Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

It remaines an "open question" whether US athletes would be able to attend the Winter Olympics

2017年12月09日 16時27分42秒 | Weblog

White House: US 'looks forward to participating' in Olympics in South Korea
Sophie Tatum
By Sophie Tatum, CNN
Updated 1420 GMT (2220 HKT) December 8, 2017

Washington (CNN)The White House says the US "looks forward to participating" in the 2018 Winter Olympics, following confusion after US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said it remained an "open question" whether US athletes would be able to attend.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted Thursday: "UPDATE: The U.S. looks forward to participating in the Winter Olympics in South Korea. The protection of Americans is our top priority and we are engaged with the South Koreans and other partner nations to secure the venues."

"And certainly that is a perfect opportunity for all of them to go and do something they have worked so hard for. What we will do is, we will make sure that we're taking every precaution possible to make sure that they're safe and to know everything that's going on around them."
But when asked if it's a "done deal" that US athletes will be able to attend the Olympics, Haley said: "There's an open question. I have not heard anything about that, but I do know in the talks that we have -- whether it's Jerusalem or North Korea -- it's about, how do we protect the US citizens in the area?"



China Prepares Refugee Camps at Border with North Korea

2017年12月09日 14時03分14秒 | Weblog

2017年12月9日 9時12分 中央日報




2017年12月09日 13時33分48秒 | Weblog







2017年12月09日 05時14分56秒 | Weblog



父ー父ー子 母ー母ー子 の家族が出現しつつあることをマスコミがもっと取り上げるべき。


Build Jerusalem to the coming of an ranointed one,

2017年12月09日 05時07分19秒 | Weblog

創世記17-8 そしてわたしは,あなたとあなたの後の胤に,あなたが外国人として住んでいる土地を+,すなわちカナンの全土を定めのない時に至る所有として与える。わたしが彼らに対して神であることを示すのである+」


9:24あなたの民と、あなたの聖なる町については、七十週が定められています。これはとがを終らせ、罪に終りを告げ、不義をあがない、永遠の義をもたらし、幻と預言者を封じ、いと聖なる者に油を注ぐためです。 9:25それゆえ、エルサレムを建て直せという命令が出てから、メシヤなるひとりの君が来るまで、七週と六十二週あることを知り、かつ悟りなさい。その間に、しかも不安な時代に、エルサレムは広場と街路とをもって、建て直されるでしょう。 9:26その六十二週の後にメシヤは断たれるでしょう。ただし自分のためにではありません。またきたるべき君の民は、町と聖所とを滅ぼすでしょう。その終りは洪水のように臨むでしょう。そしてその終りまで戦争が続き、荒廃は定められています。 9:27彼は一週の間多くの者と、堅く契約を結ぶでしょう。そして彼はその週の半ばに、犠牲と供え物とを廃するでしょう。また荒す者が憎むべき者の翼に乗って来るでしょう。こうしてついにその定まった終りが、その荒す者の上に注がれるのです」

Will there be an end times temple in Jerusalem?




With critics warning the move could harm America’s national interest, the decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital appears to have been driven by a desire to appeal to Trump’s domestic base, rather than to achieve foreign policy objectives.

In particular, the move is targeted to appeal to evangelical Christians, who gave Trump 81 percent of their vote in 2016 — more than voted for fiercely evangelical George W. Bush.

Evangelicals have strong representation in Trump’s Cabinet, most notably Pence, a hard-line Christian conservative who is a sponsor at the weekly Bible study sessions that are a fixture in Trump’s White House.

Trump has taken up the religious right’s agenda on issues from conservative judges to opposing abortion to the “war on Christmas,” but few issues are as important to evangelicals as Israel’s possession of Jerusalem.

Johnnie Moore, a spokesman for Trump’s informal group of evangelical advisers, told CNN that Jerusalem was “second only to concerns about the judiciary” for evangelicals. “President Trump has – yet again – demonstrated to his evangelical supporters that he will do what he says he will do,” Moore said.

While other Christian leaders – including the Pope, and high-profile Christians in the Middle East – cautioned against the move, fearful it would spark bloodshed in the region, evangelicals have been delighted by Trump’s announcement. “Evangelicals are ecstatic, for Israel is to us a sacred place and the Jewish people are our dearest friends,” said Pastor Paula White, senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center.

The importance of Jerusalem for conservative evangelicals stems from their reading of passages in the Old Testament, such as Genesis 17:8, in which the holy land is promised to the Jews: “The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you.”

Many evangelicals see the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of that Biblical promise to God’s “chosen people.”

And for some fundamentalists, Jerusalem is also central to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy around the “End Times.” Establishing Judeo-Christian control of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount – holy to Judaism, Islam and Christianity – is crucial to this; they believe that rebuilding the third and final Temple at the site will bring about the events described in the Book of Revelation, in which the righteous will be resurrected.





2017年12月09日 04時28分42秒 | Weblog





2017年12月09日 04時26分17秒 | Weblog


朴裕河が研究者かどうかは別として被害者を侮辱して研究者自身の思想が優先する正義ってなんだろうか。/ 全世界有識者ら『「帝国の慰安婦」有罪、思想的統制が復活したかのようだ」 http://s.japanese.joins.com/article/277/236277.html …
0:12 - 2017年12月7日

Hazama Hisatake‏

ここまでdisるか。 QT「朴裕河が研究者かどうかは別として」

