アイ!サラマッポ in フィリピン & ジャパン!

‐Ay! Salamat sa Pilipinas at sa Japan!‐

『スーパーマン』のフィリピン人専従看護師「Filipino Private Nurse」、ドリー・アロ(Dolly Arro)さん。

2012年06月21日 | フィリピン人看護師・ケアギヴァー

 映画『スーパーマン』の主演男優「クリストファー・リーヴ」(Christopher Reeve)が、馬から放り出されて頚髄を損傷(1995年5月)したことはよく知られています。
傷後9年4ヶ月余り、ベンチレーター(人工呼吸器・mechanical ventilator)を装着し、首から下が全身麻痺の状態で、最後まで希望を持ちながら生きましたが、その生活を支え続けた看護師の一人「ドリー・アロ」(Dolly Arro -Filipino American Nurse)さんは、ネグロス島出身のフィリピン人でした。↓

 フィリピン人看護師「Filipino Private Nurse」の評判をより高めた一人として、フィリピン国内でも知る人ぞ知る人物です。


※Private Nurse (Private Duty Nurse): 個人の雇用契約で、専従で勤務する看護師のこと

 “Superman's Sidekick”
(nurseweek.com in Nov. 2002) 

Dolly Arro is a busy nurse, heading Christopher Reeve's staff of two full-time RNs and a group of per diem nurses. She is always on call.
Dolly Arro, RN, had a pretty routine life for an ICU nurse with 10 years' experience. She felt settled into her career and comfortable enough to occasionally take on part-time home health assignments.
One day, a co-worker offered her a private home health assignment with a vent-dependent quadriplegic. She accepted the assignment without even knowing the patient's name. Before leaving to go to her new patient's home, she telephoned her co-worker to double-check the details of the assignment. "Do you know who Superman is?" Arro's friend asked matter-of-factly. "Superman" was a well-known movie even in the Philippines, where Arro grew up. Arro immediately knew what her friend was saying. She was going to be Superman's nurse. "I couldn't even talk," Arro said, as she reminisced about the moment she found out her patient would be actor Christopher Reeve, who was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995.
Seven years later, just as Reeve is turning 50 and reporting that he has regained some sense of touch and the ability to move one of his fingers, the Philippines-born nurse finds herself a reluctant celebrity because of her association with her famous boss.
"She is worth her weight in gold," Reeve said of Arro in a recent documentary, "Courageous Steps," narrated by the star and directed by his son Matthew Reeve.
As Reeve's chief nurse, Arro has come a long way in her career from her first days as a nurse in the Philippines.

「ドリーは、彼女の体重ほどの金(ゴールド)に値する人物だ…。」 (クリストファー・リーヴ) 

Superman's Sidekick (nurseweek.com) Nov. 2002
(2002年11月「スーパーマンの相棒」 in Nurseweek magazine)

Superman's Super Nurse - The Philippine Star
(May 2, 2003 フィリピン・スター紙の記事



"There's really no word to describe the pain of losing someone special who taught me courage and hope,"

"Just looking at Chris and Dana (Reeve's wife) gave me courage,"

"They are a part of me. Our lives won't be the same without him."

...said the Cauayan, Negros Occidental-born Arro. 


クリストファー・リーヴ (52歳没・1952年9月25日-2004年10月10日)
(Christopher Reeve September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004)

 1978年の映画『スーパーマン・Superman』に抜擢されて大成功を収める。以降『Superman Ⅳ』まで4作品の『スーパーマン』主演男優。
(頸髄C1~2損傷によるQuadriplegic, Paralysis 首から下の全身麻痺) 

クリストファー・リーヴ - Wikipedia

Christopher & Dana Reeve Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis Foundation  




(June 16, 2012 in アイ!サラマッポ in バギオ


(Feb. 6, 2009 in アイ!サラマッポ in バギオ


