

400万人の子供が働き50万人がストリートChildren!のパキスタン!Hidden Side Of Pakistan, SHOCKING

2017-02-09 13:16:08 | 真実の在り処



Pakistan’s Hidden Shameです。

Hidden Side Of Pakistan, SHOCKING  



2017/02/01 に公開

Across Pakistan, 10s of 1000s of vulnerable young boys have become the victims of pedophile predators who seem to have nothing to fear from the law. 小児性愛嗜好者の犠牲になる何万人もの少年達。

It’s an open secret that few acknowledge publicly and even fewer want to do anything about.

In a society where women are hidden from view and young girls deemed untouchable, the bus stations, truck stops and alleyways have become the hunting ground for perverted men to prey on the innocent.

In one survey alone, 95% of truck drivers admitted having sex with boys was their favourite entertainment. 95%のトラックドライバーが少年達とのSEXを彼らの娯楽としていると、認めているパキスタン。

At the main bus terminal in Peshawar, a makeshift hostel for drivers passing through is set up every evening with around twenty beds lying side by side. Some are occupied by men, some by boys, and some by both. Most boys have been procured by hostel owners like Hassan Deen: “When a kid is wandering the streets alone, we lure him in by telling him we’ll give him some food and a place to stay. Then we pass them on to the drivers.” In return for a pittance, the men can have sex with as many boys as they desire.バスドライバイーは存分に少年達と夜を過ごす社会の仕組みがあるようだ。さ迷う少年たちと彼らを取り込む大人たちの構図がある。

Pedestrians stroll by as though nothing is amiss and police say they’re too busy fighting terrorists to have time for the children. Forever damaged and with no hope, many of the boys turn to drugs to numb the pain and sorrow.痛み、苦しみからのがれるため多くの少年達がヘロインを買う。

One of the boys we feature is 13-year-old Naeem. Having been gang-raped by four men when he was just 10, Naeem is now a child prostitute and abuser of younger boys himself. As he says: “Sometimes I wish I’d never been born.”生まれてこなければ良かったと語る13歳の少年ナイーム。

It’s one of the most sad and shameful aspects of our society. I have to say I’m totally embarrassed by this” Imran Khan, world-famous cricketer and leading Pakistani Politician.



