Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年11月10日 20時43分14秒 | Weblog





President Trump spoke to the press after arriving in Japan and meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Nov. 5. (The Washington Post)
By David Nakamura November 6
President Trump was reciting the sort of rote praise that leaders of allied nations heap on one another when he suddenly cut himself off during a joint news conference Monday with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“The Japanese people are thriving, your cities are vibrant, and you’ve built one of the world’s most powerful economies,” Trump said, before looking up from his prepared remarks. Turning his head to face Abe next to him, Trump ad-libbed: “I don’t know if it’s as good as ours. I think not, okay?” He emphasized the “okay” by drawing it out leadingly as a parent might with a child.

“And we’re going to try to keep it that way,” Trump added, for good measure. “But you’ll be second.”

Abe, listening to an interpreter through an earpiece, smiled and remained silent. But his face betrayed a touch of uncertainty as the U.S. leader returned to his script. After the Japanese government had rolled out the red carpet for Trump and his family for two days, the patron was being patronized. It is becoming a familiar theme for Abe.

President Trump toasts at a welcome dinner hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo on Monday. (Pool photo by Shizuo Kambayashi/Reuters)
But as Abe has lavished attention on Trump, their relationship has retained a subtext in which the U.S. president insists on asserting his dominance in a passive-aggressive manner. It started with Trump’s emasculating 19-second handshake with Abe in their Oval Office meeting in February, after which Abe appeared to grimace as though his fingers had been crushed.

Trump has let up on the power grip since then, but in more subtle ways he has continued to show who is the alpha — a price Abe appears willing to pay in his strategic servitude to keep Trump supporting the postwar security alliance that the president had openly questioned in his election campaign.

Before their round of golf Sunday, when Trump and Abe signed white hats emblazoned with the slogan, “Donald & Shinzo, Make Alliance Even Greater” in gold lettering, Trump wrote his name in the center of the brim, in large lines, which meant that Abe had to curve his signature off to the side.

Ivanka Trump visited Tokyo last week to speak at a conference on women in the workforce, prompting Abe to tell the president Monday that the Japanese have a “fever” for Ivanka — even though the conference hall was half-empty for her speech.

“Japan consistently supports the position of President Trump when he says that all options are on the table,” Abe said of the U.S. strategy on North Korea. “I once again strongly reaffirmed that Japan and the U.S. are 100 percent together.”

At the same time, Trump’s embrace has forced Abe into the role of a sidekick. Photos taken by Mar-a-Lago guests of Trump and Abe — in the middle of the restaurant, coordinating their response to a North Korean missile test moments after the news broke — made it seem as though the Japanese prime minister was being dragged into an uncomfortable new reality.

At the news conference Monday, a reporter asked Abe about his message to Trump regarding largely pacifist Japan’s role in its self-defense, amid reports that Trump was disappointed that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces did not shoot down a North Korean test missile. Before Abe could answer, Trump pulled rank and cut in.

“If I could just take a piece of the prime minister’s answer, he will shoot them out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the United States,” Trump declared.

As one former Asia policy aide in the Obama administration put it last week, Abe could wake up one day and find himself “excommunicated by a tweet.”

He regaled the audience of high-level diplomats and senior advisers with a story about how Abe was so desperate to visit him at Trump Tower after the election that the Japanese leader would not take no for an answer — though Trump’s aides worried that such a visit would be “inappropriate,” given that Barack Obama was still president.

Finally, Trump said, he called Abe to tell him no, but the prime minister was already flying to see him.

“I said: ‘You know what? There’s no way he’s going to land and I’m not seeing him,’ ” Trump said. “So I saw him, and it worked out just fine.”





Abe could wake up one day and find himself “excommunicated by a tweet.”





罪は日系人であること Our crime ? Being Japanese descendants

2017年11月10日 20時05分11秒 | Weblog


NHK World にでるというんだが、



2017年11月10日 19時00分15秒 | Weblog











It is strange South Korea didn't invite Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops. No? Justin?

2017年11月10日 17時05分15秒 | Weblog

Koreans are overjoyed at Takeshima shrimps on the menu.






The Korea Herald quoted a South Korean presidential spokesman as saying: “Lee’s invitation was designed to deliver a message to Trump and ask him to have a balanced view of the comfort woman issue and historical dispute between South Korea and Japan.”

If Korea wants to deliver a message to Trump at South Korea’s state banquet for Donald Trump, it is strange Korea didn't invite Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops and South Korean family members of abductees kidnapped by North Korean agents. No? Mr.Justin McCurry?




2017年11月10日 16時15分54秒 | Weblog










Don't believe everything you read on Japan on the internet

2017年11月10日 16時04分02秒 | Weblog

”-kōhai“ — the opposite of “senpai.”


10. Exchanging business cards


9. In an elevator


It’s not customary to give up your seat for old people, even if they can barely stand. There are special seats marked with a sign for them as well as for disabled people and pregnant women. These seats are not to be occupied if you don’t belong to these categories.


In Japan, it’s rude to look people in the eyes, let alone touch them. This country is not very large, so every Japanese person respects the personal space of others. If you visit Japan, don’t touch people.
Kissing in public is also frowned upon here. Before 1945, it was considered a violation of public order.

When the Japanese drink, the social hierarchy totally breaks down. And they drink really heavily. A local professor can drink with his students, and then they will drag him home. An exemplary clerk who bows to his business partner during the day can get drunk at a karaoke bar and vomit on his suit. And this is normal


The Japanese have a strange attitude toward money: for some reason, they are embarrassed to show it in public. Therefore, money envelopes decorated in a traditional manner are very popular here. And if you haven’t got such an envelope, you’ll have to wrap the money in a piece of paper before giving it to anyone.


