

eating and painting

2006-08-10 12:17:04 | アート・文化

Sany0083 いつのまにか8月も中盤。お盆が終わり、台風も去り、様々な用事が怒涛のように生まれては去ったりペンディングだったり・・。合間になんとか絵を描いている^^;。夏は忙しい。遊んで食べてばっかりという気もするが^^;。




Time passes so fast! Summer days are extremely noisy and busy. We have to feed the family and some other tasks appeares always.Anyway, the typhoon also passed  and the hot days returnes.As one of the enjoyable event, we avoid the strong daytime sunshine and watching TV in the air-conditioned room. Some kind of sports games are very exciting in this season. Baseball game by high school students, F1 grand prix, boxing game, and much more.But we shold be careful. The players sweat but we never. We have to avoid having snacks too much!