

『It と呼ばれた子』(幼年期、少年期)そして完結編『さよなら”It”』を読み終えるとなぜか「ロシア川」Russian Riverが気になった!

2018-07-16 18:56:51 | 思いがけない事


デイヴ・ペルザー Dave Pelzerの三巻の『It と呼ばれた子』を、順序が完結編→少年編→幼年編と読んでみると、文章はやはり完結編が優れている。なぜかロシア川が目に焼き付いている。ロシア川の辺に57歳でホームレスになって死んだ父親と家を造って住みたいという希望が何度が登場していたせいかもしれない。彼はロシア川に救われた少年だったのかもしれない。カリフォルニアは日本とほぼ同じ大きさである。ということは、ロシア川もかなり長い川で、カリフォルニアでインパクトがある川に違いない。Googleで見ると綺麗な川だ。母親に虐待された4歳から12歳までの8年間の苦しみの中でも、自然の川はデイヴを癒していたことが分かる。ナン・フィクションの自伝を読むと、彼が住んだDALY CITY、サンフランシスコ、ゴールデンゲート、他公園などの名称がいろいろ登場してきて、その地域の事がもっと詳しく知りたい思いにかられますね。まずロシア川である。想像以上に大陸的なアメリカ、CAでありSFなのだ。


Russian River



延長: 110 mi
流量: 2,261立方フィート毎秒
流域面積: 1,485 mi²

 David James "DavePelzer (born December 29, 1960 in San Francisco, California)[1] is an American author, of several autobiographical and self-help books.[2] He is best known for his 1995 memoir of childhood abuse, A Child Called "It".
David Pelzer
Profile view of Author Dave Pelzer, facing left
Pelzer speaking to Airmen while visiting troops in Southwest Asia.
Born December 29, 1960(age 57)
Daly City, California
Occupation Autobiographer, motivational speaker
Nationality American
Notable works A Child Called "It"Help Yourself


Pelzer was born in San Francisco, California the second of five boys. He grew up in Daly City, California.He is the son of Catherine Roerva Christen Pelzer (1929-1992) and San Francisco fireman Stephen Joseph Pelzer (1923-1980). Pelzer's books describe the abuse he suffered for several years of childhood, including continual mistreatment and beatings by his mother, who he said thought of it as a game. His teachers stepped in on March 5, 1973, when 12-year-old Pelzer was placed in foster care. At age 18 he joined the U.S. Air Force in 1979 and served in the Gulf War. In the 1980s Pelzer married his first wife Patsy (a pseudonym), with whom he had a son. In 1996 he carried a torch in the 1996 Summer Olympics torch relay. Pelzer and Patsy divorced and many years later he married his second wife, Marsha, who was his editor.


His book A Child called "It" describes from his viewpoint the severe abuse he suffered as a child. He writes how his mother was physically and emotionally abusive towards him from ages 4 to 12. He describes how his mom starved him, forced him to drink ammonia, stabbed him in the stomach, burned his arm on a gas stove, and forced him to eat his own vomit. He mentioned that his father was not active in resolving or stopping the conflicts between Pelzer and his alcoholic mother. He was sent to a foster family at age 12 in 1973. In the book he refers to his relatives by pseudonyms.

One of Dave's brothers, Richard B. Pelzer, published his own autobiography, A Brother's Journey, that detailed his experiences. A Brother's Journey.Paraphrased, Pelzer said in the afterword of his book that his objectives for his story was to show how a parent can become abusive and how the human spirit can triumph and survive.

Pelzer's first book, A Child Called "It" was published in 1995 and describes the abuse Pelzer suffered in his childhood. His second book, The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family was published shortly after in 1997. The book covered Pelzer's teen years. The third book in his series, A Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgivenesswas about Pelzer's experiences as an adult and how he forgave his father. In 2001 he wrote Help Yourself: Finding Hope, Courage, And Happiness which was a self-help book. When discussing his seventh book Moving Forward he said, "My message has always been about resilience". 


The assertions in his memoirs have led to some skeptical commentary. In a 2002 New York Times article by Pat Jordan, the author questioned the reliability of Pelzer's recollections. He said that "Pelzer has an exquisite recall of his abuse, but almost no recall of anything that would authenticate that abuse", such as any details about his mother.Two members of his family, his maternal grandmother, and brother have disputed his book. One of his younger brothers, Stephen, denies that any abuse took place, and says that he thinks David was placed in foster care because "he started a fire and was caught shoplifting". However, his other brother Richard Pelzer is the author of the book A Brother's Journey, which confirms much of what David has said and describes his own abuse when David was finally removed from the home. In regard to this, Dave has said that Stephen had affection towards his mother and that "he misses her terribly because she protected him".[7] Due to the criticism from the New York Times article Dave does not give interviews often.

In an article in The Boston Globe Pelzer's grandmother said she believed Dave had been abused but not as severely as he described. She also said she didn't believe his brother Richard was abused. It was revealed, however, that Pelzer's grandmother did not live in the same state as his brothers and family and was not in contact with them when the abuse happened.

An article in The Guardian notes that gaps in the background narrative "makes the foreground harder to trust".The author writes, "My own hunch is that, substantially, he's telling the truth ... But there is a definite feeling of exaggeration in the later two books..." The author then states the same feeling Plotz also covered in his article, that she feels Pelzer is profiting from his abuse and minimizing the seriousness of the crime by making the writing "entertaining".

Current life

Pelzer spends his time giving lectures across the country. He is also a volunteer.


  • A Child Called It (1995)
  • The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a Family (1997)
  • A Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness (2000)
  • Help Yourself (2001)
  • The Privilege of Youth (2004)
  • Help Yourself for Teens (2005)
  • Moving Forward (2009)

See also