4. The art of sitting properly


In many countries, it is customary to open a gift at once. In Japan, it’s a sign of greed and impatience. Besides, what if the gift giver is embarrassed about their modest gift and notices a shade of discontent coming over your face, like a wind in the reeds?





2017年11月10日 15時25分42秒 | Weblog






2017年11月10日 15時20分59秒 | Weblog
上川あや 世田谷区議会議員‏





Why do foreign correspondents give no coverage to Korean sex slavery for U.S. military?

2017年11月10日 15時06分29秒 | Weblog


After 62 days, the evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have not given any coverage to the trial of sitting U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez.

The jury could return a verdict Wednesday on whether or not Menendez is guilty of corruption and bribery in a case that alleged he accepted lavish gifts in exchange for lobbying for his friend’s political interests. The Democrat from New Jersey has already missed a number of Senate votes while he has been on trial, and if convicted, could be removed from the Senate entirely.

But according to the Media Research Center, “ABC World News Tonight,” “CBS Evening News,” and “NBC Nightly News” haven’t found the story important enough to cover. NBC’s “Today” has also skipped the entirety of the trial.

" not covered the trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez"とか、” Give Zero Coverage To Menendez Trial”という言い方をすればいいんだね。

The world needs to see not just Danish killing of whales but also British slaughtering of pigs

2017年11月10日 14時24分30秒 | Weblog

残酷だとは思うが、肉食の人たちにとってsenseless とはいえまい。


How can British journalism be easy on Britain but hard on other countries?


The impulse to inflict pain on other human beings is simultaneously about sex and power

2017年11月10日 14時18分12秒 | Weblog



But the gravest insight that Sade’s writing contains is that the impulse to inflict pain on other human beings is simultaneously about sex and power. To this extent, the sadistic act is about politics as much as it is about sexual appetite.




How many Japanese people do you think know Nice Boob Day?

2017年11月10日 13時41分09秒 | Weblog



Kazuo Ishiguro
Books, articles and television programmes focus on whatever is most extreme and bizarre in Japanese life; the Japanese people may be viewed as amusing or alarming, expert or devious, but they must above all be seen to be non-human.

極端で、奇妙なものばかり取り上げて、日本人を他者化するのは ずーーーーーと 続いているわけだよ、アングロサクソン圏では。イシグロくんも言っているしね。

彼らは自分たちが、差別意識に無自覚な Redneck にそっくりという認識はあるのだろうか?


2017年11月10日 13時20分52秒 | Weblog







Trump Is Ceding Global Leadership to China

2017年11月10日 12時57分20秒 | Weblog
Dr. Masashi Okuyama‏


While Mr. Trump shuns multilateralism and global governance, Mr. Xi increasingly embraces them.

The Trump administration has belittled the United Nations, withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, jettisoned America’s commitment to the Paris climate accord, tried to renege on the nuclear deal with Iran, questioned America’s core alliances in Europe and Asia, disparaged the World Trade Organization and multicountry trade deals, and sought to shut the door on immigrants.

Mr. Xi? He has grabbed leadership of the climate-change agenda, embraced the World Trade Organization’s dispute-resolution system and increased China’s voting shares at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Beijing is forging ahead with a trade pact that would include the major Asian economies plus Australia and New Zealand, but not the United States. China is now one of the leading contributors to the United Nations budget and peacekeeping operations. And Mr. Xi is making a determined play to attract the world’s cutting-edge scientists and innovators to China.

At home, Mr. Xi is making strategic investments that could allow China to dominate the 21st-century global economy, including in information technology and artificial intelligence — where, Eric Schmidt of Google has warned, China is poised to overtake the United States in the next decade. Mr. Xi is all-in on robotics, aerospace, high-speed rail, new-energy vehicles and advanced medical products.

Mr. Trump’s “strategic” investments — in coal and a quixotic effort to bring back manufacturing lost to automation — would make the United States the champion of the 20th-century economy.

All of this positions China to become, in Mr. Xi’s words, “a new choice for other countries” and the principal arbiter of something long associated with the United States: the international order. China has a profound stake in that order and a globalized world: It needs access to advanced technology and the export markets upon which its growth depends.

The contradictions at the heart of China’s enterprise could still prove to be its undoing. Beijing continues to fence off key sectors of its economy to foreign investment. It imposes draconian requirements on foreign companies — like requiring them to take on a Chinese partner and hand over their technology and intellectual property — that other countries do not impose on Chinese companies.

Beijing’s foreign investments can be coercive and exploitative — using Chinese laborers and contractors instead of local ones, saddling poorer countries with enormous debts, leaving behind shoddy workmanship and fueling corruption.

Mr. Xi’s ability to sustain the outward projection of Chinese influence is also challenged by his country’s systemic weaknesses. A mountain of debt. Rising inequality. Slowing growth, dragged down by an aging population, lower productivity and inefficient state-owned enterprises. Poisonous air and scarce water. And an increasingly repressive system that may appeal to fellow authoritarians but not to Chinese citizens.

But China’s shortcomings may not matter in the absence of a compelling alternative. I’d never bet against the United States, but if the Trump-led retreat into nationalism, protectionism, unilateralism and xenophobia continues, China’s model could carry the day.

The world is not self-organizing. And American stewardship of the international order advanced liberal values and progressive norms — democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and assembly, protections for workers, the environment and intellectual property. By abdicating the leadership role it has played since World War II, the United States is giving the terrain to others who will do the organizing on the basis of their values, not America’s.

Mr. Xi is not shy about who that someone else will be. With Mr. Trump ceding ground to China, the liberal international order that defined the second half of the 20th century could give way to an illiberal one.


