


2008-07-03 20:52:00 | 日記
Looking Back at Literary Theory 文学理論を振り返る
Richard Rorty

In the 1970s teachers in American literature department began reading Derrida and Foucault.

A new subdiscipline called literary theory took shape.

The notion that a literary text could profitably be theorized helped make it easy for literature professors to teach their favorite philosophy books and for literature students to write their dissertations on philosophical topics.

It also helped create jpbs in literature departments for people who had been trained in philosophy rather than in literature.

It took advantage of this development to move from being Professor of Philosophy at Princeton to being University Professor of Humanities at the University of Virginia..

Later I went to Stanford as Professor of Comparative Literature.

These changes of title and of colleagues did not alter the content of my offerings which were just straight philosophy courses--sometimes on analytic philosophers like Wittgenstein and Davidson, and sometimes on non-analytic philosophers like Heidegger and Derrida..

Nor did hey affect what I wrote.

I would have written most of the books and articles that I wrote at Virginia and Stanford even if I had stayed on at Princeton.

As the years have gone by, however, I have come to realize that I was riding an ebbing tide rather than a rising wave.

Literary theory (to which I have been bemused to find myself described as a contributor)has gradually become old had.

People in literature departments are beginning to suspect that all the juice has been milked out of the Nietzsche-Heidegger-Derrida intellectual tradition.

Foucault has replaced Derrida as the one philosopher about whom every student of literature has to know something.

Cultural studies has shoved literary theory aside.

This means that there is less use for philosophy teachers in literature departments; although you cannot understand Derrida very well without knowing quite a lot about Plato, Kant, Nietzsche , and Heidegger, you can understand Foucault without much philosophical background.

I am glad that I was able to take advantage of the fact that philosophy was briefly in fashion in American literature departments, but it was never more than a fashion.
There is no compelling reason why students of literature should read philosophy book.

It is to be sure, a good thing for students of literature to know something about philosophy.

But it is also good for them to know about lots of other things-- antropology psychoanalysis, and religion, for example.

They should ideally, read in several diefferent literary genres.

They should know several different languages well.

They would certainly profit from a good understanding of sociopolitical history and of current political issues.

But they cannot do everything .

Lots of first-rate literary criticism has been written by people who are monolingual, or who read lots of novels but almost no poems, or who have no political concerns, or who are philosophically illiterate, or who have little sense of what happened in history.


Good criticism is a matter of bouncing some of the books you have read.

The greater number of books you have read, and the more various they are, the likelier it is that the criticism you write will be of interest.

But there is no natural order of priority, nor is there any set of methodological precepts, that should guide your decisions about which books to read first.

All you can do is follow your nose.

There is nothing special about philosophy books, or any other sort of book, such that reading them is likely to make you a better literary critic.

It was not a dialectical necessity, but rather a historical accident, that post-Nietzschean European philosophy entered the universities of the English-speaking world through literature departments rather than philosophy departments.

The main reason those departments served as ports of entry for the books of Derrida and Foucault was that everybody in them had become, by 1970s, bored stiff with new Criticism, with Marxist criticism, and with Freudian criticism.

Graduate students who read Frederick Crews's The Pooh Perplex were determined never to write anything remotely reminiscent of the books that Crews had parodied.

New gurus were desperately needed.

De la Grammatologie and Les Mots et les Choses were translated into English at exactly the right time.

They hit the spot.

Derrida and Foucault were not only brilliantly original thinkers, but they came out of an intellectual world that nobody in Anglophone literature departments (except for European emigres like Paul de Man and Georg Steine) know much about.)
デリダとフーコーはただ輝けるオリジナルな思想家としてだけでなく、英語使用の文学部の中で誰も知らなかった知的世界からやってきた思想家であった。(ボールドマンとジョージ スタイナーのようなヨーロッパからの亡命者を除いて)誰もデリダやフーコーについて知らなかった。

Reading their books gave people a sense that new horizons were opening.

Graduate students of literature who had, as undergraduates, been bored or baffled by courses in analytic philosophy suddenly discovered that there was an intellectual world out there that their philosophy professors had never told them about.

Exploring that world was great fun.

The excitement generated in literature departments by Derrida and Foucault (and by Nietzsche and Heidegger, who were discovered more or less simultaneously) was not due to these books having offered a new theory about the nature of literature.


But the unhappy term literary theory decieved some hapless graduate students into thinking that they could write a worthwhile article or book just by applying theory to a text.

This belief generated a great mass of barely readable, amazingly boring, articles and books.

Fortunately, deconstructing texts is now as obsolete as spotting Christ-figures or vagina-symbols.

Crews's Postmodern Pooh (2003) will, with any luck, mark the beginning of the end of this epoch, just as The Pooh Perplex (1965) did of an earlier one.

Derrida and Foucalt are brilliantly original thinkers who can easily survive misuse, just as Marx and Freud have.

Their books will become part of the philosophical canon.

In coming decades, students of literature with a taste for philosophy will still be reading them.

But the unfortunate idea that you could learn how to write well about a literary text by mastering a theory will gradually die out.

