Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

明日もくるからね 他

2011年03月16日 21時57分52秒 | Weblog
東日本大震災:在住外国人に情報を 大津のNPOが発信

Earthquake Information
Tohoku area pacific offshore earthquake multi-language support center


なお、Massive Earthquake Strikes Japanにも役に立つ情報があると思います。



釜石市内の小中学生の避難率100%近く ほぼ全員が無事


明日もくるからね 寿仁




kizuna311.com 渡辺謙 「雨ニモマケズ」 朗読



音連れ  飯島晶子です!


日本の「静かな威厳」称賛 シンガポール紙
2011.3.16 18:16


Awed by a nation's quiet dignity
Mar 16, 2011

As Canadian student Jouvon Evans, who studies in Tokyo and was on a train to Sendai, told Agence France-Presse: 'I have never been in a disaster before so I didn't know what to expect. In the movies, you always see people running around screaming, but here at the centre, it's really calm.'

The Japanese are used to a trembling earth - the quake was followed by over 300 aftershocks, an absurd number really - and they have prepared for it with emergency drills and sensible building.

But this ganging up of nature is beyond preparation and imagination. Boats on roofs and cars in the water, in a time of bitter cold with ears tuned to sirens, is more than literally a world turned upside down.

Yet every day, reports trickle in of civility - almost a conditioning in Japan - amid the ruins.

An old lady in pain from a shattered ankle, pulled from beneath fallen furniture, apologised to her rescuers for inconveniencing them and asked whether others should be helped first. It is as if courtesy, so ingrained in a culture of bowing and formality, never leaves.

Newspapers are littered with tales of a vending machine owner who has been distributing drinks without charge and of elderly ladies bringing hot meals to those in shelters.

A petrol pump attendant apologises profusely for not having fuel to long waiting lines of motorists where no one cuts in or bellows in frustrated anger. Those in food queues take just enough so as to leave some for others. In everyday life this is nice, in distress it is astonishing.

Photos tell their own stories, especially one of a tiny child, arms raised, face impassive, as a masked inspector checks her for contamination.

The world has been searching for a word for all this, and has settled on 'stoic'. As stereotypes go, it is not a bad one. And it points to a type of heroism we rarely encounter.・・・・・

Widespread looting occurred during Hurricane Katrina in Florida, and its absence - mostly - in Japan led a Telegraph blog to be titled, 'Why is there no looting in Japan?', as if it is an expected reaction.

In such a 'landscape of loss', as The New York Times artfully put it, hysteria often takes centre-stage, like a release of panic, but little has been reported here.

It is not as if there has been no stealing, or complaints, or people becoming fed up, or anger, for that would be to deny their humanness. But in scale and volume of discontent it is insignificant, else, presumably, it would be an indication of bad manners.





(2011年3月16日20時33分 読売新聞)




Mar 16, 2011
Thailand to give iodine pills to Japan-bound flyers

BANGKOK - THAILAND'S public health ministry said on Wednesday that it would hand out free iodine tablets to passengers at airports where jets are departing for disaster-stricken Japan.


Mar 16, 2011
China offers diesel and gasoline to Japan

BEIJING - CHINA will give 10,000 tonnes of diesel and 10,000 tonnes of gasoline free to Japan to help the country battle shortages, the Xinhua news agency said on Wednesday.


Mar 16, 2011
US police eye threats over anti-Asian video

LOS ANGELES - A POLITICAL science student faces punishment for from the University of California-Los Angeles for her three-minute web video tirade that ridiculed Asian students for talking loudly in the library, packing her neighbourhood with annoying relatives, and repeatedly calling home to Japan in a funny sounding foreign language to check on loved ones after the deadly tsunami

Alexandra Wallace, A UCLA white girl attacks Asians


Mar 16, 2011
British rescuers say red tape blocked Japan mission

LONDON - A BRITISH rescue team hoping to help with the disaster effort in Japan said on Wednesday they had been forced to return home after the British embassy in Tokyo denied them the necessary paperwork.


東日本大震災:在沖海兵隊、仙台空港復旧へ 日米連携アピール、週内にも開始

毎日新聞 2011年3月16日






