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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club 5月17日

2024-05-18 | Weblog
「Long time no contact mass」
今日はR ドクター vs ジャガーのマス、R ドクターは久しぶりのコンタクトマスボクシングでした。ふたりとも年齢の割にはかなり俊敏に動いていましたが、私は特にRドクターのようにシニアの部類に入る人がこのようにがんばってくれることを知心うれしく思いますし、まわりの励みにもなるでしょう。マスの後ジャガーに「大振りですよ」とダメ出しをくらっていたのがおもしろかったです。


ジャガー田村の弟子で福ちゃんの相方、渡辺さんがいます。彼はあまりにも見た目弱そうで、かなりベテランなのですが格下に見られます。そこで師匠ジャガーをこえるために、名前だけでも強そうにと、ライオン渡辺とすることにしました。たぶん本人がこの記事を見たら「何や、また俺のことがネタになっとる」と思うでしょうが、アカンウオンバットシリーズのネタが尽きて来たので、時々話題に出す予定です。英語のタイトルは「I am lion watanabe」です。ユニークなボクシングクラブHPhttps://oliveclub.wixsite.com/my-site

"Long time no contact mass"
We had contact mass boxing with R Dr. R vs. Jaguar today,  Dr did mass boxing after a long time. Both of them were quite agile to move for their age, and I was especially happy to see someone in the senior category like Dr do his best like this, and I am sure it will encourage others around him. After they finished mass boxing, Jaguar said, "Dr's swinging was too big.", it was so fun.

"We have a lot of visitors next week."
Next week we have a lot of vistors. Our club is a white boxing club, but those who can come first time are a little anxious. They are aware of such feelings, the members are kindly talking to them. Those who come to visit the club first time are a little anxious. We would appreciate your consideration.

"I am Lion Watanabe."
Watanabe-san is our member, his master is Jaguar Tamura and partner of Fuku-chan. Although he is a experienced member, he is seen as a lower rank because he looks so weak. So, in order to surpass his master Jaguar, I decided to call him Lion Watanabe, to make him look stronger. If he sees this article, he will probably think, "What, they are making a story about me again," but since I am running out of topics for the Akanwombat series, I plan to bring it up from time to time.

A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club 

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