Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Boycott American goods and trips to the States

2018年06月16日 03時24分07秒 | Weblog
June 14, 2018, 2:13 PM
Some Canadians boycott American goods and travel after Trump's insults

Canada's CTV reports angry Canadian shoppers and travelers "are mounting strikes against America's pocketbook by boycotting U.S. goods and trips to the States" as the summer travel season begins. "On Twitter, hashtags including #BuyCanadian, #BoycottUSProducts and #BoycottUSA are spreading tips on using purchasing power to defend Canada's honour," CTV reported.

"Trump is like a bad houseguest. He showed up late, left early and insulted the host," said Mayor Rick Bonnette. "When you have a bully like Trump, you can't just keep taking it and taking it."



Later, the Vietnam War caused some divisions, as Canadians — including Justin Trudeau's father, then-Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau — welcomed American draft evaders who crossed the border. And some Canadians, notably the Ontario intelligentsia, tend to regard Americans as more crass and gun-happy than people north of the border.

"In general, Canadians have looked at us as a large, powerful, unruly but basically good child — a big animal that they don't have to worry about but does stupid things now and then," said Stephen Blank, an American academic who has taught at universities on both sides of the border.





