Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年11月23日 00時09分04秒 | Weblog
 Japan Probeで、不法移民に対する茨城県警のポスターを有道ブログを引用して紹介している。
Comment by Jerry
2008-11-22 08:46:42

What with the Japanese mentality that people outside Japan are “Foreign Devils”?

Comment by DC
2008-11-22 22:08:34

Rubbish. This sort of poster would never be tolerated in the UK


One of the ‘escorts’ for Mr Kasasa reportedly told him: “You ..... bastard. You are going back to Uganda. You are just faking it, pretending.”

He was handcuffed onto the plane and allegedly had his legs tied together.

Once on board he was punched and forced into a seat. A pillow was put over his mouth to stop him shouting out.

Some of the reports of abuse in the report are extremely detailed and some even involve children.

In a particularly distressing case involving one Ugandan woman, the SN Brussels pilot intervened to prevent the forced deportation after a woman was beaten and almost lost consciousness after being held around the neck.

Several women in particular are alleged to have attempted to take their own lives because of the abuse they are said to have received.

The report readily recognises that some asylum seekers do not have valid claims to refugee status but stresses that should not prevent their human rights being ignored.

The London Labour MP Dianne Abbot said that the information contained in the 70-page document was “one of the most shocking reports about our (UK) immigration system that I have seen in 20 years as a Member of Parliament.

“The report catalogues the frightening state-sponsored violence that happens to asylum-seekers when they are being deported.
This report suggests a complete failure [by the Home Office] to investigate many of the allegations.



Comment by Ken Y-N
2008-11-22 10:31:17

What is it with the foreigner mentality that the Japanese mentality that people outside Japan are “Foreign Devils”?



