日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


al-Allamah Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi - Islam Channel (1)

2011年02月25日 | ウラマーゥ(学者先生たち)に学ぶ

al-Allamah Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi - Islam Channel (1)


アッサラーム アライクム。







Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,

Out of joy for finding the way to uploard the video, let me share with you

a video of my respected teacher, Shaykh Muhammad AbulHuda Al-Ya'qoubi (Hafidhahu-llaah).

Maa shaa Allah, Muslim brothers and sisters in U.K. is way ahead of us and fortunate to have the Shaykh in the TV programmes and real leactures.

I don't know about the scholar who is truly a scholar in traditional sense among Arabic native scholars and at the same time very fluent in English other than him, Maa shaa Allah.

Let us all make the most of opportunities for learning from the scholars like him.



2 コメント

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Mashallah (Zay)
2011-02-25 04:29:43
May Allah preserve Shaykh Muhammad AbulHuda Al-Ya'qoubi.
What is very interesting about the "Islam Channel" is that it had a lot of Wahabi speaker who used to come on. But this time, Shaykh Muhammad has shown the people what Ahl Sunnah fiqh really is about, alhamdulilah.

This reminded me, Ustadh Ahmad, what is the status of Tasawuf in Japan?

Challenge (Abu Hakeem)
2011-03-03 00:59:16
Assalaamu 'Alaykum, Ustadh Zay,

Thank you very much for your care and beneficial feedback. Akramakumu-llaah!

Well, you asked me of the important question.
Honestly speaking, the status of Tasawwuf in Japan is not settled yet so we are in critical period of setting the right, firm basement for introducing people to the True Islam and True path of Ahl AsSunnah wa Al-Jamaa'ah.

Alhamdu lillaah, the poisness negative influence of Wahhaabism here in Japan is not strong and I'm quite sure that such self-centered selfish way is hardly accepted by the nature of Japanese people.
However, the image of Saudi Arabia being the leader of Islam and Muslims is quite strong so many of Japanese Muslims tend to think that what Saudi scholar says is right thing.

Besides, many Japanese who came to Islam often the case related to some Muslims from outside of Japan from the beginning. So, depends on the color of that fellow Muslims, his or her image of true Islam is going to be shaped.

For example, I heard from some Japanese sister that she had an Egyptian friend who taught her a lot so she was trusting her, then she was shocked to hear her telling her, "Don't listen to any Japanese Muslim scholar or Daa'iy, becasue there are only Sufi or Shee'ah and no proper Salafi one"!!

However, as a matter of fact that many Japanese who found their way in Islam often the case went through the deep spiritiual thirst when they were non Muslims, thus, they really love the topics like purification of the heart and our ego which is in fact exactly about Tasawwuf.

As a breif conclusion, we are in a critical period of showing the wider path of Islam according to Ahl AsSunnah wa Al-Jamaa'ah and not in the stage of calling people to some particular Tareeqah yet.
Allah knows the best.

