日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


RNNヒーリングコンサートⅧ(Healing Concert Ⅷ in Okayama)

2011年11月24日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ


Draft Programme of RNN Healing Concert VIII



アッサラーム アライクム。













Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my brothers and sisters.

Here is an announcement about "RNN(Religious NGO Network on Humanitarian Support) Healing Concert VIII"

in Okayama at Shinto Mountain KUROZUMIKYO Center

on Tuesday 2:40p.m. to 3:40p.m., November 29, 2011, In shaa Allah.

Groups of representatives from Islam, Konko-kyo, Tendai Buddhism, Catholic, Shingon Buddhism, Kurozumi-kyo, 

are going to perform their religious recitations.

This time, this healing concert is going to be held as a part of "33rd conference of World Federation for Peace Drive religious people" so the attendance are expected to be around 500 people, In shaa Allah.

Let every Japanese hear the Words of Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aalaa!!

This is the only purpose for me to join such event.

May Allah help me recite His words from Surah "Al-Fajr" properly with true sincerity. Aameen.



NHKワールド・アラビア語ラジオ番組インタビュー(Interview of NHK World Arabic Radio Programme)

2011年09月25日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ


During the recording of Interview


アッサラーム アライクム。



























実はこのインタビューにお声がけくださったのもカリーマさんご本人でした。(ジャザーハッラーフ ハイラン!)






Middle is Br.'Adel and next to him is Sis.Kareemah


Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, my dear and respected Brothers and Sisters,


Here is one late announcement about my interview with NHK World Arabic Radio Programme.


It’s all in Arabic language but when you have some time, please try to listen to it, thank you.

You can listen to it through the below link for one week, In shaa Allah.



For those who are in the middle east area, please visit look at the link below;




The interview was recorded during Ramadhaan and there were some questions regarding Ramadhaan like how is it with me while I work at Japanese company but due to the NHK side adjustment, the actual broadcast became today and the contents of the interview has been modified to its timing.


Anyway, it was my first time to visit the NHK building in Shibuya and good experience to have such interview. Besides, it was really good opportunities to meet Egyptian brother, Ustadh ‘Adel and Egyptian Japanese sister Kareemah in that occasion.

Especially, Sister Kareemah is kind of a special person when we think of her contribution by her efforts to be a great bridge between Arab world and Japan, as well as her root to be the daughter of the great Muslim Egyptian Scholar and Daa’iee in Japan, Shaykh ‘Ali As-Samniy – Rahimahu-llaah – who used to teach Arabic language to many Japanese and teach Islam in Islamic Center and others (I missed to meet him in person before he passed away!). So, Maa shaa Allah, Sister Kareemah speaks perfect Japanese and Arabic beside knowing and understanding the two Egyptian and Japanese cultures. You don’t find such person to the level that she reached except few limited numbers.


Well, one regrettable thing was that I forgot to mention one of the most important activities; the weekend schools for children in Gyotoku Hira Masjid.


After all, I didn’t know what contents would be published, however, thanks to Ustadh ‘Adel, he edited the contents nicely. Alhamdu lillaah.


O yes, another thing I should beg your pardon is that my voice wasn’t so good by the time I sang the Burdah since the timing was still fasting time.(^ ^)



السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أيها الإخوة الأحبة

يسعدني أن أخبركم عن مشاركتي في البرنامج الإذاعية لدى الجمعية الإذاعية اليابانية بالعربية "ندوة الصداقة" فأرجو الاستماع عليه من الرابط التالي:




月例イスラーム研修合宿のご案内(Monthly Overnight Tarbiyah Programme)

2011年08月24日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ

アッサラーム アライクム。












August 27-28, 2011 Tokyo Muslim Network Monthly Overnight Tarbiya (Education) Programme

for Japanese speaking Muslims in Gyotoku

2011年8月27~28日 東京ムスリムネットワーク月例一泊二日イスラーム研修合宿(於:行徳)

※ Timetable Contents

14:00 – 14:50 Lesson 1 Lecture
“40 Hadeeth of Imam Nawawi (Hadeeth No.39 on “What is pardoned for the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.)”

