Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

He was apparently insecure about his nationality,

2016年07月24日 04時24分40秒 | Weblog

Neighbours on Saturday described Sonboly as “intelligent, quiet and shy,” an apparently normal 18-year-old.

The German-Iranian student lived comfortably in a fifth-floor apartment in the middle class Munich suburb of Maxvorstad with his parents, one of them a taxi driver and the other a department store worker.

Mostly home to immigrant families, the well-tended apartment block sits next to a luxury Maserati car dealership.

Thomas De Maziere, the German interior minister, said Sonboly's parents were asylum-seekers from Iran who came to Germany in the late 1990s.

One neighbour told the Telegraph that Sonboly “seemed a decent, normal guy,” while a nearby café owner said he was “not very sporty, and a little chubby.”

He was apparently insecure about his nationality, despite being born and raised in a relatively affluent district of Munich.

He said: "It's disturbing, I don't know why he had the book. It could be he was better trying to understand himself because he needed mental health treatment and he was trying to get help. Or it could be he was looking for a role model. A lot of young shooters look for an Anders Breivik, or someone similar, as a role model. And since the attack was on the anniversary of the Norway attack, it suggests he was imitating Breivik.

"Despite all the focus on school shootings with bullying, in most cases they don't get revenge on anyone that actually picked on him. and if he was bullied at school, it doesn't explain why he committed a shooting at a public place where he didn't know anyone. school kids are picked on every day but they don't commit murder.

"I was told he had a history of mental health treatment. I heard he was depressed but I don't know whether he had any more serious mental health problems.

"It's not unusual to see young perpetrators have a fascination with violent movies and violent video games. You see some of these perpetrators not just play the games but be really obsessed with them and play them our after hour and really immerse themselves in that video game world.

Ali Sonboly was a 'typical teen'
Ali Sonboly's hairdresser described him as a "typical teen" who was "quiet, didn't talk much" and who "wasn't religious".

He said he didn't believe the attack could have been an Isil-inspired Paris-style terror attack, because the family were Shia Muslims.

"They're Shias," the hairdresser, who gave his name only as Hakan, said."How could he be with Isil? Isil hate the Shia."

It comes as a teenage girl who lived in the same apartment block as Sonboly said he had told classmates: "I will kill you all."

The 14 year old girl, who also attended the same school, said he was clever but was bullied and only had two or three friends he would hang around with.

She recalled how during a row a few months ago he had vowed to kill his classmates.

"In an argument, he said he wanted to carry out a massacre. He said: 'I will kill you all'."

Killer 'warned he would go on a rampage on video game network'
Mass killer Ali Sonboly threatened to kill his friends in messages posted on the video gaming network Steam, it has emerged.

About a year ago we kicked him out of the [Steam] group because he kept threatening us,"a former classmate told Bild.

It is the latest evidence to suggest that there were warnings Sonboly was preparing to carry out a mass killing.

Initial reports suggest he was bullied at school - video footage taken during the incident appears to show Sonboly saying he was bullied for seven years.

Bavaria's police chiefs adds that a book about "shooting rampages" was found in the suspect's bedroom.

He says the victim was "depressed" and had received psychiatric treatment.

'I am German': Munich gunman in furious exchange with bystander

The man who filmed the clip can be heard telling other people with him that the man in the car park has a gun, to which the man purported to be shooter responds: “Fucking Turks!”

An English transcript of the exchange has been posted online, in which the unseen man reportedly shouts: “He has loaded his gun. Get the cops here”, to which the man presumed to be the shooter shouts back: “I am German!”

The tense exchange continued, with the unseen man, who was standing on the balcony of a building next to a car park, shouting back: “You’re a asshole is what you are.”

The shooter then demanded that the man stop filming the exchange. Instead, the man shouted back: “A asshole is what you are, what the fuck are you doing?” The shooter replied: “Yeah what, I was born here,” and said he grew up in Germany.

Munich gunman inspired by rightwing Breivik: police
Published: 23 Jul 2016 14:47 GMT+02:00

"There is absolutely no link to the Islamic State," Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae said.

He said the assault was a "classic act by a deranged person" and described an individual "obsessed" with mass shootings.

He said German investigators saw an "obvious link" between Friday's killings and Breivik's massacre of 77 people in a bomb attack in Oslo and a shooting rampage on the nearby island of Utoya exactly five years earlier.

Most of the victims in Friday's attack were foreigners.

Among the nine killed were three Turks, three Kosovans and a Greek national, according to their foreign ministries

Never heard of problems'

Sonboly is thought to be have been born in Germany to an Iranian father who worked as a taxi driver and a mother who worked at a department store.

Neighbour Delfye Dalbi, 40, described him as "a good person" who "helped, would share the newspapers".

"Not once did I see him angry. I never heard of him having problems with the police or other neighbours," she said













