Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

法と秩序の防衛 他

2011年08月12日 05時56分39秒 | Weblog


[以下、適当な要約] フェアプレイをしよう!2005年にはアングロサクソンメディアは半ば同情的半ば嘲笑的に報じたものだった。英国のミックス・モデルの利点を際立たせるために「ゲットー」の苦境を強調して。しかしこの突然の爆発は不幸なことに我々にはおなじみのものに見える。




11:42 | 2011-08-10

Foriegn Policy

Iranian Legislator Condemns Blatant Violation of Human Rights in Britain
TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian lawmaker condemned the killing of a 29-year-old black man, Mark Duggan, by the Scotland Yard forces, and blasted suppression of the British protestors as a blatant violation of human rights in the European country.






Riots could be coming to America
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Published: 11 August,



Muslim fanatics encourage rioting

Websites want people to spread the word so that focus is taken off terrorists activities, says report




Racial and Class Revolts (“riots”) in Britain
By Joe

イギリス 人種と階級のための反逆


Riots were a long time coming for black Britons
By Lola Adesioye
10:41 AM on 08/09/2011

The main issue is that England and Londoners refuses to deal in any substantive way with its pressing issues. This violence is as a result of, among other things, unexamined racial issues, a crumbling sense of community among black people with no real leadership, unresolved class issues, social exclusion coupled with a lack of opportunities, a deep recession in addition to an extremely high cost of living, a new government who has been cutting back on services for youth, disenfranchised young people, and a dependency culture all rolled into one. As we've seen, this is a deeply dangerous combination.
Nobody in England likes to talk about race. Londoners prefer to pretend or perhaps they really believe -- that the city is a melting pot, where everyone lives side by side in peace and harmony.
Statistics will tell you that while, superficially, people of all races may live side by side in inner city areas (as they certainly don't in London's wealthier areas), there is a major lack of opportunity for them. Black people are underrepresented in all areas of public British life from politics, to economics; educationally, we lag far behind, and we are overrepresented in crime and incarceration



England, still a bastion of tradition, also doesn't really know what to do with this new generation of British-born black youth. Unlike our parents or grandparents who came to England as immigrants, British born blacks are unwilling to act as if England is a host nation which must simply accommodate them because it isn't. It is our home. It is for many the only place that they have ever known, so it is understandably frustrating for many to have second-class citizen status. Back in the late 70s and early to mid 80s, black people dealing with similar frustrations, also used violence -- in some of these same parts of London -- as a tactic to get heard. It seems not much has changed.
Although these latest riots started in Tottenham, as they have spread, the ethnic mix of the rioters has diversified. Why? Because social exclusion and disenfranchisement also runs along class lines in England, still a deeply class-orientated society.Class in England is different from in the U.S. In England, people generally don't move classes -- you end up where you were born. It is not based on how much money you may have today, as it might be in the U.S., but on who your parents are, your background and where you went to school. In England, on that basis, a rich person could still be considered working class.
So now it seems, the white working class youth are also frustrated and fed up. They too have had enough it seems. The British middle classes openly call them chavs a derogatory term to denote lower or working class people -- and scum, while politicians refer to them as the underclass. In the past few years, the media has stoked up the notion that the white working class population is treated as badly, if not worse, than its black counterparts, with the BBC even putting on a white season of TV programming to show how hard the white youth have it these days.
The welfare dependency culture of the UK also discourages personal responsibility or self reliance, and many of these young people simply feel entitled and that they deserve a hand out -- which they are not getting from a society that seems not to even care about them.
London -- and England -- is now dealing with black kids, white kids and indeed most likely children from other ethnicities who all have their axes to grind, who feel victimized and oppressed and excluded in their own country with few opportunities. With no place to go to, nowhere for their voices to be heard, violence seems an easy answer. With a media looking for its next juicy story and instantaneous, free communication tools at hand -- it has been reported that Blackberry Messenger has been the main organizing tool for the riots, and it has allowed the quick spread of the violence from place to place -- suddenly the previously disenfranchised now have some power, destructive as it may be.
Although I don't condone this violence, I hope that some important lessons will be learned. It's time for England to get talking about and taking action on its issues. It's time for it to address its issues about race and to start looking at what the future is for black Briton.
It's time for it to address its class-ism and the way in which those at the top look down at those who are considered to be below them.
It's time for them to address the breakdown of the family and of the community.It is also high time for the black population to take a long hard look at itself and find some answers, some solutions and start taking responsibility for its young



And do look at the individual comments made by people after the end of her article. Numerous whites make extraordinarily racist comments.


