今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 6月 16日

2023-06-17 | Weblog

The ratio of old guy was high today. The ratio was 7 males to 3 females. Our club has a high percentage of women, and most of the visitors and new members are female. I am often asked if I can continue to exercise because I have never done any sports before. however you do not worry if you can keep up with, but they are training at their own pace.
We have female and old guys members , and members in their 60s who enjoy training, and we take time to teach those who can't, so even biginers, No worries, you feel comfortable to train here. Our female members can especially enjoy training. We don't believe that competitors are the best in the gym, female members can often be seen in the ring playing joousama to lose weight.

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