Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年11月11日 06時05分31秒 | Weblog

Japan Times: Colin Jones on schizophrenic J constitution regarding civil and human rights of NJ residents

Posted by debito on November 9th, 2011

Schizophrenic Constitution leaves foreigners' rights mired in confusion


Japan Times と有道氏のブログのおかげで、一部の外国人のなかに、なぜか、日本国憲法では人権は日本国民に限定されているように信じている人がいるが、もちろんそれは間違っている。

外国人の人権 なんかが、大学生が習うことをよくまとめていると思うが、



1) 憲法第3章の諸規定は同表題が「国民の権利義務及び義務」とされているこ
1) 誤り。かつては本肢のような学説も少数説ながら存在したが(佐々木惣一な



according to the Supreme Court, they are entitled to all the same rights as Japanese people, except for those which by their nature are only to be enjoyed by Japanese people.

The fact that many of us expats are still here nonetheless may thus be because of the inherent kindness of the Japanese people rather than any high expectations of their government.




こうけんりょく 3 【公権力】





3. Are non-citizens eligible for Federal employment?

Under Executive Order 11935, only United States citizens and nationals may compete for competitive jobs. Agencies are permitted to hire non-citizens only when there are no qualified citizens available. A non-citizen may only be given an excepted appointment and may not be promoted or reassigned to another position in the competitive service, except in situations where a qualified citizen is not available. The non-citizen may be hired only if permitted by the appropriations act and immigration law.

Last updated: 1 December 2009

Citizenship in the Australian Public Service

1.4 Consequences of failing to meet a citizenship condition

A person can be engaged and commence employment subject to satisfactorily meeting, within a specified timeframe, the condition that they obtain Australian citizenship. If that person subsequently fails to meet that required condition, the agency is able to terminate their employment under section 29(3)(f) of the PS Act (‘failure to meet a condition imposed under subsection 22(6)’). Termination may, however, cause considerable disruption to the employee, the employer and the workplace. Agencies should therefore consider implementing arrangements to ensure that, as far as practical, they are satisfied that a prospective employee meets, or is able to meet, all the relevant requirements before they are engaged.

Additional information can be found in the document Termination of Employment.

2. Citizenship as a condition of engagement

Section 22(6)(b) of the PS Act enables an agency head to impose, as a condition of engagement, a requirement that a person hold Australian citizenship. Section 22(8) requires an agency head not to engage a person who is not an Australian citizen as an APS employee, “unless the agency head considers it appropriate to do so”.


The nationality clause in sports

by Simon Busuttil MEP

Patrick Carter asks:

Is it possible for a sport association within an EU Member State, to approve an amendment within its statute, stating that only players of Maltese nationality can register for its competitions?

Does this rule provide legal grounds for clubs and offended EU nationals to challenge the association on the basis of free movement of workers within the EU?


Rules of associations that treat other EU citizens differently from Maltese citizens solely on the basis of their nationality, that is, on the basis that they are not Maltese, are not compatible with EU law.

This is a basic principle of EU law.

If an association has changed its statute to limit registration to Maltese nationals, there is a clear case of discrimination against other EU citizens. As such, such a provision cannot be considered as compatible with EU law and would need to be changed.

Of course this applies in relation to EU citizens. It does not apply in relation to non-EU nationals.


Here's another pop quiz: Which of the following vocations are open to non-Japanese? 1) National university professor; 2) family court mediator; 3) nonmanagerial local government bureaucrat; 4) managerial local government bureaucrat; 5) member of a national government panel advising on national policy; 6) trainee at the Supreme Court's legal research and training institute; 7) Diet member's secretary.

この点について、鄭 香 均 さんの事件が注目されたが、しかし、彼女は管理職になれなかったが、普通の公務員ではあったわけである。

Nationality Elements of citizenship Aliens and the Constitution
Chong v Tokyo, 2005



2007/08/09 18:55 KST

森川キャサリーン事件 および、マクリーン事件などに言及されている。


APRIL 11TH, 2011 21:17
UK Muslim extremists banned from France

By riteway

Three Muslim extremists Anjem Choudry Abu Izzadin and Omar Bakri were banned from entering France. They had intended to join the burka ban protest.
France is to be congratulated for implementing the burka ban. They also have shown their determination to keep undesirables out of their country. What we should have done is to refuse those extremists re-entry into the UK. These despicable creeps are a danger and a liability we would be well rid of them. Some hope however. The Human Rights lawyers would have a field day. One has to admire France their government seems to respond to the will of the vast majority. Here we back the other side.



Guardian Moscow correspondent denied re-entry to Russia
Luke Harding was attempting to re-enter the country at the weekend after a two-month stint covering the WikiLeaks embassy cables in London

Posted: 8 February 2011 By: Joel Gunter

he Guardian's Moscow correspondent, Luke Harding, has been denied re-entry to Russia, it was announced last night.

