日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


アッラーのお慈悲 Allah's Mercy

2011年01月18日 | 日記


Hakeem with his grandfather


アッサラーム アライクム。




















My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalaamu 'Alaykum.

Alhamdu lillaah, on last Saturday January 15, 2011, Allah granted me enough guts to visit my father in hospital back in Nagoya.

Why enough guts? Because he told me through my mother that

he doesn't want me to visit him in hospital and he would be angry if I did so.

When we showed up in his room of the hospital, my mother got surprised and opened her mouth but I asked he to be quiet, then I let my son Hakeem and myself kiss the right hand of my father as a greeting.

(I like this greetings among traditional Muslims. There is natural Adab to elders)

"I told you not to come" said my father but I could see his face smiling so what a relief! Alhamdu lillaah!

You know, my son Hakeem is the most one among my three children, who resembles me when I was a child.

So I wish meeting him gave my parents' heart some ease.  

I couldn't hold myself but to cry out of gratitude for Allah's Mercy and Kindness while I was going back walking to the station with my mother and my son under drops of cold rain (which turned into snow next day)

Allah is the one who granted me the opportunity to visit Nagoya again soon after the visit during the vacation for end and beginning of the year recently, in order to help conducting Shahaadah and 'Aqd An-Nikaah for one Japanese man and his wife from Rosia (Tatar). Without this other purpose, my parents would not have accepted my visit.

Allah is the one who cured the high fever of my son Hakeem while he was sick on Friday and made him able to acompany me.

Allah is the one who softened the heart of my father who is quite short tempered and difficult in his nature.

I have no words to describe the depth of Allah's Mercy and Kindness...




Seventeen years in Islam (3) セブンティーン・イヤーズ・イン・イスラーム

2011年01月12日 | MESSAGE


Making efforts to revive Japan Muslim Association and activate its Youth Wing as its general manager but failed in securing its budget from Muslim Da’wah Organization, because they want to support the big projects like building Masjid and Madrasah while the need of Muslim Youth in Japan is to get together and strengthen their bond.



Granted the 3rd child “Ameen” in Chiba, Japan  

Becoming a member of Islamic Circle of Japan, making sure that they are independent organization and not the branch of Jamaa’ate Islaamiy (Well, still its core members are strongly influenced by them though) since our traditional ‘Ulamaa` forbid the sectarian spirit and political parties whatsoever, seeing the limit of my individual activities with a hope for the Barakah of teamwork (Jamaa’ah) in the biggest immigrant Muslim community. (Well, nowadays, No.1 immigrant Muslim community in terms of numbers is from Indonesia) 



Graduated finally from Fath Islamic Institute, University Section (Takhassus), Sharee’ah dept.

Start writing a blog. “Islam in Japan” and fortunately got acquainted with some brothers and sisters who really care about their brothers and sisters in Japan. May Allah bless them always.



Got involved with troubles caused by unknown criminal and Public Safety Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for their huge fault but as Almighty Allah says in the Quran, “Indeed, with the hardship ease shall be”, I thank Allah for encountering such wonderful, smart, sincere Japanese lawyers who wouldn’t hesitate to voluntarily defend Muslims!



In shaa Allah, around the end of coming March, we are expecting that Allah the Merciful grant us another Hadeeyah and Amaanah of the 4th child whom we intend to name him KAREEM matching the sounds of other 3 children, Sakeenah, Hakeem, Ameen, In shaa Allah.



Likewise, the life so far is a mixture of sweet happy time and bitter sad time but quite obviously mine is very fortunate with countless bounties from the Merciful Allah.

Since I embraced Islam quite young, at the age of 18, I went through many different changes, however, one thing I’m sure is that our Lord Allah and His Deen have always been with me unchanged, and still they are, shall never going to change with me, Biiznillaah.


Alhamdu lillaah, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) is always the best, ideal person, but honestly speaking, he was quite far and unreal to me at the beginning of my Islam. However, meeting the real scholars who are the successors of Rasuulullaah’s (S.A.W.) knowledge and spirit, really made me feel a lot closer to Rasuulullaah (S.A.W.) and long for his sight (S.A.W.).


