

A Happy New Year 2014

2014-01-06 17:06:41 | Art & Culture,Life

Img_6237Hope All of you had a wonderful New Year Holidays!! Wishing 2014 brings you the BEST in Life!!!
So... I and my husband are still excited since we had a fantastic travelling in the east coast US in last Nov.-Dec.:) And it is totally unexpected result though this last trip gave my husband a travel bug. Unbelievably (since he was a heavy plane-hater), He started to hope an another trip in 2014.. My friends are saying, There are so many beautiful places in US we must visit, and the Europe as well...Hopefully I can have my show and join in one of the Barchetta meeting in there:)

Img_6112By the way, for a Kick-off as an artist, I am considering to have the "Kyoko Nakamoto Pen and Water-color drawing show/NY Inspiration" in the late this month (hopefully, so far) in my Studio! So that all of my wonderful friends can stop in and enjoy Naha exploring, right?? The problem is,,I AM NOT READY TO DRAW NONE OF WORKS YET!!! Lol...Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk 




Img_6384旅行中に触れた光景を描いた『冬のニューヨーク/ペン画展』を近々KYOKOART Galleryで開催したいと考えている。..あぁ。書いてしまったからにはやらねば。。まだ1枚も描いてはいないんだが。これもまた証拠

日時が決まり次第ご案内をさせて頂きます。その際はぜひ、昨年4月のNew Studio Openingにいらっしゃれなかった皆様にもゆっくり楽しんでいただけるようにしたいと思います。



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