今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 3月 14日

2024-03-15 | Weblog
How to Throw a Left Hook | Boxing Lessons



It was a hectic day. Experienced members was teaching new members with mitts in spite of busy day. In the evening , Fukuchan, Jaguar, and Kamakiri, as well as the trainers, they have a lot of experience in boxing , so you will get a lot of advice. A member who was wearing a T-shirt that looked like a ramen shop owner, so he was given the nickname "ramen owner," joined mass boxing with experienced members, and they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

A cases of bullying still occur in club activities every year, and in some cases, it seem to be an organized crime. In MOB, we consider it be sure a violence to beat a members up in practical training because he is a sassy, against their opnion , or to beat him up unilaterally even though there is a difference in ability, even it is common in the martial arts. MOB will never pretend to see such barbaric acts and will never tolerate violence. MOB members are also role models in society, so you can trust them and feel safe in training.

I believe the video is the easy way to understand the hook. Please refer to the video.


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