Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

ろうがい 他

2011年11月14日 22時30分29秒 | Weblog
Land of the wasted talent
Japanese firms face a demographic catastrophe. The solution is to treat women better
Nov 5th 2011

The Economist




Filthy foreigners are more female-friendly





Off-Ramps and On-Ramps Japan
Key Findings

In Japan, large numbers of highly-qualified women voluntarily quit their
jobs. Fully 74 percent of college-educated Japanese women off-ramp―
twice the number in the U.S. (31%) and Germany (35%).


Surprisingly, childcare and eldercare are not the driving force behind this exodus. Only 32 percent of Japanese women off-ramp for childcare-related reasons, compared to 74 percent in the U.S. and 82 percent in Germany.


唐辛子 他 の なんか典型的だな。

Besides finding these hours just a bit inconvenient, working mothers are unlikely to get much help at home from their husbands. Japanese working mums do four hours of child care and housework each day―eight times as much as their spouses.



Instead, Japanese women are pushed out by rigid work schedules and
unsupportive employers who are reluctant to create career development
opportunities for women. Fully 49 percent of working women in Japan quit
because they feel stalled in their careers.

  A thread of good news: fully 77 percent of off-ramped women want to
rejoin the workforce.

  However, while three-quarters (77%) of off-ramped women want to get
back on track, only 43 percent succeed in getting a job, compared to 73
percent in the U.S. and 68 percent in Germany.

  Even those lucky enough to find a job face serious penalties in terms
of earning power and progression. Forty-four percent deal with a pay
cut and many others cope with fewer management responsibilities and
promotional prospects going forward.

  Career-minded ambitious Japanese women prefer to work at multinational
companies. Sixty-eight percent believe that U.S.- or E.U.-headquartered
companies are more woman-friendly than Japanese firms.

  What would keep highly-qualified Japanese women on the career track?
The majority (66%) say they would not have quit their jobs if flexible work
arrangements had been available.












「12球団は反省しなさい、という警告」 広岡氏“改めて”騒動ナデ斬り
2011.11.14 15:13 (1/2ページ)[巨人]

 抜本的な改革が必要! 広岡達朗巨人OB会副会長(79)が13日、巨人の内紛劇について言及。今回、渡辺球団会長、清武代表兼GMとの泥仕合に関し、日本球界の構造全体の見直しが急務と訴えた。(サンケイスポーツ)









巨人内紛 清武代表vs渡辺会長 ネット調査では「清武支持」が優勢


「鳩山政権、菅政権と同じ」 内閣支持率急落に自民・谷垣氏「政権は限界」
2011.11.14 1





What We Know About Wealthby Elizabeth Gudrais
November-December 2011

Skewed Preferences: From left to right: the wealth distribution Norton’s respondents said would be ideal; how they estimated wealth was currently distributed; and the actual distribution of wealth in the United States.


Occupy demands: Let's radicalise our analysis
The crisis we face is caused by failed systems - replacing leaders while keeping the old system intact will not help.
Robert Jensen Last Modified: 09 Nov 2011

Rather than listing demands, we critics of concentrated wealth and power in the US can dig in and deepen our analysis of the systems that produce that unjust distribution of wealth and power. This is a time for action, but there also is a need for analysis


We need to recognise that the crises we face are not simply the result of greedy corporate executives or corrupt politicians, but rather of failed systems. The problem is not the specific people who control most of the wealth of the country, or those in government who serve them, but the systems that create those roles.

The United States is the current (though fading) imperial power in the world, and empires are bad things. We have to let go of self-indulgent notions of American exceptionalism - the idea that the US is a unique engine of freedom and democracy in the world and therefore is a responsible and benevolent empire. Empires throughout history have used coercion and violence to acquire a disproportionate share of the world's resources, and the US empire is no different.

The economic system underlying empire-building today has a name: capitalism. Or, more precisely, a predatory corporate capitalism that is inconsistent with basic human values

If such a system creates a world in which most people live in poverty, that is taken not as evidence of a problem with market fundamentalism but evidence that fundamentalist principles have not been imposed with sufficient vigour; it is an article of faith that the "invisible hand" of the market always provides the preferred result, no matter how awful the consequences may be for real people.
How to critique capitalism in such a society? We can start by pointing out that capitalism is fundamentally inhuman, anti-democratic and unsustainable:


In the real world - not in the textbooks or fantasies of economics professors - capitalism has always been, and will always be, a wealth-concentrating system. If you concentrate wealth in a society, you concentrate power. I know of no historical example to the contrary.

Capitalism is a system based on an assumption of continuing, unlimited growth - on a finite planet. There are only two ways out of this problem. We can hold out hope that we might hop to a new planet soon, or we can embrace technological fundamentalism and believe that ever-more-complex technologies will allow us to transcend those physical limits here.

