日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


次の人たちへ (To the Coming Generation)

2010年12月26日 | MESSAGE

Morning Walk near the river with kids




アッサラーム アライクム。



روى الإمام البخاري عن سيدنا ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال

كن في الدنيا كأنك غريب أو عابر سبيل














Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,

As you know quite well, there is the Hadeeth

of our beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him)

which is narrated by Imam Al-Bukhariy

on the authority of Sayyidunaa 'Abdullah bun 'Umar

(May Allah be pleased with him and his father) that he said,

"In this world, be like a stranger or a traveller."


My desperate wish and dream of ROOTING ISLAM IN JAPAN

cannot be a fruitful one if I hold it to myself alone.

My life is short and things I can is very limited...

then I must pass it on to the coming generation.


My Muslim brothers and sisters especially who are younger than myself and children are

so precious and the most irreplaceable gift from Allah to my eyes...

(Of course, it doesn't mean that elders are not precious to me. Yes, they are!(^-^))


日めくりハディース 第1日目 (Everyday Hadeeth - 1)

2010年12月23日 | ラスールッラー(アッラーの御使い)に学ぶ

قال الإمام النووي رحمه الله تعالى في كتابه "التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن" ما نصه: 1- وروينا عن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((خَيْرُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ القُرْآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُ)) رواه أبو عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم البخاري في صحيحه الذي هو أصح الكتب بعد القرآن.





ハイルクム マン タアッラマ・ル・クルアーナ ワ アッラマフ。

Khayrkum Man Ta’allama-l-Qur`aana wa ‘Allamahu.


















Imam An-Nawawiy quotes in his book called “Attibyaan fee Aadaabi Hamalati-l-Qur`aan” as follows; We narrate on the authority of ‘Uthmaan bun ‘Affaan (May Allah be pleased with him) said, the Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The best among you is who learn the Qur`an and teaches it”. Reported by Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad bun Ismaa’eel bun Ibraaheem Al-Bukhaariy in his “Saheeh” which is the most accurate book after the Qur`an.


((Notes of a Translator)) Alhamdu lillaah, this is one of the easiest Hadeeth for us to remember and I see the Hadeeth teaches us very important basic attitude for Muslims.

Because it teaches us the importance of “Unconditional Love and Pride in Qur`an” which is necessary thing for us to have a bond with Allah, maintain it, and strengthen it.

To people like me, who was born in Japan and having Japanese language as his/her mother tongue, the Arabic Qur`an is VERY DIFFICULT and we cannot even pronounce its letters correctly. Even with the First phrase of “Basmalah”, we find 4 or 5 letters which doesn’t exist in Japanese language.

For this reason, comparatively hard working Japanese with their quite high sense of “self dignity and beauty for perfection”, they may treat the things with such attitude as “if you can’t do it well, give it up”, quite many Japanese Muslims are indifferent to train their skill of reciting Qur`an.

To say it more accurately, a lot of sisters are very positive and willing to learn the Qur`an but only small numbers of brothers are so (at least, as far as I know). I simply wonder why…

If we were to exemplify the Qur`an to something familiar to us, “the Qur`an is like love-letter from Allah” or at least, “the Qur`an is like special letter from Allah”.

In our daily life, we become happy and find much joy in receiving a letter or e-mail from anyone whom we like. We don’t leave it unread and ignore it.

Then, a letter in front us, from no one but Almighty Allah, how could we indifferent to it!?

If we were to hope and pray the bright future of the Islam in Japan, then we must let “Next people” children and new young Muslims really be fond of the Qur`an and love the Qur`an, and it order to achieve that, we adult Muslims and “people of Now” have to be fond of the Qur`an and love the Qur`an. Oh our Lord, please grant us the love and enough concern for the Qur`an in our heart, and please make it grow like huge unshakable true. Aameen.


※ The title “Everyday Hadeeth” is actually for a future goal, In shaa Allah. I can only update some new ones once a week or depends on the situations once a month, In shaa Allah. So, please bare with me, thank you. May Allah bless you all!



2010/12/25-26 第7回行徳イスラーム研修合宿のご案内(7th Overnight Tarbiya Programme in Gyotoku)

2010年12月21日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ

アッサラーム アライクム。




Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters,
In shaa Allah, all the classes other than Arabic lesson shall be broadcasted through the Internet by the above link,
so please join us according to your convenience. (Of course, classes shall be in Japanese language)

December 25-26, 2010 Tokyo Muslim Network 7th Overnight Tarbiya (Education) Programme
for Japanese speaking Muslims in Gyotoku

2010年12月25~26日 東京ムスリムネットワーク第7回一泊二日イスラーム研修合宿(於:行徳)

※ 対象は日本語のわかるムスリム男女、参加費はすべて無料、出入りも自由です。
ただし、宿泊と講義のレジュメをご希望の方は、ICOJ事務局darlalqam@yahoo.co.jp Tel:03-3871-6061へ

※ No obligation. Feel free to join us.
Just those who wish to stay over, kindly inform that to the above address till 17:00 December 24, 2010, thank you.