These riots were about race. Why ignore the fact?
By Katharine Birbalsingh

What colour is Mark Duggan? Mark Duggan is the man who was shot dead by the police on Thursday in Tottenham. The Tottenham riots last night were sparked when people protested his death. This morning, I first heard of the riots on the radio, then on the television. I read articles on the internet. But oddly, no one would say what colour Mark Duggan was. No one would say the unsayable, that the rioters were, I suspect on the whole, black. Then, finally, Toby Young’s Telegraph blog post on the riots was published. Is Toby Young the only journalist out there who will dare say that these riots are about race?


、AUGUST 11, 2011 · 1:00 PM

Race Riots Feared After Three British Asians Killed


AUGUST 11, 2011 · 12:59 PM
UK Racist Thugs Warn: ‘A N****r Is Going To Get It’

Riot police had to come out in force in Eltham last night after a community gathering was hijacked by racist thugs.

Hundreds of men were chanting and running amok in the south London town and were kettled by police officers to prevent them from marching to Lewisham at around 8pm.

A report from south London newspaper, the News Shopper, recorded that as the crowd was pushed back against a wall, one man was overheard on his phone saying:

“It’s going to kick off. A n****r is going to get it tonight.”

“Unfortunately, members of the EDL came to Eltham to cause trouble and exploit this situation against the backdrop of all the other things that are happening. Because of them, police were prevented from doing work elsewhere to come here. I am furious about that at a time when police resources are already thin.”

 暴動のどさくさに紛れて極右団体が集結、A n****r is going to get it tonight と。

Brutal Brit cops filmed knocking "rioters" off bikes
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Published: 11 August, 2011

A YouTube video shows British police brutally knocking down cyclists who are allegedly leaving Manchester’s downtown during Tuesday’s riots.
The video, made by user nnix250 on August 9 in Manchester, claims in the comment section that it depicts the Tactical Aid Unit of the Riot Police knocking teenagers off their bikes and beating them as they try to escape the city center.
The teens had allegedly taken part in the riots and been tracked by a helicopter’s spotlight. Nevertheless, the witness says no arrests were made. The police can be seen to let the cyclists go after questioning them

(police brutality)

ニートの若者暴徒化 過当競争・景気低迷…根深い病巣





AUGUST 11, 2011 · 12:53 PM

Racist Organization Uncovered In Denmark

Politiken’s investigation revealed a fascist network called ORG, which has around 100 members.

The daily said the organization describes itself as operating for the “national cause,” and says its goal is to “rid the country of immigrants and exact an accounting from those who betray the country by opening its doors to immigrants and welcoming them.”

The leading members of the organization are former politicians from the hard-line rightist Danish People’s Party (DP).









AUGUST 11, 2011 · 12:55 PM
Australian Institute Of Criminolgy Claims That Attacks Against Indian Students Are Not Racist


How Hispanics Are Messing Everything Up
Posted: 8/10/11 11:01 PM ET

The rapid growth of the U.S. Hispanic market these past couple of decades is messing up just about everything regarding dominant norms on race and ethnicity in the United States. It was once so easy. The post-war era ushered in an ethnic/race system of classification of what Berkeley historian David Hollinger has called the identity pentagon of Black, White, Brown, Red or Yellow. All Americans could be placed into their respective color bucket and that was that. Hispanics were Brown, and could clearly be associated as foreign and maybe not quite "American".

Well, as Hispanics have grown from 5% to 16% of the population, this system is starting to be stretched, pulled and frayed. See, Hispanics are an ethnicity, not a race, and as such some are White, Brown, Black, Yellow


(永遠の外国人 perpetual foreigner eternal foreigner)

10/08/2011Swiss watchdog urges non-racist elections

Swiss anti-racism authorities called Wednesday on political parties to refrain from campaigning on racist platforms in the upcoming October legislative election.
The head of the independent federal commission against racism Georg Kreis told AFP that Swiss elections were usually periods of racist and xenophobic agitation.
"There is a certain seduction during elections to use xenophobia or defamation as a political tool," he said.
Switzerland's biggest political party, the far-right Swiss People's Party has consistently sparked controversy over its campaigns.


