in the cold wave.
Whichever you look at it, there are good and bad things.
We don't need to overthink what we can't control. That's what some people say. 
It may be necessary to a certain extent, but we cannot wholly control nature by ourselves.
Even if we suppress carbon dioxide, it has nothing to do with the earth's warming due to the activation of underground magma. 
From the 1960s to the 1970s, it published many books to say that "the earth is cooling." 
Some of them said that agricultural products would decrease and humans would starve because it was getting colder.
Before you know it, this has become the theory of the dangers of global warming. 
Junkichi Nemoto, who worked as a forecaster at the Japan Meteorological Agency, published a book titled "The Cooling Earth" (Ienohikari Kyokai) in 1973, and a book titled "The Hotter Earth: Global Warming Meant Fear of Abnormal Weather" (Nesco) in 1989.
It is possible that a person who wrote a book in the 1970s saying that the Soviet Union was a threat would write a book in the 1990s saying that the Soviet Union was not a threat after its collapse.
However, how can the global environmental change in 20 years or so?
I don't see many people pointing this out.
This article continues.