Harding's expulsion follows his coverage of the WikiLeaks US embassy cables release for the Guardian, in which he said the country was being run like a a "virtual mafia state".

He tweeted last night: "The Russians have been unhappy with my reporting for a while. But it seems WikiLeaks may have been the final straw."

Harding was attempting to re-enter Russia at the weekend after a two-month stint in London working on the newspaper's cables coverage.

According to a statement from the Guardian, he was stopped at the airport and detained in a cell for 45 minutes. He was then reportedly placed on a return flight and told, "For you, Russia is closed."

Cuban journalists say U.S. denied them visas
Updated 9/29/2008 4:27 PM | Comments 19 | Recommend 3 E-mail | Print |

UNITED NATIONS (AP) Two Cuban journalists covering the United Nations said Monday that the U.S. government denied them re-entry after they took a vacation in their homeland.
Ilsa Rodriguez Santana and Tomas A. Granados Jimenez have covered the United Nations for the Prensa Latina news agency since 2005.

"We would also want to voice our strongest protest against such an outrageous and arbitrary act, which violates all standards regarding relations between the U.N. and the United States as the host country," they wrote in a letter to the president of the United Nations Correspondents Association.

Tuyet Nguyen, president of the correspondents association, said the UNCA "has never been involved in helping journalists from any country get visas to enter the United States."

The U.S. State Department in Washington did not immediately respond to a call about the matter.

Prensa Latina said American officials in Havana opted not to issue the visas under a regulation that can deny entry to persons and groups considered prejudicial to U.S. interests, as well as Cuban government officials and employees.

Although the U.S. in recent years has increasingly denied entry to Cuban officials and others connected with the communist government, denying visas to full-time Cuban journalists permanently assigned to cover the United Nations was seen as highly unusual.

In the past, the U.S. has carried out expulsions of Cuban diplomats, including 14 from the island's Washington and U.N. missions in May 2003. They were judged by the U.S. State Department to be engaged in "inappropriate and unacceptable activities.



In 1952, Chaplin left the US for what was intended as a brief trip home to the United Kingdom for the London premiere of Limelight. Hoover learned of the trip and negotiated with the Immigration and Naturalization Service to revoke Chaplin's re-entry permit, exiling Chaplin so he could not return for his alleged political leanings. Chaplin decided not to re-enter the United States,

Du Bois, Shirley Graham:

In 1961 the couple renounced their U.S. citizenship and became nationals in pro-Communist Ghana, where they had been ardent supporters of President Kwame Nkrumah's revolutionary government. W.E.B. Du Bois died there two years later, but Graham Du Bois remained to create and manage the government television network. After a military coup there in 1967, she moved to Cairo, Egypt. Denied permanent re-entry to the U.S. because of her affiliation with known subversive groups, Graham Du Bois was permitted to return temporarily in 1976. In 1977 she traveled to Beijing, Chin, seeking treatment for breast cancer and died there on March 27. She and her husband are interred in Ghana.


American citizen denied re-entry to US - Arab News


American Man in Limbo on No-Fly List
Published: June 15, 2010

WASHINGTON ― As a 26-year-old Muslim American man who spent 18 months in Yemen before heading home to Virginia in early May, Yahya Wehelie caught the attention of the F.B.I. Agents stopped him while he was changing planes in Cairo, told him he was on the no-fly list and questioned him about his contacts with another American in Yemen, one accused of joining Al Qaeda and fatally shooting a hospital guard.

For six weeks, Mr. Wehelie has been in limbo in the Egyptian capital. He and his parents say he has no radical views, despises Al Qaeda and merely wants to get home to complete his education and get a job.

But after many hours of questioning by F.B.I. agents, he remains on the no-fly list. When he offered to fly home handcuffed and flanked by air marshals, Mr. Wehelie said, F.B.I. agents turned him down.

“The lady told me that Columbus sailed the ocean blue a long time ago when there were no planes,” Mr. Wehelie said in a telephone interview from Cairo. “I’m an innocent American in exile, and I have no way to get home.”

On Tuesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based group that has been working with Mr. Wehelie’s family, wrote to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to protest what its executive director, Nihad Awad, called “apparently illegal pressure tactics” against Muslim American travelers.

“If the F.B.I. wishes to question American citizens, they should be allowed to return to the United States, where they will be able to maintain their constitutional rights free of threats or intimidation,” Mr. Awad wrote.



Denied entry to the USA - why??

It sounds like the CBP officers were just doing their job. Based on the fact that you were not working, had already spent a considerable amount of time in the US, and were about to marry a US citizen, they decided you were abusing the VWP. The standard recommendation is to spend as much time out of the US as you spent in, before attempting to enter again.

You will need a fiance visa (K1) to get married in the US and live there.

From what I've heard, people who are denied entry to the UK are not treated much better.

I was recently denied re-entry to the UK