August 9th, 2011
Sequatchie woman says her family is target of ‘racial terrorism’
comment share email print font size by Ben Benton

CAGLE MOUNTAIN, Tenn. ― The Jenkins family is like many of their neighbors in Sequatchie County: They’re retired; they served in the U.S. armed forces; they moved from out of state to the Sequatchie Valley to enjoy a quiet life.

But because of their differences, the Jenkinses say they feel they have become the target of racial terrorism since moving to Cagle Mountain in 2005 ― they’re black, American-born Muslims from California who are new to the rural South, where blacks sometimes are still called


Richmond city workers complain of racism

Published: August 11, 2011

The Richmond Department of Public Utilities, rocked in April after nine employees were charged with falsely claiming overtime pay, now faces allegations of racial discrimination against black workers.

Twelve pipefitters in the department's water division, all but one of them black, filed a discrimination complaint with the Richmond Department of Human Resources in March. One white employee signed the initial petition but subsequently transferred to another department.

Their allegations include open use of racial epithets by white employees and supervisors, as well as favoritism toward whites in hiring and promotion.

"Their jobs are the most dangerous, labor-intensive, dirtiest and lowest-paying in the department," said former City Councilman Sa'ad El-Amin, president of the Employment Advocacy Center, who is representing the pipefitters. "They are regularly subjected to apartheid employment practices and policies."

職場差別訴訟 ”黒人”は危険できつく、汚くて、もっとも低賃金の部署で働かされている、と。

Princeton Club sued by long-time employee who charges Ivy League club with racial discrimination

Originally Published:Wednesday, August 10th

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/08/10/2011-08-10_princeton_club_sued_by_longtime_employee_who_charges_ivy_league_club_with_racial.html#ixzz1Ul7T50eq

The Princeton Club is getting smacked with a failing grade from a former employee who says the exclusive Ivy League enclave prefers white, English-speaking employees.

Jo-Ann Garcia, who was fired in March as the payroll manager at the elite W. 43rd St. clubhouse, has filed a $10 million age- and race-discrimination suit against the club that employed her for nearly 30 years.

The 51-year-old Amenia, N.Y. woman contends she was forced out in favor of a younger, English-speaking employee by club management that ordered workers to avoid using Spanish in front of guests or in public areas.

"We felt like we were being segregated," Garcia said of Spanish-speaking employees at the club.


How America criminalised poverty
The viciousness of state officials to the poor and homeless is breathtaking, trapping them in a cycle of poverty

Barbara Ehrenreich for TomDispatch, part of the Guardian Comment Network
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011

At the time I wrote Nickel and Dimed, I wasn't sure how many people it directly applied to – only that the official definition of poverty was way off the mark, since it defined an individual earning $7 an hour, as I did on average, as well out of poverty. But three months after the book was published, the Economic Policy Institute in Washington DC issued a report entitled "Hardships in America: The Real Story of Working Families", which found an astounding 29% of American families living in what could be more reasonably defined as poverty, meaning that they earned less than a barebones budget covering housing, child care, health care, food, transportation, and taxes – though not, it should be noted, any entertainment, meals out, cable TV, Internet service, vacations, or holiday gifts. Twenty-nine percent is a minority, but not a reassuringly small one, and other studies in the early 2000s came up with similar figures.

When you read about the hardships I found people enduring while I was researching my book – the skipped meals, the lack of medical care, the occasional need to sleep in cars or vans – you should bear in mind that those occurred in the best of times. The economy was growing, and jobs, if poorly paid, were at least plentiful.

How have the already-poor attempted to cope with their worsening economic situation? One obvious way is to cut back on health care. The New York Times reported in 2009 that one-third of Americans could no longer afford to comply with their prescriptions and that there had been a sizable drop in the use of medical care. Others, including members of my extended family, have given up their health insurance.

Food is another expenditure that has proved vulnerable to hard times, with the rural poor turning increasingly to "food auctions", which offer items that may be past their sell-by dates. And for those who like their meat fresh, there's the option of urban hunting. In Racine, Wisconsin, a 51-year-old laid-off mechanic told me he was supplementing his diet by "shooting squirrels and rabbits and eating them stewed, baked and grilled". In Detroit, where the wildlife population has mounted as the human population ebbs, a retired truck driver was doing a brisk business in raccoon carcasses, which he recommends marinating with vinegar and spices.

