日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


Islam in Japan 2010 part 6

2010年12月16日 | Islam in Japan 2010

Kobe Muslim Mosque - Existing Oldest Masjid in Japan

Active Masjids and Organizations for Da’wah linking to Japanese language

As for the individual efforts, please refer to the name list mentioned above
and here is a brief list of main Masjids actively holding classes in Japanese language
and gatherings in my sight with a remark on Kobe Mosque (http://www.kobemosque.org/)
for its oldest history in Japan and my respect to the efforts of Imam Mohsen Shaker al-Bayyoumi
who worked there as Imam for 10 years and recently moved to Osaka Masjid (http://www.osakamosque.org/)
although their activities are mainly in English or Arabic.

1- Islamic Circle of Japan, especially Gyotoku Hira Masjid – Chiba (http://icoj.org/)

2- Otsuka Masjid – Tokyo (http://www.islam.or.jp/)

3- Tokyo Jami – Tokyo (http://www.tokyocamii.org/#giris)

4- Nagoya Masjid – Aichi (http://nagoyamosque.com/)

5- Gifu Baab Al-Islam Masjid – Gifu (http://nagoyamosque.com/about/gifumasjid-jp/)

6- Fukuoka Masjid – Fukuoka (http://www.fukuokamasjid.org/)

7- Students of Ustadh Sa’eed Nursi, especially Students of Ustadh Fathullah Gullen

8- Tableegh Jamaa’ah

With the Japanese Imam of Tableegh Jamaa'ah, Imam Ibraaheem Okubo (Hafidhahu-llaah)

It seems that Students of Ustadh Fathullah Gullen and Tableegh Jamaa’ah
and some others are working for their own ways without any Japanization or rooting efforts
although they do have good works of translating their books into Japanese,
the colors of Turkey or Indian sub-continent are often the case stronger than the color of pure Islam.

Recently, awareness of the importance for bridging between Muslims (mostly non-Japanese)
and Japanese neighbors seems to be increasing among many Muslims living in Japan.

Thus, many Muslim groups and Islamic organizations are trying to hold some gathering events
of introducing Islam to their Japanese neighbors but they lack in securing Japanese Muslims speakers.

Often the case, they try to contact Japan Muslim Association for help
and they do mostly cooperate with them by sending a speaker or so
although it maybe noticed that more young faces among speakers should be seen as their core workers.

As many representatives of various Masjid in Japan mentioned their hope
and expectation for Japan Muslim Association at the 2nd Conference
of all Japan Mosque representatives in WASEDA University held in March 7, 2010,
things would be a lot different if JMA took the initiatives to enhance bridging works
between Muslims and Japanese but probably we have to wait for that for another 2 or 3 decades
for the generation change, In shaa Allah.

Other Da’wah Workers and Activities

If we take the reality of having diversities in Muslim’s efforts for Da’wah activities,
we thank Allah that there are many Muslims working earnestly for the sake of Allah.

Below is the list of Da’wah workers throughout Japan.

I do apologize for the lack of enough information
and it might be just guessing and possibilities without certain researches.

a. Muslim students’ Associations in Universities: almost in every prefecture,
there are many Egyptian students in their leading positions
and many of them are quite influenced by “Ikhwan Muslimeen” (Muslim Brotherhood).
While other student organization like Indonesian student organization is
rather considering the needs and the realities of Islam and Muslims in Japan
since many of their country fellows are married to Japanese (both brothers and sisters)
so they seems to be well aware of their responsibility in overcoming the challenges with this.

b. Followers of Shaykh Abula’laa Mawduudiy and “Jamaa’te Islaamiy” (from Pakistan):
Their activities are mainly being embodied by 2 groups;
one is called Islamic Circle of Japan (http://icoj.org/)
and the other is Otsuka Masjid headed by Ustaadh ‘Aqeel Sidiq
& Ustaadh Haaruun Qureshi (http://www.islam.or.jp/) with a note
that they don’t say that they are the followers of a particular movement
and ICOJ actually deny their affiliation to any outside organization (otherwise I quite being their member)
but some core members are obviously quite influenced by Jamaa’te Islamiy.

c. Followers of Shaykh Said Nursi and followers of Shaykh Fathullah Gulen (from Turkey):
since the beginning of 90’s, followers of Shaykh Fathullah Gulen came to Japan
by sending limited numbers of elites and gradually expanded their activities
and numbers of dispatched followers.
They established the Turkish language school and NPO cultural organization
to approach the Japanese society without showing their religious identity
and making some good results out of their cultural, educational activities
and marriage between their followers and Japanese women,
however, their “Turkish color” always remains sometimes stronger than “Islamic color”.
They used to focus on propagating the name and teachings of Shaykh Said Nursi
but later changed to appeal their direct Shaykh Fathullah Gulen,
while other followers of Shaykh Said Nursi under his other direct student also came to Japan
and started working their Da’wah activities by gathering among Turkish brothers
and translating the work of Shaykh Said Nursi “Resalei Noor (Letters of Light)”
so maybe we can say that they are establishing their own unique way in the field of Da’wah.

d. Followers of Shaykh Süleyman Hilmi Tunahan (from Turkey):
Their activities are centered in Gifu around Kagamihara Faatih Masjid
where many Turkish brothers and their families are living.
They visit Yokohama and other areas, too.
They seem to have certain educational methods to study the sacred knowledge of Islam
and they are concentrating on the education of Turkish or Turk-Japanese children.

e. REIMEI (Fajr) Academic Resarch Center (from Syria):
A few indivisual students of Sacred Knowledge of Islam from Syria came to Japan for study purpose
and settled in Japan for Da’wah sake. Now, Dr. Muhammad Jabasini
and Haafidh Dr. ‘AbdulQaadir Obari established NPO academic organization
called “REIMEI (Fajr) Academic Resarch Center” with Br. Haamid Shimomura
who studied in Damascus a few years privately
and established Information Service website about Islam in Japanese language.  

f. Followers of Dr. Tahir Qadiri (from Pakistan):
Their seems to be some in particular place but I personally had no contact with them.

g. Followers of Muhammadeeyah (from Indonesia):
There must be some but not obvious to me.

h. Followers of Shaykh Nazim Qiblusi (from Japan):
Their might be some but not obvious in the filed of Da’wah.
One of the greatest Daa’ee among Japanese Muslims, Dr.Hasan Nakata used to be his student
but changed to follow Shaykh Yusuf Bakuur who was a graduate of Fath Institute in Damascus.

i. Followers of Salafizm: There are quite many Muslims being affected to it,
especially those who became newly religious,
however, any sound hearted Muslim become comparatively moderate
when they stay in Japan longer and realize the importance of “Wasateeyah (Middle path)”.

Hopefully, all brothers and sisters working for Da’wah activities always remind each other
that “We complete each other by the Help and the Guidance of Allah”
to avoid harmful conflicts between Muslim groups
because of having differences which only makes our common enemy Shaytaan happy.


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