Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

2011年11月11日 07時20分48秒 | Weblog
これ昨日から何度か回ってくるけど、アメリカ・エリート男のミソジニ(女嫌い)的上から目線も超感じて、あまり気持ちよくないという意見も書いとく。 RT JPモルガンCEOから一般女性へ質問への回答。シンプルでロジカル。■金持ちと結婚する女→ bit.ly/shsVEx


てかこの「モルガンCEO]も「一般女性」とやらもどっちもアメリカの悪いところって感じ。。 RT JPモルガンCEOから一般女性へ質問への回答。シンプルでロジカル。■金持ちと結婚する女→ bit.ly/shsVEx

J.P. Morgan's reply to a Pretty Woman

Sexism and Racism Linked to Personality
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior WriterDate: 09 November 2011 Time: 03:16 PM ET



不正指摘した監査法人解約 オリンパスが09年




NOVEMBER 10, 2011, 9:57 AM SGT
Discrimination Pervasive in Singapore Rental Market

By Sam Holmes and Shibani Mahtani

SINGAPORE – A three-bedroom condominium for rent in Singapore’s cosmopolitan Claymore Hill area in the central part of the island boasts a pool, a gymnasium, and proximity to the Orchard Road shopping district. It would be a great catch for any high income family – unless you happen to be Indian.

The listing, which appeared November 3 on the Property Guru classified listings website, beckons prospective tenants to “search no more” but adds the following caveat: “Accept all race, except indian sorry no offence (sic).”

A significant number of property advertisements on rental websites such as Singapore-based Property Guru or Craigslist specify that no Indians, ‘PRCs’ (from the People’s Republic of China) or Malays be allowed to rent various properties. Some ads also specify that Japanese, Caucasian or Chinese tenants are preferred.

Although the number of listings with such requests varies over time, a recent search for rental ads on one property site that stated preferences against tenants from mainland China alone yielded an estimated 200 such listings from over the past month.

Such specifications are not illegal under Singaporean law, though they are officially discouraged for rental properties and are, at times, questioned by residents.

“Certainly, the ads’ specification against people of certain races or nationalities is discriminatory. It flows from certain stereotypes of specific categories of people,” said Eugene Tan, a professor of law at the Singapore Management University. But “it is not illegal in the Singapore context as landlords are free to specify their requirements.”

シンガポール 賃貸差別 不動産差別

Race and Hong Kong
Written by Cyril Pereira

s discrimination creeping into Hong Kong's Immigration process? Or was it always there?

Pepito Mamaril, a 60-year old Filipino, flew into Hong Kong on Nov. 2 to mourn the death and attend the wake of his sister-in-law. For an already emotionally fraught visit, what happened next was both traumatic and unnecessary.

Mamaril was detained in an Immigration Department cell for hours and deported the same evening to Manila, thus doubly distressing him by treating him as a criminal. Hong Kong Immigration is not obliged to give reasons for its decisions.

Racial discrimination on the streets is one thing. Having that infect official discharge of duty by the uniformed services raises serious questions about where Hong Kong is heading as a society. Hong Kong has always prided itself on strict observance of the letter and spirit of the law.

Mamaril was not here to join anti-Beijing rallies or to participate in a Falun Gong collective breathing exercise. Philippine nationals are usually granted a 14-day visa free stay in Hong Kong.

Immigration declared that Mamaril "did not have a valid reason to be granted an entry visa". The P500 (HK$90) cash that Pepito had was also deemed inadequate for his stay. All of those assessments were made by immigration officers despite the fact that Mamaril’s niece Mary Ann, daughter of the deceased, faxed through a death certificate of her mother and rushed to the airport to provide surety for his care and return.

Hong Kong has never been known for crass and overt racism. If at all, it is subtle. It takes the form of some landlords denying people of color housing, some taxi drivers refusing to take such passengers and refusal to employ non-Chinese in white collar jobs for which they are eminently qualified or in under-paying them. It shows at restaurants where a family sits to lunch excluding the domestic helper who has to manage unruly children but is not invited to share the communal meal.

香港 差別

NOVEMBER 10, 2011African-American Waitress Claims She Was Only Given Black Tables at Applebee’s

An African-American waitress, who was terminated earlier this year, has filed a discrimination complaint against Applebee’s after she claims a manager harassed her on the job and only allowed her to only serve tables taken by black customers.
[Source 1: FOX]

裁判 職場差別

Preliminary report finds extensive use of hate speech on conservative talk radio
By Letisia Marquez January 28, 2009


TSA Employees Allege Racial Profiling
Employees with the Transportation Security Administration come forward to allege racial profiling and mismanagement in a special unit of screeners at the Honolulu International Airport.


