

Challenging Translation

2008-07-09 07:20:00 | 日記
The sites of translation work that I have invoked above range from academic discipline and pedagogy to insurmountable difference and otherness cast in sexual ad affective terms.

Khatibi's staging of translation as an extended set of attempts at exchange and understanding recalls the format of Maurice Blanchot's L'attente I'oubli(1962)、and this not least by the suspension of full and adequate understanding through an infinite series of failed attempts that result in misunderstanding.
カーティビー作品の翻訳の上梓が高官と理解の試みを拡張していくものであることは、モーリスブランショーの「L'attente I'oubli(1962)」フォーマットを思い出させる。

Khatibi's advocacy of bi-langue and pluri-langue derives from cultural and political conditions in North Africa that impose a linguistic space constructed out of two kind of Arabic (dialectal and classical), Berber, French, and(in parts of Morocco) Spanish.

This plurality also bears on the status of French as a language continually made, unmade, and remade by the internal and external languages that surround and inhabit it:

"And in fact, all Maghrebian literature of so-called French expression is an account of translation.
I don't mean that it is only translation, but more specifically that it is an account that speaks in tongues"

The challenges that Khatibi's bi-langue and pluri-langue raise for translation recall those associated with a third space of hybrid culture in which translation like wise imitates and displaces the priority of what traditional translation posits as the source language.

As hybridity becomes less an exception than a fact of daily life, a translation pedagogy attuned to differnce can contribute to recasting the model and practices of a new comparative literature in line with the realities of globalization in its multiple expression.

Part of that model and practice should extend the decolonization of knowledge by showing the extent to which knowledge remains entrenched in the irreducible difference of language.

For Khatibi,this difference links the geohistorical location of the Maghreb between Orient, Occident, and Africa as a crossing of the global in itself to a condition in which the regional languages of classical Arabic, its local dialects, French, and Spanish contain the inscription of the other languages that surround and inhabit it.
How best to convey this difference and its essential dissymmetry is a prime challenge for what translation studies can contribute to understanding the range of local, regional, and global contexts with which the new comparative literature increasingly contends.


As formulated through the set of problems that Khatibi raises in conjunction with the pehnomenan of the bi-langue and pluri-lanue, translation enhances rather than resolves linguistic defference by pointing to the collapse of clear and stable distinctions between source and target languages:


 A foreign tongue is not added to the native tongue as a simple palimpaest, but transforms it.

When I write in French, my entire effort consists of separating myself from my native language, of relegating it to my deepest self.

I am thus divided from myself within myself, which is the condition for all writing inured to the destiny of languages.

]Dividing myself, reincarnation myself-- in the other's language.
私自身(私自身で ― 他の言語の ― 輪廻)を分けること。

Henceforth,little by little, my native tongue becomes foreign to me.

Bilingualism is the space between two exteriorities.

I enter into the telling of forgetting and of anamnesia.

Henceforth, "I am an/other" in an idiom that I owe it to myself to invent--a limit experience inherent in this situation.

For Khatibi, then, the turning point in contending with the phenomenon of the bi-langue in its Magherebian specificity involves taking change of --rather than merely resisting--the plurality among Araibic French and Berber even (and especially) when what it imposes is a radical experience of melancholia and loss,.

カティービーのために、それから、それが強要するものがうつ病と損失の急進的な経験であるとき、そのマグレブ人の特性で二重ラングの現象と戦うことの分岐点は、均一な(そして、特に)Araibicフランス語とベルベル人の間で ― 単に抵抗するだけであるよりはむしろ ― 大多数の心を引きつける変更を含みます。

To assert difference, to speak and write this loss, is thus to contend with the war between languages in the formation of self as a ore personal setting of the impact of this war in the formation of nations and states.


Among the strategies that might promote this understanding of difference, the condition that Khatibi asserts in terms of bi-langue and pluri-langue lends itself by extention to the context-dependent practice of a thick translation linked to a "genuinely informed respect for others""


The irreducible difference on which Khatibi grounds his practices of bi-langue and pluri-langue can be tempered with reference to the more moderate position that Benjamin adopts when he asserts that while languages are not strangers to one another, " all translation is only a somewhat provisional way of coming to terms with the foreignness of language."


Close reading will continue to be grounded in efforts to understand linguistic specificity as well as to recognize how broader factors of differrnc bear on the linguistic choices made by the writer."

As comparatists learn to contend with the full range of this difference and foreignness, translation becomes even more essential to literary study across languages and cultures such as the teaching of literature in translation that Saussy aptly designates as the best place to start.