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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club 5月18日

2024-05-20 | Weblog



私の歴史上好きな人物にウェルキンゲトリクスと言う人物がいます。彼はローマの支配に抵抗し、ガリアの独立のために戦った英雄、カエサルをもっとも苦しめた人物で、フランスの英雄のひとりです。ロイエの「カエサルの足元に武器を投げるウェルキンゲトリクス」は有名ですが、これはアレシアへの援軍をローマに撃破され、包囲網の突破にも失敗して万策つきたウェルキンゲトリクスは降伏を決意し、カエサルに投降する場面を描いたものです。 彼はカエサルに処刑されますが、その自分の命と引き換えに自分の部下を生かしたことは有名な話です。おそらく彼は最悪の事態を想定していたから、もし最悪の事態に陥った時にどのようにカエサルと交渉し、最善の選択とるかということを考え、シュミレーションできたのではないかと思っています。彼のこの行動から、時にはリーダーは最悪の事態も想定し、その時どういう行動をとるかという事を考えなくてはならないということを学ばされます。ユニークなボクシングクラブHP本日のブログは宮崎駿アニメの原作「失われたものたちの本」


"Korean lesson"
Today we had a Korean lesson. We have been learning on grammar since last week, and the lessons are getting more practical. The teacher has a good way of teaching and the lessons are always exciting.

"About our trainer"
Akiyama trainer, was so helpful. He often asks members "Did you enjoy training?" after mitts training, which shows that he is trying his best to make the atmosphere of the gym enjoyable. When he comes, the gym is full of people and the gym is full of energy. Some member say that when he holds the mitts, the members forget about the bad things and wake up.

"We have a lot of visitors this week."
This week we have a lot of vistors. Our club is a white boxing club, but those who can come first time are a little anxious. They are aware of such feelings, the members are kindly talking to them. Those who come to visit the club first time are a little anxious. We would appreciate your consideration.

”my favorite historical person”
One of my favorite historical person is Vercingetorix . He was one of the heroes who resisted Roman rule and fought for the independence of Gaul, the hero who caused Caesar the most pain, and one of the heroes of France. There is a famous picture of  Royer "throwing his weapon at Caesar's feet,"  Vercingetorix is depicted as surrendering to Caesar after his reinforcements to Alesia were defeated by the Romans and he failed to break through the siege. He is executed by Caesar, but it is well known that he let his own people live in exchange for their lives. I believe that perhaps because he was expecting the worst things happen, he was able to think and simulate how he would negotiate with Caesar and make the best choices if the worst should happen. His actions taught us that sometimes a leader must assume the worst and think about what he or she would do in such a situation.

A daybook of Kochi Boxing Gym MT Olive Fitness Boxing Club

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