They are known as the Mexcutioners
We are not in the business of going after illegals, We are supposed to find illegal terrorists treats to aviation security.
They are fabricating behaviors, they are making up the behaviors don't exist in order to get to the point where they can arrest these people.

60% Say Profiling Necessary in Today’s Society
in Lifestyle

Friday, November 04, 2011

Most Americans still believe in the need for profiling and feel it should be used to determine who is searched at airports.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of American Adults say profiling - the use of factors such as race, ethnicity and overall appearance to determine the subjects of security checks - is necessary in today’s society. Twenty-seven percent (27%) disagree and feel profiling is an unnecessary violation of civil rights. Another 13% are not sure.

NOVEMBER 9, 2011 · 6:52 AM
History Of Racial Issues Revealed At Canadian Elementary School

A Mississauga elementary school from which death threats were recently sent to a parent has had a history of race problems among its teaching ranks, according to a report prepared by a consultant who specializes in human rights issues.

[Source: Mississauga]

NOVEMBER 9, 2011 · 6:54 AM
UK Family Believe Gang Attack Was Racially Motivated

A family have spoken of their horror after a gang of thugs launched a vicious assault with a plank of wood, in what they believe was a racist attack.

Del Singh, his wife Jo Kaur-Hayre and their children and grandchildren, were attacked outside their home in Valiant Way, Marsh Green.


Mr Singh said it was the latest in a number of incidents, and the family is now looking to move.

He added: “This street itself is fine; we get on well with the neighbours. But all I have to do is walk down for a bus or to the shops and I get met with the most vile, racist abuse.

“That’s just words though and as sick as it is I can ignore it, but when it gets physical like this, enough is enough.

“My kids are scared and we just want to move now.”

Three people have been arrested in connection with the incident.

[Source: Wigan Today]


Occupy Oakland protester shot with rubber bullet

The narrator of the footage appears peaceful and calm as he walks around 20 feet away from the police during the course of the 40 second clip in which he at no point attempts to provoke the officers. The footage is cut short, however, after a burst of light is seen exploding from the array of law enforcement followed immediately by the cameraman falling to the ground.
“Oh, ow! Ow, ow! He shot me!” cries the protester as he drops to the asphalt.
The exact projectile fired by the cops has not been identified, though the man was believed to be hit by either a beanbag or a non-lethal rubber bullet round.


Can Feds track the GPS of every American?
Get short URL email story to a friend print version
Published: 09 November, 2011, 02:54

“It shows how far we’ve come,” radio host Alex Jones told RT. Only five years ago, he said, President George W Bush was falsely denying the authorities were monitoring phone calls of Americans. Only one administration later, however, the American judicial system is identifying ways to legalize constant surveillance over every American.

アメリカ 監視社会 司法

Video shows vandal striking Danville home

By Mike Taugher
Contra Costa Time
Posted: 11/07/2011 04:15:33 PM PST
Updated: 11/07/2011 05:24:49 PM PST

A surveillance video released Monday by Danville police shows someone in a light-colored hoodie walking up to a wall in Danville and spray painting what police say were racial epithets and other graffiti.
The property on Sycamore Circle has been vandalized several times, and so police set up a surveillance camera.
Shortly before midnight Friday, the house was hit again, police say. The video shows the suspect walking up to a wall and painting on it. The graffiti is not visible on the video.

監視カメラ 落書き

NOVEMBER 9, 2011 · 6:53 AM
UK Traffic Warden Faces Regular Racism On The Street

Being a traffic warden has never been a bed of roses. Insults and dirty looks can be the daily diet in a busy city like Bristol, where parking is at a premium. But for Clifford Windith the abuse has always had even nastier undertones.

The Jamaican has put up with racist name-calling, dog attacks and even been spat at by angry motorists since he joined the council’s enforcement team.

But the hardy family man refuses to be beaten by the bullies and is urging anyone who is the victim of racism: “Always report it to police.”

“I don’t think anyone should have to put up with this when they’re doing their job,” he said. “Whether they’re black, white, pink or yellow.”

UK 差別

[Source: Bristol Evening Post]

Rural racism in Leicestershire identified by study
7 November 2011 Last updated at 17:41 GMT Help

Rural racism still exists in parts of Leicestershire, according to a research carried out by the University of Leicester.

Dr Neil Chakrabati, who has published a paper on rural racism, looked at experiences of ethnic minorities living in rural towns and villages in the county.

He said he uncovered some "serious cases of racism" in Leicestershire including physical violence, but the majority of cases were "low level forms of victimisation" such as verbal abuse.

Dr Chakrabati said rural racism in today's society was "parallel" to what urban ethnic communities had experienced 40 years ago in Leicester

UK 田舎での差別

Documentary finds racism is still alive in Croydon
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

RACISM still exists in Croydon, a new documentary about discrimination has found.

