Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

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2011年08月25日 01時21分41秒 | Weblog




社説:民主党代表選 どうする増税 願望ではなく現実論で





日本国債格下げ 財政悪化と政策停滞の警鐘だ(8月25日付・読売社説)


The Shape of a Nose
Cold-weather noses may function differently from those that evolved in hot and humid climates
By Joan Raymond | August 21, 2011 |

Researchers in Germany recently showed that individuals from cold, dry climates, such as Greenland or Siberia, had higher and narrower nasal cavities than those from hot, humid climates, such as Papua New Guinea or Gabon.
This narrowing of the nasal passage enhances contact between the air and the mucosal tissue, which helps to warm and humidify that air, Noback notes. Cold, dry climate populations also show a relatively longer nasal cavity, giving this population more space in which to bring incoming air in line with body temperature.

Which sort of nose do you have? Although you can’t tell much about the external shape of the nose when looking at its internal structure, a narrow, longer internal cavity is generally linked to a relatively narrower and more projecting nose, Holton says.


Asian Americans face new stereotype in ads
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By Paul Farhi,


These sorts of roles haven’t escaped the notice of some Asian Americans, who are of mixed minds about it. On the one hand, it’s hard to object to being associated with positive traits ― intellectual, well-educated, knowledgeable, etc. On the other, they say, it’s a limited and singular cliche for a highly diverse group that comprises nearly 6 percent of the U.S. population and is made up of people of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indian and South Asian descent as well as other backgrounds.


Search Stereotypes: What Web Content Reveals About Cultural Biases
19 hours ago by Sandra Ordonez


Martinez, a VP and digital content director at the recently launched Mamiverse.com that focuses on the coveted Latina mom market, has been combating one of the web’s dirty little secrets for years: Common web searches that include the word “Latina(s)” surface an inordinate number of porn sites.

In her many years working for Latina-focused sites, not only was it difficult for this industry veteran to ensure that her positive, Latina-empowering content be found when searched, but she was also tired of having to deal with the sleazy, sexual emails she and her colleagues routinely received as a result of this phenomenon.

“The online stereotype of the hyper-sexualized Latina is simply not true. Statistically, most Latinas are the exact opposite: smart moms with families. This is exactly why we launched Mamiverse ― to fill the websphere with more content that is truly reflective of who we are,” Martinez said.

Latinas: All three results are pornographic. Descriptors include “hot,” “young” and “legs wide open.” Seems to hint that women on 8th street, a historic street in an internationally-known Latin neighborhood in Miami, are sexy and “doable.” (Search for Latin women results in various dating sites for men seeking Latin women).



AUGUST 24, 2011 · 12:59 PM

Poll: Europeans Overwhelmingly Against Immigration

An international survey of 23 countries by Ipsos has found opposition to immigration in numerous countries across the world, with majorities often considering its effects to be negative and its scale excessive. European nations were typical of this trend.

Majorities in countries as diverse as Germany, South Africa, Russia, Turkey and the United States were found to consider immigration to have a “very or fairly negative impact”.

Anti-immigration sentiment was particularly strong in Europe, with over 65% of Spaniards, Italians and British polled strongly or partly agreeing that “there are too many immigrants in our country”.

Sweden and Poland were the only European countries surveyed that did not have majorities who considered immigration to have a negative impact. In no country did a majority consider immigration to have been beneficial.

Majorities in most EU countries surveyed agreed that immigration had made it more difficult for citizens to find employment and “placed too much pressure on public services,” such as health care and education

Anti-immigrant sentiment has put significant strain on freedom of movement within the EU. On 11 August, the European Commission approved Spain’s measures to exclude Romanian workers from its labour market.

The Spanish unemployment rate is by far the highest in the EU at 21%. Bulgaria and Romania recently saw their accession to the Schengen border-free area postponed.

The Dutch and Danish governments, whose parliamentary majorities are dependent on the support of far-right anti-immigrant parties, have pushed particularly hard to limit immigration.

In the case of Denmark, the unilateral imposition of new border controls was harshly criticised by the European Commission and Germany.

The number of migrants in the world has increased dramatically over the past decade, according to the International Organisation for Migration, soaring from 150 million in 2000 to 214 million today.

Immigration to the European Union, however, has dropped somewhat in recent years due to the economic recession.

A major study published last month by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that immigration to most European nations declined in 2009, including in France (7%), Germany (13%), Spain (18%) and Italy (25%).

Immigration rates to Ireland and the Czech Republic virtually halved over the course of that year.

Similarly the EU’s own statistical service, Eurostat, found that immigration to EU member states dropped by 6% in 2008, while emigration increased by 13%.

But Eurostat also indicates that the number of foreign residents in various EU countries has nonetheless been on the rise, increasing from approximately 28,913,000 in 2007 to 32,493,000 today (including EU citizens residing in another member state).

While anti-immigration sentiment, according to the poll, is broadly shared across Europe, there are significant national differences.

