

World Baseball Classic

2006-03-19 23:31:36 | アート・文化

Bbaseball 良く晴れた絶好のレジャー日和にもかかわらず、水を打ったように外の静かな午後だった。きっと誰もが(私ふくめ)昼の数時間、WBC中継・韓国戦(準決勝)に釘付けだったのだろう^^。雨による中断のため、最後がTVでは尻切れとんぼになってしまって残念だったが、素晴らしい試合を楽しませていただきアリガトウという感じ・・すっかり“にわか野球ファン”である(笑)。決勝戦も、万端整えてTVの前に座りたいと思う(笑)。

Sany0070_1 野球の余韻を楽しみながら、今日はジクレー版画にエディションナンバー&サイン入れをした。アートプリントに比べると絵柄も10種類と限られるが、やはり紙質が良く、インクも厚みがあって発色が細かい。。月末には、いくつかご覧になりたいというお客様が来廊予定。



How exciting today's WBC was.I have really been a sudden baseball-fan,today.Japan vs Korea's wonderful game. Japan will have the final game next week. I am really looking forward to watch the game on TV. Thanks for the players!

After watching game, I put the edition number and signature on the Giclee Print's several sheets. Giclee is a fine quality print and they have very high grade texture and the inks and papers are brilliant. My customers want to see the giclee print line-ups on around the end of this month.

Tomorrow, we'll have a regular holiday. I have to do some odd job, however, those would be my pleasure.

*photo above: One of the memorable work(acrylic on canvas). The family who are very fond of baseball hold the artwork. thanks. photo below:Signed, edition numbered giclee print sheets with matted.

museum goods

2006-03-17 22:58:53 | アート・文化

Tmns 県の現代美術館建設準備室から電話があった。長い歳月をかけて企画されてきた美術館もいよいよ来年オープンを迎える。そのミュージアムグッズ販売に向けてのプレイベントとして、作家によるグッズ展を来月開催したいとのお話だ。「まっ先に浮かびました」と私を評する旧知のご担当氏^^;。いへいへ、別にグッズ展開作家ではございませんが(笑)。しかし日頃何かと県の企画に声をかけて頂いている。ご自身が漆芸の現代アーティストでもある氏は私の個展にいつも来て下さっているし、新聞エッセーもお読み下さっている模様。私の作家活動を長らく見てきて下さっている方のご依頼、ぜひご協力させていただこうではないか。絵画・陶芸など数名の作家のブースを、毎年12月個展でおなじみの美術サロンのある百貨店リウボウの催事場に作るということだ。




I had a call from prefectural office today. Okinawa prefectural museum is scheduled to grand open next year. The person in charge who gave me phone-call is well known person for me.he is also an lacquer artist and always kindly check my solo show for past 6years and even read my news paper columns. He asked me to join one of the prefectural museum's pre-opening event named"Museum Goods by Artists". OK,I think i could cooperate with his plan. He explain that the each artist( painter, potterer and the others) will be given the booth with desk and partition-boards for the wall. Maybe a kind of art fair. I suppose, in such a kind of exhibition, our original mug&plate could be very suitable to show. ARTPRINTS are more valuable and artistic which are always purchased by the people who really love artworks. Anyway, i may show those artprints too.

Today, we had a lot of customers stopping by the gallery, by the way. All the customers looks really enjoying the artworks and kindly choose the several artprints. I really feel thank to them.

Anyway, my newest 4 artworks got their frame at last. Gallery atos's owner kindly brought the frames to our gallery. I framed my works immediately and hung on the wall.Goood works! These 4new works may be exhibited at us through the end of March before the time to send them toward Tokyo exhibit.  I myself, enjoyed the works on the wall today. thank you everybody!

new works

2006-03-16 14:31:35 | アート・文化

Sany0057_1 二男の高校合格発表前日に、製作中の4点(楽園シリーズ・F3号)が完成した。全てがすっきりした感じ^^。昨夜は我が家に親戚が集まり合格祝いのバーベキューパーティー。楽しい春がやってきた。(新作は近々アップ予定!)


Sany0050_1 今日は、親しくさせて頂いている制作プロダクションの代表氏がお見えで、やはりアクリル画「楽園シリーズ」をお求めに。ミュージシャン活動歴も長く、各方面に楽曲の提供もされている氏は、絵画からイメージして曲を作ってしまわれる技の持ち主だ^^。こうした方々に絵をコレクションして頂けることはとても光栄だ。。


Our folks got together for celeblate my son's success last night We had a very nice BBQparty(Sam got to be a chef as usual). My son seems very happy.

My new works done at last! 4paintings of "paradice series" are prepare for the coming Tokyo exhibit. Good works, i believe. I feel really releaved on my works done and my son's success on the exam. Good spring season is coming !

At the KYOKOART Gallery, we have really nice customers every day. I feel appreciate for them.Everybody seems really liked my works and kindly purchased following their own reason why liked the painting they took. Respectful, always.

new season

2006-03-14 14:10:58 | アート・文化

Sany0014_2 いよいよ春の陽気と思いきや、全国的に真冬の寒さに逆戻り。



Here in Okinawa, it seems get back to the winter season! Spring sun shine seems change into very chilly wind.. strange.

Anyway, my second son succeed to pass the high school entering exam. well done,really.As a matter of face, I and my father was the graduates of the high school . wow, it means, we 3 generations could sing the same school song.funny.Anyhow, i wish my son would have the wonderful, greatful school days. He might find the best way for his life at high school, or he might sometimes loose the way to go among the terrible confusion.In any case, I truly want to watch over him and wish to give him some advice as his mother!Thank god.

Book shop

2006-03-08 23:59:28 | アート・文化

Sany0203_2 製作が佳境に入り、例によって篭城生活になってきた^^;。先日お買い上げ予約を頂いたアクリル画楽園シリーズに少々手を入れなければならないのだけど、今描いてる4点からどうにも手が離せない。予約作品の手直しはほんの2-30分もあれば済むものを・・まぁ行動の優先順位を心の赴くままに付けられるというのは、なんと幸せなことだろう。有難いことに、コレクターさんはお気に召した作品は楽しみに待って下さるもの。心から敬意を捧げたい。画廊には、様々なかたちでアートを自由に楽しむお客様が毎日お越し下さり、こちらまで豊かな気分になってくる。皆様に大いに楽しんで頂けるよう、頑張って描いていきたい。




I'm in a good mood these days working on my new pieces. the other day, one of my paintings hung at our gallery wall was sold. I have to put the finishing touch on the piece,even though, i could never be able to leave from my new pieces now i'm painting. I could not even leave from my working-seat! i really appreciate for my customers' patience. the colectors once found the piece he(she) truly liked, they are kindly willing to wait until the artist's preparation will be done. Respectful.

Anyway, at KYOKOART Gallery, people really love ARTS kindly stop by everyday and i feel very happy that the everybody seems really enjoy my artworks. thanks.

I could not even go out for shopping because of my concentration on canvases, even though i really eager to get my books. I prefer the bookstore in the neighborhood (over19years relationship) to buy my mystery books(now i'm mad on Lilian Jackson Braun's THE CAT series actually) and some kind of monthly magazine. But today, i tried for buying my daughter a english dictionary for the first time. Anyhow, i recognize, both of the bookstore (the real, and on the internet) takes a lot of my time for reading!

*photo: a bookshop on the corner,Manhattan.