


2007-03-31 12:53:33 | Weblog

Action may not always bring happiness;but there is no happiness without action.
Benjamin Disraeli(British prime minister and novelist,1804-81)


I always do some action before think things deep, and as a result, fail.
I did a very stupid thing these days.
Exactly action may not always bring happiness,but I have to learn from failure which I've done.
Then I may see some hope in the future.

More terrible thing
Nothing is more terrible thatn activity without insight.
Thomas Carlyle(Scottish philosopher, essayist and social historian, 1795-1881)

Ha-ha. I remenbered my memory when I read this quote. The story is like this, I was joined calligraphy school,when I was elementary school child.
There were some close friend in that class, and I talked about one friend A with other friend Y. Y spoke bad things about A that she is selfish, or self centered, or something like that.
I said yes,she is sometimes. But I just thought Y was upset about something about her only at that time.

Later, when I saw Y and A chatted each other closely, I said "Oh! you and A get along each other ! Because you told me that A were selfish sometimes."
Then Y said "I did not said that!"
But I said "Yes you said that! But I releaved to see you guys, now you are fine!"

After all Y had stoped to coming to class. I realize what I 've done.
Of course. I can understand Y's feelings now.
And I did same thing still now...
I really regret, but it's too late.
So I decided not to do such a stupid thing again.