15:00 – 15:50 Lesson 2 Lecture “Rediscovering the Fasting (Sawm) Part 1 from ((Beginning of the Guidance)) by Imam Al-Ghazaaliy”
「断食(サウム)再発見Ⅰ イマーム・ガザーリーの『導きのはじめ』より」

16:00 - 16:20 ‘Asr prayer アスルの礼拝

16:20 – 16:50 Lesson 3 Worship “Reciting Qur’an and Zikr ”

17:00 – 17:30 Lesson 4 Lecture “Rediscovering the Fasting (Sawm) Part 2 from ((The Revival of Religious Sciences)) by Imam Al-Ghazaaliy”
「断食(サウム)再発見Ⅱ イマーム・ガザーリーの『宗教諸学の再生』より」

18:20 Small Iftar & Maghrib Prayer 小イフタールとマグリブの礼拝

19:00 – 20:00 Event 1 Big Iftar (Dinner) 大イフタール(夕食)

20:30 – 22:10 ‘Ishaa prayer & Taraaweeh(20 Rak’ah)

22:10 – 22:30 Lesson 5 Short Lecture “Short Tafseer on what we listened during Taraaweeh prayers”

22:30 – 23:00 Event 2 ティーブレイク懇親会

23:00 – 1:30 Rest 睡眠

1:30 – 2:30 Lesson 6 Qiyaam Al-Layl (Night prayers) 夜間礼拝

2:30-3:30 Event 3 Sahuur (Light meal before the Fasting) サフール

3:50 Fajr prayer ファジュルの礼拝

4:10 – 5:00 Lesson 7 Worship “Reciting Qur’an and Zikr ”

5:00 – 5:15 Event 4 Light Exercise 軽い運動

5:30 Dhuhaa Prayer ドゥハーの礼拝

5:45 – 12:00 Rest 睡眠

12:30 Zhuhr prayer ズフルの礼拝

13:00 – 15:30
Event 5 Semi Panel Discussion The 14th Semi Panel Discussion with Japanese Muslims
“Worship and Work”

16:00 - 16:20 ‘Asr prayer アスルの礼拝

16:20 – 16:50 Lesson 8 Worship “Reciting Qur’an and Zikr ”

17:00 – 17:30 Lesson 9 Lecture
“Rediscovering the Fasting (Sawm) Part 3 from 〇〇〇〇〇〇”
「断食(サウム)再発見Ⅲ 〇〇〇〇〇〇」

18:20 Small Iftar & Maghrib Prayer 小イフタールとマグリブの礼拝

19:00 – 20:00 Event 6 Big Iftar (Dinner) 大イフタール(夕食)

20:30 – 22:10 ‘Ishaa prayer & Taraaweeh(20 Rak’ah)

All the programmes of lectures and semi panel discussion are scheduled to be broadcasted

※ 対象は日本語のわかるムスリム男女、参加費はすべて無料、出入りも自由です。気軽にご参加ください。


darlalqam@yahoo.co.jp   Tel: 03-3871-6061 

※ No obligation. Feel free to join us. Just those who wish to stay over, kindly inform that to the above address till 17:00 August 26, 2011, thank you.







ICOJイフタール夕食会を振り返って(Looking back to ICOJ Iftar Party 2011)

2011年08月16日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ

Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters!


Ramadhaan Kareem!

I pray to Allah that all of you are fine with the blessings of Allah and spending fruitful days of Ramadhaan.
Forgive me for this late post. You know that we can hardly find any spare time especially in Ramadhaan.
Alhamdu lillaah, on Sunday August 7, 2011 which was equal to 7th of Ramadhaan H.1432, Islamic Circle of Japan held the event of Open Iftar Party at Gyotoku Cultural Hall I&I which is near the Gyotoku station, Chiba prefecture.