In Los Angeles, housing expert Peter Dreier says that "people who've lost their jobs, or at least their second jobs, cope by doubling or tripling up in overcrowded apartments, or by paying 50 or 60 or even 70% of their incomes in rent". According to a community organiser in Alexandria, Virginia, the standard apartment in a complex occupied largely by day labourers has two bedrooms, each containing an entire family of up to five people, plus an additional person laying claim to the couch.

No one could call suicide a "coping strategy", but it is one way some people have responded to job loss and debt. There are no national statistics linking suicide to economic hard times, but the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline reported more than a four-fold increase in call volume between 2007 and 2009, and regions with particularly high unemployment, such as Elkhart, Indiana, have seen troubling spikes in their suicide rates. Foreclosure is often the trigger for suicide – or, worse, murder-suicides that destroy entire families.

Take the case of Kristen and Joe Parente, Delaware residents who had always imagined that people turned to the government for help only if "they didn't want to work". Their troubles began well before the recession, when Joe, a fourth-generation pipe-fitter, sustained a back injury that left him unfit for even light lifting. He fell into a profound depression for several months, then rallied to ace a state-sponsored retraining course in computer repairs – only to find that those skills are no longer in demand. The obvious fallback was disability benefits, but – catch-22 – when Joe applied he was told he could not qualify without presenting a recent MRI scan. This would cost $800 to $900, which the Parentes do not have; nor has Joe, unlike the rest of the family, been able to qualify for Medicaid.

When they married as teenagers, the plan had been for Kristen to stay home with the children. But with Joe out of action and three children to support by the middle of this decade, Kristen went out and got waitressing jobs, ending up, in 2008, in a "pretty fancy place on the water". Then the recession struck and she was laid off.

Kristen is bright, pretty, and to judge from her command of her own small kitchen, probably capable of holding down a dozen tables with precision and grace. In the past she'd always been able to land a new job within days; now there was nothing. Like 44% of laid-off people at the time, she failed to meet the fiendishly complex and sometimes arbitrary eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits. Their car started falling apart.

So the Parentes turned to what remains of welfare – TANF, or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. TANF does not offer straightforward cash support like Aid to Families with Dependent Children, which it replaced in 1996. It's an income supplementation program for working parents, and it was based on the sunny assumption that there would always be plenty of jobs for those enterprising enough to get them.

After Kristen applied, nothing happened for six weeks – no money, no phone calls returned. At school, the Parentes' seven-year-old's class was asked to write out what wish they would present to a genie, should a genie appear. Brianna's wish was for her mother to find a job because there was nothing to eat in the house, an aspiration that her teacher deemed too disturbing to be posted on the wall with the other children's requests.

When the Parentes finally got into "the system" and began receiving food stamps and some cash assistance, they discovered why some recipients have taken to calling TANF "Torture and Abuse of Needy Families." From the start, the TANF experience was "humiliating", Kristen says. The caseworkers "treat you like a bum. They act like every dollar you get is coming out of their own paychecks".

How the safety net became a dragnet

The most shocking thing I learned from my research on the fate of the working poor in the recession was the extent to which poverty has indeed been criminalised in America.

Most cities, for example, have ordinances designed to drive the destitute off the streets by outlawing such necessary activities of daily life as sitting, loitering, sleeping, or lying down. Urban officials boast that there is nothing discriminatory about such laws: "If you're lying on a sidewalk, whether you're homeless or a millionaire, you're in violation of the ordinance," a St Petersburg, Florida, city attorney stated in June 2009, echoing Anatole France's immortal observation that "the law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges."

"Can you imagine?" asked Eric Sheptock, the homeless advocate (himself a shelter resident) who introduced me to Szekeley. "They arrested a homeless man in a shelter for being homeless?

For the not-yet-homeless, there are two main paths to criminalisation, and one is debt. Anyone can fall into debt, and although we pride ourselves on the abolition of debtors' prison, in at least one state, Texas, people who can't pay fines for things like expired inspection stickers may be made to "sit out their tickets" in jail.

More commonly, the path to prison begins when one of your creditors has a court summons issued for you, which you fail to honour for one reason or another, such as that your address has changed and you never received it. OK, now you're in "contempt of the court".





Q 安価な海外製品の流入を防ぐために発電効率や耐久性の技術基準が必要ではないですか。

A そうした技術基準のお墨付きを与える団体を設置し、天下ろうという経産省の考えそうなことです。粗悪な設備で発電すれば、買電収入が減るだけですからビジネスが成り立たなくなります。意味のない規制を主張するのは常に原発派の議員です。