Alhamdu lillaah, I was alone as a Muslim in my family at the beginning of my Islam, but the Merciful Allah granted me the life partner from the same background (Japanese Muslimah) and granted me 3 or almost 4 children through her (In shaa Allah). Now I have my own Muslim family which I wish and pray to Allah to make it a long lasting ROOT of GIANT MUSLIM FAMILY in Japan for generations to come, In shaa Allah!


Alhamdu lillaah, my parents are still alive so I should never give up praying Allah’s Guidance for them and make as much efforts as possible to bring them closer to Islam with Allah’s Divine Help.  





Seventeen years in Islam (2) セブンティーン・イヤーズ・イン・イスラーム

2011年01月12日 | MESSAGE


Start sharing others what I learned, especially during my temporal return trip to Japan.

Start learning at Fath Institute, BA course, the branch of Al-Azhar University, Usuulu-ddeen dept.

Sharing one apartment with Shaykh Muhammad Howaidi from Libya opened my eyes how students of sacred knowledge should be. May Allah reward him great. I had to leave him at the time of his marriage and he suffered a lot from oppressive trials from his own country’s government but I heard that he is working hard actively in some Northern Europe. May Allah protect him.  

Start attending lectures of Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Sa’eed Al-Bouti (for the science of Suluuk) and his son Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Tawfeeq Al-Bouti (for the sciences of Da’wah, Suluuk, Fiqh Shaafi’ee).

Sharing one apartment with Brother, Ustadh Muzzammil Sayyd from U.K. opened my way to taste the beauty and importance of learning the sacred knowledge of Islam in traditional ways. He introduced me to the wonderful scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Mu’tazz As-Subainiy and learned from him a lot together. However, after almost a year, I came to dislike his aggressive style effected by Ahbaash like easily judging Takfeer on Muslims and left him sadly wondering if I ever became a Muslim to judge against others nor to be judged as a disbeliever! Later I heard that he repented from such affiliation but I lost his contact since then. Still, a lot of goodness he showed me and knowledge I gained through him are something that should be appreciated. May Allah shower His blessings to him.



Got married to a Japanese sister. Switched to Sharee’ah dept. BA course of Fath Institute.



Granted the 1st child “Sakeenah” in Aichi, Japan



Given opportunities to recite the whole Qur’an with Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Taha Sukkar – the son of Shaykh Al-Qurraa` Shaykh Muhammad Sukkar - being checked and corrected by him.

Attending private lessons of Ustadh Shaykh Muhammad ‘Adnaan Darweesh, especially for the sciences of Fiqh Hanafee, ‘Aqeedah.

Given opportunities to attend private lessons of Shaykh Saadiq Habannakah for Fiqh Shaafi’ee.

Given opportunities to attend Hadeeth narrating lessons of Dr. Shaykh Muhammad Khair Sha’’aal.



Given the opportunity to have one best friend to learn and advise each other, Brother Shaykh Wafdi Hurzaid from Malaysia to the extent that we went to ‘Umrah together and accompanied him during his visit to Japan.

Granted the 2nd child “Hakeem” in Damascus, Syria

Start working as a part time lecturer for the classes of “Japanese-Arabic translation” in the Japanese studies department, Damascus University

Given opportunities to study under Shaykh Muhammad AbulHuda Al-Yaqoubi since then, especially for the sciences of ‘Aqeedah, Suluuk, Hadeeth.

Given opportunities to attend lessons of Shaykh Muhammad Mujeer Al-Khateeb since then, especially for the science of Hadeeth.

Given an opportunity to meet face to face with Shaykh Al-Habeeb Ali Al-Jafri with other Japanese Muslim students.



Shown a lot of hospitalities by Brother, Ustadh Firaas Al-Burghliy and his family and still they are good to me whenever I visit them. May Allah shower his blessings to them.

Coming back to Japan and start working as an usual Japanese business person during weekdays and as a part time volunteer Shaykh in my private time.



Shown a lot of hospitalities by Brother, Ustadh Muhammad Usaamah Al-Muraabit and his parents with his brothers and relatives and still they are good to me whenever I visit them. May Allah shower his blessings to them.


