

eye catch

2006-03-29 23:30:00 | アート・文化

Sany0085 昨日はアートプリント委託先ショッピングモール・プラザハウスまで出かけた。久々にスタッフの皆様に日頃の無沙汰解消ではないけど、例によって“甘い物”を持参^^。何しろスレンダーな女性ばかりなのである!たっぷり食べて頂いても問題ないだろう(笑)。





I went to the shopping mall PLAZA HOUSE yesterday afternoon for refill my artprints displaying fine on the mall's showcase. the shop's staffs are always very kind and handling my artprints great and the shop's customers sometimes purchase ones. Thankful.I also brought the staffs some sweets for their break time. Why do I care?They are whole very slender and beautiful ladies!

This morning, the chief editor of one of the popular okinawan magazines named"karacara" kindly came to the gallery for interview me for coming summer issue. It would be the nice report (except the photo of myself!).

Ikebana International

2006-03-28 23:40:00 | アート・文化

Sany0097 “花を通じて友好を”。昨日、いけばなインターナショナル第49回チャリティー展に行ってきた。ダイナミックにしなやかに、暮らしの中で花を楽しみ晴れの場でまた花を披露。。見事に美しい生花作品の数々に圧倒されるようだった。元気な“華”ある女性の皆様に敬意を表したいと思う。

Sany0099 5年前の画廊オープン当時、週に2度ほど近所の花屋でいそいそと画廊に飾る花を買ってはクリスタルの花瓶にあしらっていたもの。しかし、アタシの性格からして続くわけもなく^^;、いつしか花瓶は事務所のすみに追いやられ、だいぶ邪魔になってあちこち動かされていたが、ある時ふと見ると割れていた。かわいそうに・・。こんな具合だから到底いけばなに親しむ資格も才能もゼロである^^;。

Sany0100 お花の先生方のお側をうろちょろしたら、少しは“美のエッセンス”のおこぼれにあずかることができないかしら??笑。

I went to the 49th annual flower exhibition by IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL Okinawa chapter. I know the president and some of board members of the organization. It was really great time to view the beautiful flower-artworks  by over 120 members. I always very impressed with their mission"Friendship through Flowers".

When I opened KYOKOART Gallery 5years ago, I used to decorate the flowers on the center table in the gallery every week. But, unfortunately, I could not continue this so long. My crystal vase got to be sent to the office's corner and one day, it was found be broken at last. Poor my vase. I really have to do something about treating flowers. Hopefully,I wish I could get the sence of Ikebana by the wonderful members of I.I.

Wonderful 2 days

2006-03-25 23:14:15 | アート・文化

Sany0076 2日間に渡るアートプリントdisplay&saleが終了した。ショップでは、海外から届いたばかりのnew shippment(到着品)お披露目の日とも重なってものすごい人出。毎回プリントを楽しみにして下さる方々はじめ新しい顧客もたくさん来てくださり、嬉しくも忙しい2日間であった。毎度おなじみのショップスタッフの皆様とも楽しくおしゃべりすることができ、今日は私の友人2人も一緒だったのでさらに盛り上がった。次回は5月。その前に展示会やイベントも色々あり、ますます面白い春になりそうだ。皆様に感謝しつつ、また新たな作品を創っていきたい。

Sany0077 さて、明日以降もたくさん用事がある。幅広い活動をこなす賑やかな女性たちが頑張っているいけばなインターナショナルのお歴々から花展の招待状を頂いている。ぜひ行ってみようと思う。手土産に“花”は・・要らないね(笑)。

I had great 2 days at the giftshop"island treasures". thank for the very kind and warm shop staffs as usual. Very busy 2 days because the new shippments from Thailand arrived at the shop and the managers really whirl of business, handling the goods and the customer at the same time. Anyhow, KYOKOART's artprints and other art-goods(mug&plates were available this time), sumie were really liked by the customers who love my art-world. Two of my friends want to come with me this time, so we took them with me and they, really kind friends helped me well. I truly thank to whole the people. Next artprint display&sale is scheduled on May(just before the mother's day).

From yesterday, i got thousand of things to do. Tomorrow, i may go to the Ikebana-international exposure held in Naha. My several friends are the board member of this organization so i want to esteem their flower-artworks and  give them praise with respects. What should i bring them? Flower bouquet? No. Some kind of confections maybe.

Kind people

2006-03-22 23:00:00 | アート・文化

Sany0074 WBCでお名前どおり世界の“王”に輝いた“王Japan”。昨日の試合が当分ハイな気分をもたらしてくれそう^^。今日運転中にラジオで(いつもの)トーク番組を聴いていたら、やはり話題はWBC一色だった。私と同様、これをきっかけにすっかり野球ファンになった女性が多いみたい。楽しみは多い方が良いにきまっている。これからも注目して、応援したいと思う^^。


さて、今週末の米国人向けArtprint display&saleの準備を始めている。先ほど親切なショップスタッフのおひとりAmyから電話があった。女性できりもりするショップ、いずこも例にもれず女性が活発で細やかで元気である^^。楽しみにして下さる顧客の皆様に新作プリントをたっぷりお目にかけたいと思う。今回は、私の友人2人が手伝い(と称して物見遊山!?)で一緒に行ってくれる。楽しい道中となりそうである。


Japan team be a top of the world at last! I usualy never familiar with the baseball,but this time, my eyes could not leave from the TV. Really respect and appreciate for the players who bring the country honor and lelight. I truly want to give more attention to the baseball. Maybe all the women in japan who are not so interested in the baseball start to try watching the games from yesterday.

Today,I brought our original products to my daughter's elementary school as the gift for the leaving teachers.The PTA board members kindly purchase our gallerie's original mugs or plate every year. Really feel appreciates.

Our ART-PRINT display& sale at the gift shop is coming soon.One of the staff Amy gave me phone-call today and she kindly arranged whole things for me. The shop's staffs are always very nice to me as Amy. I really like and appreciate for them.This time Ttwo of my friends want to attend the event with me as my helping staff. That would be the great 2 days! See you soon ladies, at the shop on 24th &25th of March!


2006-03-20 21:40:37 | アート・文化

Sany0072 かねてより次男が狙っていたKORGのシンセサイザーKARMAが今日届いた。合格祝いに半額だけ出資してあげたのだけれど、送料だのなんだのと、いつの間にか親の財布から飛んでいく^^;。


391002 さて、昨年のクリスマスにダンナへのプレゼントとシャレこんだ彼の相棒・MG君は、入院3ヶ月目にして他のディーラー修理工場へ転院(笑)。きっときっと、良くなるって!(ダンナへ・笑)。


It could be called "the best present" which's given to him(or her) who really want to poss from the botom of one's heart. For my second son, it is absolutely KORG's synthesiser. Today, he got it at last. I and Sam present him a half of it's price (plus shipping cost,plus something more!) for celeblate his succeed in high-school entry.Now he is terribly exsited trying to play it, on top of that, his brother(my first son) brought his guitar from his room and join in the session. Music is surrounding loudly in the living room.Help. Anyway, the music is good. Music always bring us happiness and peace. I love music and I really love that my children truly want to be more familier with playing instruments. Even my daughter, decided to join the music club at school and want to play trumpet!

Another memorable "present"was the classic british car MG-RV8 for my husband Sam about 2 years ago.(He says, it's the present from me). Unfortunately, MG's engine stopped suddenly and it has been in the hospital(no,repair-shop) for those 3 month. Today, it was moved to another repair-shop maybe hold higher tecnique treating british cars. It could be recover soon! Take it easy,Sam!