

読書のもっとも親密な行為 by スティーブン・アンガー 

2008-07-06 16:00:00 | 日記
Writing in Tongues Thoughts on the Work of Translation
Steven Ungar

The Most Intimate Act of Reading

Consider this a position paper.

Translation has remained central to comparative philology as well as to European and North American models of world literature since the early nineteenth century.

Yet the centrality of translation within literary studies is at odds with the fact that it often remains under-analyzed and under-theorized.

Rather than simply bemoan this condition, I want in what follows to consider how issues surrounding practices of an emergent field of translation studies over the past twenty-five years has contributed to the evolving discipine, discourse, and institutions of comparative literature.

To put an edge on this consideration, I want to state from the start that what draws me to translation is less a matter of what it is, and how to do it, than what it could and should be doing.

No poetics of translation, then, without its concomitant politics and ethics.

No better place to start, writes Haun Saussy concerning literature in translation, where nothing of the work may survive of the process but the subject matter.

The assertion occurs about a third of the way into his introduction to the current ACLA report, during a brief overview of world literature.
It precedes a reference to thematic reading as a constant pedagogical temptation and examples of Kafka and the Kafkaesque borrowed from David Damrosch in order to illustrate that what works for world literature may not work for close comparative study.


Here is Saussy's sentence in full:

But for literature in translation, where nothing of the work may survive the process but the subject matter, there is no better place to start.

what strikes me first in this assertion is how vocabulary and grammar set the second of two dependent clauses apart from the independent clause that completes the sentence.

That second clause jumps out at me, granbing my attention on the order of what Barthes theorizes in Camera Lucida as the punctum.

I am likewise drawn to the terms work, and process, survival, and subject matter, whose convergence discloses a judgment--implied, indirect, and rapid--concerning the process of translation.

As used here, the terms work and survive allude to what translation adds to or detracts from a verbal entity whose designation as work connotes an assumption of aesthetic value that presumably warrants survival.
ここで使われるように、「作品」「残存」などの用語は、翻訳が付け加えること、その その残存が正当かする美的価値の仮定としての指定するまた言語の実体からそらされることに触れていく。

To state the point somewhat differently, I propose that what the clause refers to in terms of process and work is graunded on assumptions of value ascribed in a positive way to the literary work of art at the cost of the specific activity of translation.

For I continue to see the literary work first of all as a at textual entity (post-1969s Barthes again) whose minimal units of meaning can be analyzed at a level of detail for which aesthetic values such as literariness are secondary,

The term process likewise also fails to account adequately for the work of the translation.

It is this work--travail rather than oeuvre, Arbait (or even Werk) rather than Kunstwerk--for which I want to be an advocate and for which Sassy's remarks provide an apt point of departure.

Finally, I admit to a degree of doubt concerning Saussy's contention that the process of translation fails to affect the subject matter that it purportedly conveys.

To the contrary, elements of inscription that I take as essential to the work of translation inevitably, bear on the nature of a communication as a process that is never derect or transparent.

For the record, I mean to speak--actually write--here less as a theorist of translation than as chair of the University of Iowa's Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature, in which former colleagues Stavros Dligiorgis, Gayatri Spivak, Fred Will and Daniel Weissvort were among the first to teach literary translation in the Uited States nearly forty years ago.

  記録として話しておこう。私が実際ここで書くことは、翻訳理論家としてであって、アイオワ大学映画学部と比較文学部に職をもつものとしてではない。アイオワ大学は、前の同僚たち、スタブロス・ディギオルギス、ガヤトリ・スピヴァク、そして フレッド・ウィル、ダニエル・ヴァイスヴォルトたちが、ほぼ40年前の合衆国で最初に文学的な翻訳を教えた学部だった。

In fact, all of us who study and teach language and literature are comparatists--and even professional foreigners of sorts, in deed if not always by title.

George Steiner, for one, has long been an eloquent advocate for a model of comparative literature centered in the eventuality and defeats of translation under the sway of what he calls the multiplicity of languages after Babel:
Every facet of translation--its history, its lexical and grammatical means, the differences of approach that extend from the word-by-word interlinear to the freest imitation or metamorphic adaptation--is absolutely pivotal to the comparatist,,,

It is, furthermore, a close hearing of the failures or incompletions of even the finest of translations which, more than any other means of access, helps to throw light on the genius loci as it were, in any language.

Labor as we may, bread will never wholly translate pain.

What, in English, french or Italian is Heimat?

Steiner's remarks point to the conundrums surrounding translation as an activity engaged with language as the material expression of cultural difference.

The terms failure and incompletion imply the persistennce of a model of translation whose virtures would entail precisely overcoming failure and incompletion.

Accordingly, a successful and complete translation would presumably be one that succeeded in excluding any and all alternatives.

Yet the criteria of such completion would, I believe, be of less interest to Steiner than what a close hearing of translation's failures and incompletions might disclose concerning the nature of cultural difference, whose interpretation Steiner identifies elsewhere as the never-ending task of the translator.