Timetable Contents

12:30 Zhuhr prayer ズフルの礼拝

12:50 – 13:45 Event 1 マスジドお掃除 Cleaning up the Masjid

14:00 – 14:50 Lesson 1 Lecture “40 Hadeeth of Imam Nawawi (Hadeeth No.32 on “No Harming”)”

15:00 - 16:00 ‘Asr prayer アスルの礼拝 Event 2 ティーブレイク懇親会

16:00 – 16:30 Lesson 2 Lecture “Living with the Prophet Muhammad –S.A.W. Seerah Lesson 7”
「預言者ムハンマドさま(祝福と平安あれ)と共に生きる その7」

16:35 Maghrib Prayer マグリブの礼拝

17:00 – 17:30 Lesson 3 Lecture “Heroes in Islam Part 7 (Sayyidunaa Al-Husain bun ‘Ali – R.A.)”
「イスラーム英雄列伝 その7(フサインさま~アッラーのご満悦あれ)」

17:45 – 18:20 Event 3 Group Discussion グループ・ディスカッション
The Mission of Japanese speaking Muslims - learning from "Seerah Nabaweeyah" of Makkah Period

18:30 – 19:40 Lesson 4 Special Lecture
“What type of problem, Pork Meat has, according to food sciences” by Ustadh Nauman Khalid 

20:00 ‘Ishaa prayer イシャーの礼拝

20:30 – 21:30 Event 4 Semi Panel Discussion The 9th Semi Panel Discussion with Japanese Muslims
“To learn from the experience about how to take care of New Muslims and how to support them”
第9回日本人ムスリムとのセミ・パネル・ディスカッション 『体験談に学ぶ「新入信者ケアとサポート」について』

21:30 – 22:30 Event 5 Dinner みんなで夕食

23:00 – 5:15 Rest 睡眠

5:30 Fajr prayer ファジュルの礼拝

5:50 – 6:30 Event 6 Zikr & Qur’an Recitation ズィクルとクルアーン読誦

6:30 – 8:00 Event 7 Recreation Futsal Game フットサル・ゲーム

8:15 Dhuhaa Prayer ドゥハーの礼拝

8:30 – 9:30 Event 8 Breakfast & Rest 朝食・休憩

10:00 – 10:50 Lesson 5 Lecture “Arabic Lesson 1 - Let’s study the language of Qur`an”

11:00 – 12:00 Lesson 6 Lecture
“The skill of enjoying the conversation with Almighty Allah - Introduction to the science of Tajweed No.6”

12:30 Zhuhr prayer ズフルの礼拝

13:00 – 15:00 Event 9 Lunch at Halal Curry Restaurant “Yujin” as 8th get-together for Tokyo Muslim Network
東京ムスリムネットワーク第8回懇親会 ハラールインド料理レストラン「友人」にて

※「アラビア語講座」を除き、全講義インターネット中継を予定 →http://icoj.org/content/blogcategory/87/146/

Islam in Japan 2010 part 10

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010




Dreams of “Uniting” or “Bountiful Donation” deceives us to accomplish great works If we had them, however, life experience teaches us that we must start with our own so the grass-roots efforts are the most promising way to keep working for the sake of Allah without losing our hopes.


We are in the age of Internet and Websites.

To answer the theme of this article, “How can we develop Muslim Communities in Japan?”, we should make the most of this technology given by our Lord without neglecting the importance of communicating face to face in real.

Efforts of increasing accesses between Muslims and Muslims as well as Muslims and non Muslims both stimulates good interactions and shall grant many fruits of new and sound cooperation, which would be contributing in community building and delivering the message of Islam to non Muslims, In shaa Allah.


I feel quite optimistic for the future of Islam and Muslims in Japan when I find Individual Muslims efforts are increasing through different kinds of blogs such as;

http://zahrypics.blogspot.com/             (for Sister Iman)

http://mielgengembre.blogspot.com/         (for Sister Sumeyye)

http://blog.goo.ne.jp/basma/                 (for Sister Fatimah)

http://abdulwahidsyj.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/     (for Brother ‘AbdulWahid Yamane)

http://an-noor.ocnk.net/                        (for Sister Ameena)


          (Muslim town listed in HP of Shaykh Sulaymaan Hamanaka) …etc.


All responsible Muslims including myself should all reflect on themselves and work hard in the path of Allah with true sincerity in order to better their activities responsive to the needs of bridging between Muslims and their neighbors in Japan.


At last, let me repeat that I wish and hope that we, Muslims in Japan, could win some of your concerns and your precious Do’aa (Prayers) through this humble article so that our Merciful Lord may help us more answering your precious cares and prayers, In shaa Allah.





Book and Article for the reference:

- Cultural Office of Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Japan, “Islam living in Japan – past, present, and future –”, 2010. Article by Shaykh Sulaymaan Akira HAMANAKA, “The view of Islam in Japan from data and figures”

- Abu Bakr Morimoto, Islam in Japan: Its Past, Present and Future, Islamic Centre Japan, 1980.

- Michael Penn, "Islam in Japan: Adversity and Diversity," Harvard Asia Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter 2006.

- Michael Penn, "Ahmad Maeno Interview”, Shingetsu Institute, Newsletter No. 1448, September 1, 2009.

- Keiko Sakurai, Nihon no Musurimu Shakai (Japan's Muslim Society), Chikuma Shobo, 2003.




Islam in Japan 2010 part 9

2010年12月17日 | Islam in Japan 2010



d-      To establish the educational system for taking cares of new converts/reverts to Islam

among Japanese speaking people and support them well enough

to take the responsibilities of Da’wah works in front line

and eventually to have many Japanese Muslim scholars and Do’aat (Callers)

to increase the general impression of Japanese people

such as “Islam looks beautiful but that is for foreigners”.


e-       To secure as many living Role Models among Japanese speaking Muslims as possible

for both new Muslims and growing children.


f-        To utilize the mass effects through TV and Radio channels

which offer the image and information of Islam with the Choice of viewer or listener,

instead of distributing booklets on Islam and neglected for leaving them no choice but to accept the gift.