Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Trump should realize Kim Jong-un is laughing at him behind his back

2018年09月30日 21時18分22秒 | Weblog
How Trump may have felt after after UN members laughed


"One of the phrases to watch for when you're looking at Donald Trump is 'that's okay.' When he says that, "he's burning up inside."
When UN members laughed at President Donald J. Trump, experts suspect he was likely seething.

トランプが国連で笑われて、That's Okay と言っていたが、あの言葉がでたときは、トランプは、腸が煮えくり返っているときであり、復讐を内心誓っている、ときである、と。


Pausing the suspense

2018年09月30日 20時45分26秒 | Weblog





Jagan Teki
1 か月前

Kourasava pause the suspense ~30second..start from 1:00 brilliant ..

pause the suspense ”って感じになるのかな?

Jeff Kingston sends message to survivors of sexual violence : I don't hear you.

2018年09月30日 19時14分09秒 | Weblog

性暴行の被害を生き抜いてきた女性たちに、「あなたたちの声を聞き届け、姿を見届けている。応援している! あなた方を信じる」と ジャネール・モネイさん。

#me too のこんな時代になっても、 Jeff Kingston McCurry Jake Adelstein といった人たちは、


A culture of harassment and intimidation is thriving in Britain

2018年09月30日 18時33分43秒 | Weblog

via mozu
Hundreds of academics have been accused of bullying students and colleagues in the past five years, prompting concerns that a culture of harassment and intimidation is thriving in Britain’s leading universities.

A Guardian investigation found nearly 300 academics, including senior professors and laboratory directors, were accused of bullying students and colleagues.



"Sex, Race and Colonies"

2018年09月30日 18時27分14秒 | Weblog

 via mozu

"These images bother us, they carry with them an incredible violence, which is precisely why they were hidden, especially by the colonizers who since the end of empires do not want to reveal what was also the colonial building. " (Olivier Auger Collage, Eros Archives, Achac Research Group)

he collective work "Sex, Race and Colonies" is an event. Pascal Blanchard, co-pilot of the project, and Todd Shepard, one of the American contributors, explain to "the Obs" the biggest taboo of the colonization.

By Marie Lemonnier

Posted on 30 September 2018 at 10h04

Show the "objects of the crime". This is the strong bias adopted by a group of 97 researchers, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, to tell what must be called a system of sexual predation on a global scale in the colonized or enslaved territories.

Through the accumulation of staggering images of exotised, eroticized, chosified bodies, "Sex, Race and Colonies", which comes out this Thursday, September 27th at La Découverte, comes to shed a harsh light on an occult part of the history of colonial empires true "empires of vice" where the domination of bodies goes hand in hand with the conquest of land.


A militant anti-meat campaign should prevail in Britain too

2018年09月30日 18時15分30秒 | Weblog
The Economist
3時間前 ·
A militant anti-meat campaign is stirring a resistance movement among French butchers

In recent months, a growing number of boucheries, particularly in northern France, have been vandalised or sprayed with fake blood. “Meat is murder”, or “Stop speciesism”, a campaign message designed to halt abuse of one species by another, are the attackers’ signature graffiti.

肉食は殺人だあ! 動物差別はやめろお!とフランスの肉屋に落書きする過激な動物保護団体。



Trump fell in love with Mass murderer

2018年09月30日 17時48分14秒 | Weblog
北朝鮮 朝鮮半島 北米

島田 洋一
1時間 ·


Trump: Kim Jong Un and I 'fell in love'



2018年09月30日 16時18分10秒 | Weblog
2018.9.30 10:22






2018.9.30 15:37
長女の内田也哉子さん “奇妙な家族”への思い 手紙で知った両親のつながり「長年のわだかまり溶けた」


普通なら、ひどい男 で片付けられていたところ。






2018年09月30日 15時07分08秒 | Weblog



Daily- Mail-ish article on Japan is a tip of fake news iceberg -

2018年09月30日 04時20分04秒 | Weblog

In Japan, promoter of gropers is tip of right-wing, sexist iceberg
Angry citizens are probing the links between some conservative writers, publishers and politicians with Japan's leader

Asia Times もこういう記事載せるから信用できんのだよね。

Should men on a crowded train have the right to grope women? According to a prominent right-wing writer and ally of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the answer is “Yes.”


Jake Adelstein's interpretation is also wrong

Shouldn’t society protect and reserve their rights to grope?”

it is a rhetorical question.

Ogawa as an irrational conservative hardliner mistakenly believes that gays should not have the gay right. His argument is that just as a groper does not have the right to grope, a gay person should not have the gay right. The argument is flawed.

According to Ogawa’s logic, groping people on trains and being homosexual are just different kinds of deviance. Ergo: Offering to protect the rights of one group (LGBT) over another (gropers) is ridiculous.

Right.(Perhaps Jake read my article ) So he is not saying that men should have the right to grope.

The suspended Shincho 45 had previously drawn fire for an opinion piece in its August issue by Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Mio Sugita, who had been recruited into the LDP by Abe. In her column, she labelled gay couples “unproductive” on the grounds they don’t reproduce. Sugita added that taxpayer money should not be wasted on support for sexual minorities.

Despite a resultant public outcry, Abe refused to condemn or admonish her. He explained in a television program that he didn’t ask her to resign because “she’s still young.”

Sugita is 51.

Sure, Abe is too soft on Sugita. But let's put it in context.






 I have no children, unfortunately. It pains me and my wife to hear we are not productive just because of it.

 Politicians should be careful not to hurt anybody by his/her words.

 But Sugita and I are in the same boat of LDP. I didn't tell her to resign :She is still young. I told her, as her senior, to do her business very carefully

 LDP respects "the diversity".
 Xavier Bettel is Prime Minister of Luxembourg and he is openly gay. He is a good friend of mine among European leaders. He even gave me his cell phone number in case I need help in relation to Europe.

 The world is now calling for more diversity. We need to understand it.

 I want to say LDP is not such a party (as to disrespect LGBT)

That is what Abe said.

While Abe has not made discriminatory or misogynist statements himself, his propensity to represent himself with misogynists, gay-bashers and accused sex offenders is raising big questions. Japan is starting to wonder.

I'm not sure why misogynists, gay-bashers and alleged sex offenders support Abe and I also wonder why Abe does not deal with them more severely.

Abe should criticize them for once and all so people may understand they don't represent his view.