Race equality campaigners Runnymede Trust is opening a temporary discussion hub for local people to share ideas on how to wipe out racism in a generation.

This comes after the think tank filmed a documentary in Croydon which found that people were still suffering the effects of racism – despite an estimated 41 per cent of the borough's population being from an ethnic minority background.

Millie Reid moved to the town from the Caribbean when she was three years old.

She was interviewed by the charity's film crew and features in the documentary.

"I think racism is still a big problem in Croydon," she told the Advertiser. "It has just changed a lot since I was a child.

"When I got to Croydon I was three years old and I was the only black child in my school in the 60s.

"The children used to call me 'gorilla' and all kinds of stuff.

"It used to be so overt and direct, but it's more subtle now."

Millie, who is now in her 50s, also told the Advertiser about how she refused, as a child, to be spoken to in such a disgusting manner.

She said: "My father died when I was eight and my brother was in the Caribbean – I had no one to fight for me and my mum was the only one I had for support.

"When I started at Heath Clark Grammar School I ended up in a fight with a boy who started calling me names.

"So on my second day I was sent to the headmaster's office. He said 'We don't do things like that over here'. But I said I would continue fighting if he didn't stop them calling me names – I stood up for myself."

Millie, who works in mental health, believes the face of racism has dramatically changed since her childhood, yet it is still a huge problem.

She thinks there is a stigma attached to young black people especially, and they are less likely to find work than white youngsters.

"There is so much negativity around young black people." she added.

"And there are not enough people in the criminal justice system, or in mental health, who understand where they are coming from.

"There are hardly any black people making the decisions at the top – we are not the bosses, we are at the bottom of the pile.

"I think it's good to raise the issues through the film and try to get some things changed."

Rob Berkeley, director of the Runnymede Trust, said: "As a country we have made real progress towards ending racism, but challenges still remain in our schools, criminal justice system, and workplaces.

UK 田舎での差別

NOVEMBER 8, 2011 · 7:27 AM
Minnesota Candidate Recieves Racist Message From Alleged Rival Supporter

Bee Kevin Xiong, candidate for Saint Paul City Council Member in Ward 6, received a voicemail full of racist rants from a man alleged to be a supporter of incumbent Dan Bostrom.

Xiong, a long-time East Side Resident of Saint Paul, is running against the nearly 20 year incumbent Dan Bostrom for a seat on the Saint Paul City Council.

“You Hmongs have taken over this whole state. We’ll never vote for you, because you’re Hmong,” said the man in the message, along with a couple four letter words. You can listen to the message here.


アメリカ 差別 脅迫

NOVEMBER 8, 2011 · 7:26 AM
Racism Still A Reality In Malta’s Housing Market

Ethnic minorities in Malta still face frequent discrimination when looking for a place to rent, the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality fears.

An advert recently featured online is just one example. A fully equipped two-bedroomed apartment in Qawra is available for €300 a month. But there’s a catch: “No arabs, blacks or young boys.”

[Source: Independent]

マルタ 差別

NOVEMBER 8, 2011 · 7:26 AM
UK Soccer Player Files Complaint Over Racial Abuse

A Blyth Spartans footballer has claimed he was the subject of a racial slur from a rival player during a game.

Richard Offiong tweeted a Colwyn Bay player said to him: “Where’s your bunch of bananas, show me your passport.”

Offiong has confirmed to BBC Wales that he has made an official complaint to the footballing authorities.

Colwyn chairman Bob Paton said in a statement: “We are aware of what is being said and will be making our own internal enquiries.”

[Source: BBC]

UK サッカー差別

Why CNN’s ‘Black in America’ misses the point on race in tech
November 7, 2011 | Chikodi Chima7 Comments

Silicon Valley thrives on ideas, but there is bias in all of us. The extent to which we project race bias onto ourselves and the world is a subject of endless debate. Black in America does an admirable job of showing how racial prejudice is still alive and well. Two poignant scenes from the documentary really drive this point home. After a late night of hacking on his startup, NewMe co-founder Wayne Sutton is racially profiled by Mountain View police, who detain him and run his record to see if he has a criminal history. The cops couldn’t understand why a black man was walking through a residential neighborhood after dark, Sutton tells the camera crew, in a moment of raw emotion. Maybe it does happen, but it’s really hard to imagine Indian or Southeast Asian engineers being stopped on their way home because it’s late and the police don’t recognize them. Blacks and Latinos in this country know the routine.

In another gripping scene, Vivek Wadhwa, a NewMe mentor, advocates for the NewMe founders to get a white guy to front their companies, and they are gobsmacked. The notion that their ideas will play better if articulated from white mouths, cuts to the quick.



