Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年12月15日 08時18分48秒 | Weblog

YouTube video showing NPA Bicycle Instant Checkpoint supersedes attention to car accident

Posted by debito on December 14th, 2010

職質は任意の極意!3 過剰な職質をされたら!?千代丸健二の場合





2010年12月15日 02時29分40秒 | Weblog
Australia: Iran 'not rogue state'
Secret US cables reveal Australia sees Iran's nuclear programme as a 'deterrent'.
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2010

ウィキリーク オーストラリアはイランの核計画を抑止政策とみており、とくに、ならず者国家ともみていない、と。

Two dead as far-right football fans riot in Moscow
Rally to mark death of fan shot by men from the Caucasus turns into racist riot in city square and underground

Miriam Elder in Moscow
guardian.co.uk, Monday 13 December 2010

At least two people were killed after around 5,000 far-right football fans and nationalists gathered at a rally outside Red Square at the weekend, calling for the death of Russia's immigrant population.

The demonstrators, who were marking the death last week of Spartak Moscow fan Yegor Sviridov, who was shot during a brawl with several men from the Caucasus, flashed the Nazi salute, chanted "Russia for Russians" and pelted riot police with flares, smoke bombs and metal fence posts.


RT ロシアトゥデイ


Cold War vs. modern day US propaganda

Published: 09 December, 2010,

The list of America’s antagonists keeps building up.
“When you have an imperial press corps that does nothing but defend the state, defend the empire and try to advance its goals, any country that gets in its way is going to be seen as an adversary or as an enemy, so in the American media there are a lot of countries that are deemed at least suspicious, if not enemy-countries,” explained Rendall.
Meant to be a fourth independent branch of power and watchdog to the powers that be, the media is instead earning a nickname of “a ministry of propaganda” for the White House.
“You got to CNN, you go to FOX NEWS, you get these hyper-adrenalin arguments between two combatants. One – allegedly from a liberal point of view, one – from a conservative point of view. But the context is so narrowed that you don’t get any critique of the national security state, nor the military industrial complex, nor the corporate structure,” said poet, lyricist and philosopher Phil Rockstroh.
The lack of substance and narrow context is becoming all the more obvious in the age of the Internet, which makes alternative and often more relevant information available to anyone.
While the establishment – politicians, corporations and media giants – embrace, and widen the circle of buddies.
“It’s not only Government. It’s in coalition – tacit or otherwise – with think-tanks, with pundits, with others who have big money interest, certainly with lobbyists. Planting stories,” said Norman Solomon, the founder and president of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington DC.
Russ Baker, an investigative journalist and the author of “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty”, explained the US media in general, mainly large corporate media, is driven by profits and not good journalism.
The media tailors to those in power to aid in their mission to grow and profit, this means not offending the government.

The US government security structure subverts true democracy, Baker argued. The media helps the government sustain a state of conflict because it benefits the elites who are in charge.
“Our own country [United State] is basically run by a kind of an oligarchy and this begins to explain why the media is owned by a fairly small number of corporate interests, and why irrespective of what party holds the White house, the policies always seem to be the same. They always benefit a wealth interest,” said Baker


Mumia Abu-Jamal: A symbol of flawed justice
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Published: 10 December, 2010,


The event that changed his life took place in Philadelphia almost three decades ago, back in 1981, when a police officer was shot and killed. Abu-Jamal was wounded, and had to spend the night at a hospital. A prostitute and a cab driver testified against him. Hundreds of thousands of supporters, including himself, maintain his innocence to this day.
Abu-Jamal was charged with first degree murder in a case many say was fabricated and fraught with racism.


China hypocrisy: US critical on human rights, but happy to do business

Published: 10 December, 2010


But Washington's dependence on Beijing economically and its eagerness to sell billions of dollars in arms to Taiwan, Japan and South Korea highlight the US's hypocrisy when it comes to human rights.
Medea Benjamin, founder of CODEPINK and a peace activist who has worked on human rights issues in China, said successive administrations have selectively criticized human rights in China not only for moral reasons, but for defense dollars as well.
"The US military needs an enemy," Benjamin said."One of the things that the US wants to do is continue the arms trade, and selling $6 billion in arms to Taiwan is part and parcel of this fearmongerin. All that fearmongering is being used to create a stronger weapons industry."

When it comes to human rights in China, the US talks tough but rarely takes action. But, the US is happy to do business in China.


America's human rights rhetoric tarnished by actions
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Published: 11 December, 2010

The 1948 document includes 30 articles, which outline basic standards of life – inalienable rights – for all people.
Article 3 says everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Political commentator Nima Sharaizi accuses the US of falling short of fulfilling several of the principals it helped create.
“With every drone attack, with every invasion and occupation of a country. With every overthrow of a foreign government that the United States happens not to like or happens not to agree with. Every one of those are a violation of that one article,” he said.
Article 5 says no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
”With every detainee, kidnapped and rendition and tortured in Guantanamo or Baghram or elsewhere, that’s yet another violation, “said Shariazi.
The land of liberty is also the land of the incarcerated with the world’s largest prison population. 2.3 million people are behind bars, while more than three thousand languish on death row.
Article 25 – Everyone has the right to a standard of living, including food, clothing, housing and medical care.
“At the dawn of a new millennium, we set concrete goals to free our fellow men, women and children from the injustice of extreme poverty,” said Obama during his September 22nd speech to the United Nations General Assembly.
US figures indicate nearly 44 million Americans are living in poverty, while even more people lack access to affordable health care.As 2010 comes to an end, 15 million are officially unemployed and an estimated 1 million US families are set to lose their homes this year alone.
“As President, I have made it clear that the United States will do our part,” Obama.
Last month, the UN Human Rights Commission released a report including 228 recommendations on how the US could improve its human rights record. A record stained with accusations of police brutality, racial profiling of minorities, and Islamophobia.


新疆残障“包身工” 多年惨遭奴役

14 December 2010 Last updated at 11:20 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
China police probe Xinjiang 'slave labour' factory
By Michael Bristow

Chinese police are investigating reports that a group of people with mental disabilities have been working in slave-like conditions

The 11 workers were apparently sold by an unauthorised charitable organisation to a factory in the country's north-west.

Reports say the workers were unpaid and lived in appalling conditions.

This is not the first time a case like this has been uncovered in China, where there are no independent trade unions.

Media reports suggest the workers lived as virtual slaves. They were given no pay, no protective clothing and had not showered for years, according to the Global Times newspaper.


Class war in the new China
As the gap between rich and poor increases, a new generation of wealthy Chinese may be getting away with murder.
Mitch Moxley Last Modified: 13 Dec 2010