Both those positions are equally delusional. Delusions may bring temporary comfort, but they don't solve problems; in fact, they tend to cause more problems, and in this world those problems keep piling up.

After the Fall: Episode 4

Critics now compare capitalism to cancer. The inhuman and antidemocratic features of capitalism mean that, like a cancer, the death system will eventually destroy the living host.










In 1948, Camus urged people to "give up empty quarrels" and "pay attention to what unites rather than to what separates us"


How to spot a lie
By Pamela Meyer, Special to CNN
November 13, 2011


(CNN) -- A glance at recent headlines indicates just how serious and pervasive deceit and lying are in daily life.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is busy trading allegations of sexual harassment with several women; each side accuses the other of lying. Administrators at Penn State have been charged with perjury for allegedly covering up reports that a retired football coach was sexually assaulting boys.
Last week French president Nicolas Sarkozy was caught on an open microphone asserting to U.S. President Barack Obama that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a liar.
Interview: Pamela Meyer on lying
Lying has destroyed careers and convulsed countries. New York congressman and Internet flasher Anthony Weiner made a fool of himself issuing denials quickly contradicted by incontrovertible evidence. Former presidential candidate John Edwards has been charged with campaign finance violations connected to the cover-up of an extramarital affair. And then again, no one who lived through it will ever forget the media circus President Bill Clinton unleashed by lying during his second term in office about his sexual involvement with Monica Lewinsky.
Tales of cheating on school and college tests are rife. There have been instances where teachers have given students test answers in order to make themselves look good on their performance reviews. Mentors who should be teaching the opposite are sending a message that lying and cheating are acceptable.
How much deceit do we encounter? On a given day, studies show, you may be lied to anywhere from 10 to 200 times. Now granted, many of those are white lies. Another study showed that strangers lied three times within the first 10 minutes of meeting each other.

Transcript for Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

Okay, now I don't want to alarm anybody in this room, but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar. (Laughter) Also, the person to your left is a liar. Also the person sitting in your very seats is a liar. We're all liars. What I'm going to do today is I'm going to show you what the research says about why we're all liars, how you can become a liespotter and why you might want to go the extra mile and go from liespotting to truth seeking, and ultimately to trust building.

Now speaking of trust, ever since I wrote this book, "Liespotting," no one wants to meet me in person anymore, no, no, no, no, no. They say, "It's okay, we'll email you." (Laughter) I can't even get a coffee date at Starbucks. My husband's like, "Honey, deception? Maybe you could have focused on cooking. How about French cooking?"

So before I get started, what I'm going to do is I'm going to clarify my goal for you, which is not to teach a game of Gotcha. Liespotters aren't those nitpicky kids, those kids in the back of the room that are shouting, "Gotcha! Gotcha! Your eyebrow twitched. You flared your nostril. I watch that TV show 'Lie To Me.' I know you're lying." No, liespotters are armed with scientific knowledge of how to spot deception. They use it to get to the truth, and they do what mature leaders do everyday; they have difficult conversations with difficult people, sometimes during very difficult times. And they start up that path by accepting a core proposition, and that proposition is the following: Lying is a cooperative act. Think about it, a lie has no power whatsoever by its mere utterance. Its power emerges when someone else agrees to believe the lie.

So I know it may sound like tough love, but look, if at some point you got lied to, it's because you agreed to get lied to. Truth number one about lying: Lying's a cooperative act. Now not all lies are harmful. Sometimes we're willing participants in deception for the sake of social dignity, maybe to keep a secret that should be kept secret, secret. We say, "Nice song." "Honey, you don't look fat in that, no." Or we say, favorite of the digiratti, "You know, I just fished that email out of my spam folder. So sorry."

But there are times when we are unwilling participants in deception. And that can have dramatic costs for us. Last year saw 997 billion dollars in corporate fraud alone in the United States. That's an eyelash under a trillion dollars. That's seven percent of revenues. Deception can cost billions. Think Enron, Madoff, the mortgage crisis. Or in the case of double agents and traitors, like Robert Hanssen or Aldrich Ames, lies can betray our country, they can compromise our security, they can undermine democracy, they can cause the deaths of those that defend us.


建前 tatemae


Just Be Cause… I Hate Japan

Stalking Japan Times contributors

An Eternal Triangle? Love in Barcelona
05/26/2011 By Catherine Makino


Subaru, Ai and Echevarria at Barcelona, Spain
TOKYO (majirox news) – A Japanese woman relinquished custody of her 2-year-son, Subaru, to his Spanish father in Tokyo. Ai, along with her parents, signed papers February 2011 giving sole guardianship to her husband, Javier Garcia Echevarri


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(2011年11月14日15時26分 読売新聞)



在日米軍属の犯罪、4割が不処分 裁判権の空白明らかに






