Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年12月22日 08時03分09秒 | Weblog



McMaster just said that US is ready to take North Korea's nukes by force

2017年12月22日 01時04分49秒 | Weblog

In separate comments to "PBS NewsHour" on Monday, McMaster restated his belief that the chance of war with North Korea is growing every day.

"We have a very short amount of time to be able to address the problem," he said.

In separate comments to "PBS NewsHour" on Monday, McMaster restated his belief that the chance of war with North Korea is growing every day.

"We have a very short amount of time to be able to address the problem," he said.

Essentially, the missile could probably lob a heavy nuclear warhead as far as the US, but its ability to evade missile defenses and function properly once it gets there isn't a sure thing.

