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The percentage of working people in unions has now dropped to roughly 7 percent

2013年10月06日 00時13分55秒 | Weblog


Saturday, Oct 5, 2013 2:00 PM UTC
7 signs America has regressed ― to the 19th century

Workers aren't unionized, and some pols are now advocating child labor. It's like the U.S. has gone back in time

By RJ Eskow


2. Workers aren’t unionized.

The horrors of working life during the Industrial Revolution led to the rise of the American union, beginning in the year 1860. The US State Department estimates that 3 percent of the workforce belonged to a union by the close of the 19th century. That number rose to roughly 7 percent by 1930, and to more than one worker in four by 1954.

The percentage of working people in unions has now dropped to roughly 7 percent again for private-sector workers. That’s roughly the early-20th-century level. When you add in government employees, who are more heavily unionized, the number rises slightly, to 11.5 percent. Our national and state capitals remain in the grip of an ill-advised round of cost-cutting that’s bringing the total number of government employees down quickly, which adds to the decline of these numbers.

Thanks to a four-decade-long campaign against them, unions―and workers―are more likely to be vilified than praised. It’s almost impossible to imagine today’s United States Congress passing the 1895 law that created Labor Day.



 解雇自由 At-will employment が原則で、失業率がいまだに高いといわれるアメリカで、いかなる雇用契約で労働者が守られているのか、興味深いところであります。