The number of foreigners in some countries, particularly Belgium, France and Germany, has grown relatively slowly over the past decade or has even declined.

Other countries, often traditionally lands of emigration, have seen spectacular increases in foreign residents. According to Eurostat, between 1999 and 2010 their numbers increased from 1.2 million to 4.2 million in Italy, from less than 120,000 to 420,000 in Ireland, and from 650,000 to 5.7 million in Spain.


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:02 PM
Borat Nickname Ruled As Racist By UK Employment Tribunal

Borat, the comic character made famous by Sacha Baron Cohen, is said to be a national of Kazakhstan, the Asian former Soviet republic that borders Russia and China.

Kazakhs have long resented both the comedian and his films which they say traduce their nation and its people.

The Leeds tribunal declared someone who was not from Eastern Europe would not have been called Borat and so the engineer, from Wakefield-based TEi Ltd, ‘had been the subject of direct race discrimination’.

The tribunal also said the Borat image also insults Eastern Europeans.

Borat というお笑い番組があるそうな。

The Best Of Borat


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:10 PM

UK Woman Beaten Unconscious In Racial Attack

They believe he targeted Ms Collier only seconds after she had tried to intervene in a dispute.

Ms Collier said she was walking along the quiet road when she saw a small group of men and women arguing in the street.

She said: “I heard shouting as I was walking along.

“When I got to the group I saw a man waving a baseball bat in the air and I turned to two women in the group and asked if they were OK.

“He turned and started swearing racist abuse at me as I walked away.

“I carried on walking and the next thing I knew was a punch on the side of my face and I fell to the floor.

“I hit my head and I shouted at him, ‘You don’t have to do this’, and begged him to stop, but punching me wasn’t enough.

“He kicked me then I fell unconscious.”

Ms Collier was taken to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and treated for a fractured cheekbone and multiple bruises.


AUGUST 24, 2011 · 1:07 PM

White Nationalist Group Supporter Accused Of Assaulting Black Man With Mace

A white man prosecutors say leaves racist literature on downtown cars was indicted Tuesday on accusations he used pepper spray on a black man last December.

Michael Carothers, also known as Michael David Weaver, faces an aggravated assault charge in connection with the Dec. 4 incident on Rose Hill Street, his indictment states.

Carothers was arrested on the charge Tuesday. He’s being held without bond, Muscogee County Jail officials said.

If convicted, the 31-year-old faces one to 20 years in prison in a case one prosecutor says may have been racially motivated.

Carothers’ literature often promotes the National Alliance, a white nationalist group. An example of National Alliance literature left on a downtown car promotes stopping affirmative action with the slogan “White people need jobs, too!”


Pastor accused of raping women behind his church
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Published: 22 August, 2011,

August 22, 2011 9:41 AM
South Carolina pastor Dale Richardson accused of raping women behind church



America becomes a food stamp nation
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Published: 24 August, 2011, 00:19

Country wrestles with spike in food stamp use
By Kristina Cooke

updated 8/22/2011 1:59:10 PM ET

Social Security disability on verge of insolvency


updated 8/22/2011 11:22:20 AM ET

More than 45 million Americans, or 15 percent of the population, use government-subsidized food stamps to feed their family today, signaling an increase of 74 percent since 2007. A recent report by Reuters reveals that in 2010, $68 billion went towards the program, which is leaving lawmakers looking towards benefits like these as a way to save pennies and cents from coast-to-coast.
It’s not just the hungry that are in need of a hand-out, however. Social Security benefit claims have climbed to a high too, showing a surge of 50 percent since ten years earlier.
Combined with mass unemployment, aging baby boomers reaching retirement age and a tremendous tally of those that just can’t work, Americans are looking for assistance more than ever; but how long can the country continue to help?
The Associated Press reveals that estimates from Congress suggest that the funds for Social Security disability benefits will be dried up by 2017. By 2040 the money that pays for Social Security retirement checks will be gone, as well. At this rate, Americans don’t stand to achieve assistance in a generation down the road, but Republican lawmakers looking to eliminate entitlement programs as a way of combating the disastrous debt the country has accumulated may bring that end to a time much sooner than Americans anticipate.
Under today’s regulations, Social Security benefits for retirees come into play at age 66, though those younger can reap in revenue for qualifying for disability at a much earlier age. Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue says that many too young for retirement reach out for those disability rewards due to dire times when employment seems out of the question.
"It's primarily economic desperation," Astrue says to AP. "People on the margins who get bad news in terms of a layoff and have no other place to go and they take a shot at disability.”
Of those that can find work, it is often not enough to raise a family. More than 70 million Americans received minimum wage or lower as workplace compensation in 2010, tallying up to 6 percent of the US population. A few years before the recession, that figure was only at 3 percent of America. Tashawana Green from Queens Village, New York tells Reuters that she was working for barely $8/hour to support her six-year-old daughter, and though food stamps helped her through hardships, the country shouldn’t be expected to foot the bill when employers can’t.



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2011-08-25 07:10:35