Seventeen years in Islam (1) セブンティーン・イヤーズ・イン・イスラーム

2011年01月12日 | MESSAGE

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious


Seventeen years in Islam


2011, January 12H.1432, Safar 8




Alhamdu lillaah. All praises and thanks to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, thousand times and more, for ever and ever, everlastingly.


Today, I turn fully 17 years old as a Muslim. At the night of January 12, 1994, in my room at my parents place in Tokai city, Aichi prefecture, Japan, I put my forehead down on the carpet and prayed sincerely to the One Almighty Allah as the first time in my life. Then straight away, I went out to make an international call to my Egyptian friend family in Melbourne, telling them delight and happily that I embraced Islam, mentioning them the words of Shahaadah.


Ashhad Allaa ilaaha illallaah

Wa Ashhad Anna Muhammadan Rasuulullaah


Since then I was re-born as a Muslim, a person submit himself to the One Almighty, a person knows where he comes from, where he is going to, and what he is living for…


With many guidance and countless bounties of Merciful Allah, seventeen years past and I find myself still a happy, positive, optimistic Muslim with my own family (my wife and 3 children +4th one on the way)! Alhamdu lillaah, Alhamdu lillaah, again and again.


At this occasion of every year, it is very good opportunity for me to RENEW my faith, remembering as many bounties given by Allah as possible to remember.


Sharing such occasion with you my dear brothers and sisters, following is some of my life records.




Not knowing any Muslim at all in Japan •Being introduced to one odd Japanese Muslim who told me whenever I asked him a question, “Don’t ask. Just believe!” .

Relieved a lot by knowing Br. Ibraaheem Okubo, the second Japanese Muslim I met. He is a renowned Japanese Muslim leader among Muslims who follow the Tableegh activities.


1995 - 1999

Entering Osaka University of Foreign Studies to study Arabic language.

Horrible Crime by Oum religious cult and its negative effects which lead my father say, “You are not my son anymore”…Alhamdu lillaah, Allah made our relationship recovered after that.

Many trips to Egypt



Graduated from University and employed at Japanese small trading company in Osaka

Start working at Nagoya Mosque



Given an opportunity to go for the Hajj, then got a heavy sick after that.

Traveling to Damascus for learning Islam. Final preparatory cause of Abun-Noor Institute (Now, known as Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro Institute)

Given an opportunity to meet face to face with Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro with other Japanese Muslim students.

Attending private lessons of Ustadh Shaykh Badruddeen Naajiy, especially for the sciences of Hadeeth, Tafseer, Tazkiyah.

Shown a lot of hospitalities by Brother, Dr.Muhammad Jabasini and his parents with his brothers. May Allah shower his blessings to them.

Found a pat time job once a week teacher at Japanese supplementary school which enabled me to continue my study in Damascus. (Without such source of sustenance, I could only study for one year because I was purely a private student without any scholarship. Alhamdu lillaah!)



Welcome to Gyotoku!

2011年01月11日 | ムスリム同胞との交流活動

Welcome Dinner at Yujin


Assalaamu 'Alaykum.

Alhamdu lillaah, on Friday 2011 January 7, we had nice guests from different places. One Special guest, Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Iqbal Nadwi is from Canada (Originally from India - at the back in the photo), and our beloved brother AbdulWahid is from Fukuoka (Right front), beside our beloved brother Ibraaheem is from Nagoya (Left middle).


Alhamdu lillaah, we had a such nice short lesson from Dr.Iqbal Nadwi after praying 'Ishaa.

He told us the importance of Hikmah with Hukm together.

Plus, we had a beautiful gathering of 4 Japanese Muslims who sat together to have the Quran recitation lesson for Br.Ibraaheem while other 2 brother listening.

Subhaana-llaah, Br.Ibraaheem from Nagoya came all the way to Chiba for just one day in order to meet his brothers in Islam and seek the sacred knowledge of Qur'an as much as possible!! 

Another Subhaana-llaah is that those Muslim Japanese brothers including myself are all married to Muslimah Japanese sisters and young fathers of some children which is VERY unusual to happen for 4 of them to be together at one time!