Literary theory will be seen to be as optional for the practice off literary criticism as legal theory is for the practice of law.

Consider an analogy: A certain branch of mathematics is typically taught, under the sobriquet of symbolic logic, in philosophy departments rather than mathematics departments.

This too is an accident of history, having a lot to do with the fact that Anglophone students of philosophy in the 1930s were bored silly with realism vs.- idealism, pragmatism-vs- rationalism and various there drearty controversies.

Symbolic logic, Russell and Carnap announced, was going to make philosophy lively and interesting again.

So it did, for a while.

But by the time Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations was published, in the mid -1950s, it had become vieux jeu.

Even now, however, you have to know something about Godel's results before you can get a Ph.D. in most American philosophy departments (even though you plan to write you dissertation on, for example, the relation between Kierkegaard and Levinas).

This is simply a matter of curricular inertia.

Similar inertia may ensure that there will still be a theory section on the Ph.D. qualifying exams in comparative literature departments in 2050.


Many students in that future time will be very glad they had to take a theory course, just as many philosophy students now get a lot out of the required course in symbolic logic.

The rest will do their best to clamber over one more inexplicable curricular hurdle-- a hurdle that was erected at a certain point in the twentieth centurey and may be dismantled at a certain point in the twenty-first.

As I see it, both comparative literature and philosophy departments should be places in which students receive plenty of suggestions about what sorts of books they might like to read, and are then left free to follow their noses.

Members of these departments should not worry about the nature of their discipline or about what makes it distinctive.

They should not fret about whether proving a theorem in set theory, or adjudicating the disagreements between Heidegger and Levinas, counts as really doing philosophy.

Nor should they speculate about whether to be a true comparativist one needs to know the literature of at least one non-European language as well a few European ones.

They should not fuss about what a sound preparation in their field consists in.

They should just worry about finding intellectually curious students to admit to graduate study and about now to help such students satisfy their curiosity.

The laissez-faire attitude makes me dubious about Haun Saussy's suggestion that literariness is central to the discipline of comparative literature.

I have the same doubts about this claim as about the idea that the search for conceptual clarity is central to the discipline of philosophy--a claim often made by analytic philosophers who believe that the study of logic conduces to such clarity.

You can, I suspect, produce very illuminating comparisons between literary texts written in several different languages even if you have no use whatever for the term literariness.

You can write very good philosophy--even very good analytic philosophy--after you have come to think of conceptual clarity as a meaningless mantra.

I doubt that anything can ever be identified as central to an academic discipline any more than anything can be identified as the core of a human self.

A self, Daniel Dennett has said, is best thought of as a center of narrative gravity.

Like selves, academic disciplines have histories, but no essences.

They constantly update their self-image by rewriting their own histories.

So-called crises move the apparently peripheral to the center and the apparently central to outer darkness..

The centers of gravity of biology, anthropology, and psychiatry are not where they were fifty years ago.

The center of gravity of contemporary Scottish philosophy is a long way from that of philosophy in Brazil.

As Spivak and Bhabha replaced Auerbach and Girard as exemplars, the center of gravity of comparative literature departments moved quite a distance.

Where that center will be in 2050 is anybodey's guess.

We should rejoice in the mutability and fashion-proneness of academic disciplines, for the only alternative is decadent scholasticism.

Whereas crises in the natural sciences are sometimes provoked by encounters with brute facts, in the humanities there are no such facts.

So paradigm shifts in disciplines such as classics, philosophy, or comparative literature are, typically, reactions to brilliant iconoclastic books: The Birth of Tragedy; Language, Truth and Logic; Philosophical Investigation; The Anxiety of Influence;Of Grammatology; Metahistory.

そう、古典、哲学または比較文学のような学科においてのパラダイム変動は、典型的な輝ける因習打破主義的な本に対する反応といえる。『悲劇の誕生byニーチェ』『言語・真実と論理by A.J. Ayer』『哲学的探求by ヴィトゲンシュタイン』『影響の不安by ハロルド・ブルーム』『グラマトロジーby デリダ』『歴史の詩学by H. ホワイト』などの本、、、

There will be changes in fashion as long as such books are written--as I trust they always will be.

These paradigm-shifting books are sometimes written by people who are members of a different discipline than the one their books help transform.

Then it is tempting for enthusiastic readers to conclude that what discipline A needs is more interdisciplinary cooperation with discipline B.

But in the humanities at least, the whole idea of disciplines is pretty dubious, and so is that of interdisciplinarity.

The difference between studying analytic and studying non-analytic philosophy, for example, is at least as great as the difference between studying either and studying comparative literature.

The difference between Auerbach and Spivak is as great as the deference between Heidegger and Carnap.

If you can profit from reading both members of either pair, you are already about as interdisciplinary as anybody could reasonably ask you to be.

Fifty years down the road, accounts of the nature of the discipline of comparative literature written with Spivak in mind will sound as quaint as those written with Wellek in mind do now.

If they do not then something will have gone wrong--not because there is anything wrong with Spivak, but because no healthy humanistic discipline ever looks the same for more than a generation or two.