Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年09月22日 22時07分34秒 | Weblog

マンスプレイニング(英語: Mansplaining)は、男を意味する「man」(マン)と解説を意味する「explain」(エクスプレイン)をかけ合わせたかばん語。一般的には「男性が、女性を見下ろすあるいは偉そうな感じで何かを解説すること」とされる

という言葉があるのだが、だったら、異性愛者が同性愛者についてえらそうに解説する、という意味で heterosplain  という言葉があるかな、と思ったが、

Trying to explain to your homosexual friends how not to act homosexual.


Only Abe supporters allowed

2018年09月22日 18時40分02秒 | Weblog

2018.09.22 12:37 | カテゴリ:ニュース • 政治経済 | コメント(39)

安倍晋三首相の秋葉原演説、一般人の規制に賛否!支持者以外は制限 「公共の場なのに?」




Featured Weird Studio Ghibli Jobs
Did Prime Minister Abe just make an entire protest disappear?
Master BlasterMaster Blaster

If it was planned in advance by the Abe camp, then that was some Sun Tzu, Machiavellian-level image tampering.



2018年09月22日 18時20分20秒 | Weblog
2018.9.22 18:00
竹島で臨時議会開き日本を糾弾するはずが…韓国地方議会の計画、台風で島に渡れず中止に 下條正男・拓殖大教授






Trump going back to Strategic Patience

2018年09月22日 11時10分01秒 | Weblog


2018年09月22日 08時19分31秒 | Weblog









Trump is getting worse

2018年09月22日 03時53分11秒 | Weblog

Psychiatrist Bandy Lee: Trump is getting worse; “I suspect he is unable to tolerate reality”
Yale psychiatrist who edited “Dangerous Case” bestseller says an urgent intervention “was indicated long ago”

So much of this is predictable from a clinical standpoint. Trump is not going to get better. What are his symptoms?

Donald Trump has shown a number of symptoms which are now quite obvious to even an untrained person. He is impulsive. He is reckless. He has shown a lack of empathy and a lack of concern about consequences. His grip on reality is loose. I suspect he is unable to tolerate reality for what it is. So, Trump has to make himself into a person who is infallible and an expert on everything.

Therefore, when reality does not comport with his emotional needs, he has to fabricate his own version of reality. Trump has also shown a tendency of needing to present himself as being strong and powerful. He is constantly preoccupied with his self-image, he is unable to tolerate criticism and he lashes out when there is a hint of anyone being against him or challenging his authority. The truth of the matter is quite the opposite. Trump's behavior is a sign of weakness, not strength.

トランプの精神状態が悪化してる。現実に耐えきれず、自分で、”現実”を捏造し、自分が強い、と思い込みたいんだ、と 精神科医


2018年09月22日 03時27分58秒 | Weblog
NEW!2018-09-21 15:45:5



China is committing crimes against humanity in its treatment of the Uighurs

2018年09月22日 03時16分11秒 | Weblog

he news out of Xinjiang, China’s western region, this summer has been a steady stream of Orwellian horrors. A million people held against their will in political reeducation camps. Intelligence officials assigned as “adopted” members of civilian families. Checkpoints on every corner and mandatory spyware installed on every device.

The targets of this police state are China’s Muslim Uighur minority, whose loyalties the central government has long distrusted for both nationalist and religious reasons. An already uneasy relationship deteriorated further in 2009, when Uighur protests led to violent riots and a retaliatory crackdown. Hundreds died in the clashes or were disappeared by security forces in their aftermath. Since then, a handful of deadly terrorist attacks outside of Xinjiang itself have served to justify increasingly heavy restrictions on the group’s rights and freedoms.

It’s certainly not out of any reluctance to use deadly force. Restrictions have escalated alarmingly in recent months, with the authorities treating Islam as a contagious ideological disease whose sufferers must be quarantined. The vast network of internment camps has more than doubled in size since the beginning of 2018, and people no longer emerge from them after a few days or weeks. Now, they disappear for months or what may become years. Uighurs living abroad report that their relatives back home don’t answer their calls anymore. They don’t know if their loved ones have cut off overseas contact to avoid arousing suspicion or if they’ve vanished into the camps like so many others.

By any measure, China is committing crimes against humanity in its treatment of the Uighurs. Specifically: the offenses of arbitrary imprisonment and persecution, both of which qualify as crimes against humanity “when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population.” Former detainees have also described torture inside the camps. This, too, is crimes against humanity if it’s widespread or systematic—as a recent Human Rights Watch report indicates is the case.

Some members of the Uighur community say the abuse goes further. They allege that China is committing a cultural genocide. Cultural genocide means the elimination of a group’s identity, through measures such as forcibly transferring children away from their families, restricting the use of a national language, banning cultural activities, or destroying schools, religious institutions, or memory sites. Unlike “physical” genocide, it doesn’t have to be violent. Uighur activists point to the forced separation of families, the targeting of scholars and other community leaders for detention and “reeducation,” the bans on Uighur language instruction in schools, the razing of mosques, and the onerous restrictions on signifiers of cultural identity such as hair, dress, and baby names as evidence that China is trying to eradicate the Uighur identity.


2018年09月22日 02時54分04秒 | Weblog





"As a liberal ...I far more fear the left than the right"

2018年09月22日 02時43分24秒 | Weblog