Alhamdu lillaah, with Allah’s blessings and help of many volunteers, the gathering seemed to be successfully ended. We aimed for 300 people attendance but it turned out to see more than that including our main guests of Japanese neighbors around 50 to 60.












Alhamdu lillaah, we had yummy dishes from brothers and sisters of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Syria, Ghana but due to the over gathering numbers of people, not everyone could have everything offered as they wanted. So that was one of the reflecting points for “KAIZEN (Betterment)”.
So was the seating arrangement. We couldn’t set enough chairs and tables due to the limited space of the room so many of Muslims had to eat food standing which is not the right thing to represent the style of Muslims’ having food.


Agenda of that event was as following;
17:30     Reception and Registration          
18:00     Opening Qur’an Recitation   Moderator…Maeno   Reciter…Imam Naveed
18:05     Welcome word   Ameer of ICOJ
18:10-18:20         Welcome Speech on Ramadhaan   Maeno
18:20-18:30         Relief Work Presentation   Jameel
18:30-18:40         Nasheed by Children of Gyotoku Muslim family weekend school
                          (Qaseedah Burdah in Japanese)   Maeno with Children (5 boys & 7 girls)
18:41     Adhaan of Maghrib and Maghrib prayer 
18:55     Move to the 1st floor

19:00     Iftaar                         
20:11     Adhaan of ‘Ishaa                           
20:30     Closing  

Alhamdu lillaah, many volunteer Muslim brothers and sisters came in time and some of them very early to prepare the place but it was only 10 minutes before 18:00 that we were allowed to start setting up which eventually made us delay a few minutes to start the event.


Maa shaa Allah, our Haafiz Imam for the Ramadhaan of this year at Hira Masjid, Shaykh Muhammad Naveed, recited some verses from the Chapter of Al-A’laa very nicely with his beautiful voice. Ameer of the Circle, Ustadh Amaanat ‘Ali gave a welcome word in very short and nice way.



Then it was the time of my speech to give some introduction of fasting and Ramadhaan, however, the fact that I was moderator of the event from the beginning and at the same time speaker, I couldn’t CHANGE the mode of moderator and speaker so that I guess the way I talked was very boring and I apologize the audience for that….



After that, I asked Ustadh Jameel Ahmad, the responsible of Hira Masjid and ICOJ Relief Work, to give some introducing notes of ICOJ Relief Work. Maa shaa Allah, he did it well with his broken Japanese even to the extent of explaining why Muslims want to help others and people in Eastern North Japan clarifying the point of Humanity Brotherhood from the Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him).
Yes, it’s not about the skill of delivering the good speech but it’s about the sincerity of your message based on your true experience to reach the hearts.

At last, we had a session of present one Arabic Japanese Nasheed by Children. The Nasheed was “Burdah” and the children were those who come to Gyotoku Muslim Family Weekend School. Well, the voice of boys were too weak to be heard but Maa shaa Allah, girls made a good efforts.
I thanked Allah for enabling us finish the programmes in time…but it was a little too early. We had another 5 minutes to go for the time of Maghrib.
What to do? What to do?
No one beside me to consult with…O.K. I pushed myself dare to present the Nasheed of Burdah by myself!
Alhamdu lillah, by the time I finished singing the Nasheed, it was just one minute before the Maghrib time.
After reciting the Adhaan and praying the Maghrib prayer, we moved from the biggest Hall in the 2nd floor to the 1st floor in order to start the Iftar. Since it wasn’t allowed to eat and drink in the 2nd floor, only dates were distributed to the attendance for breaking the fast. It didn’t reach to my hand, nor did I remember that I didn’t break the fast yet but just checking others and joined the Maghrib prayer.


Maa shaa Allah, truly busy gathering with many people gave the event some exciting atmosphere but it maybe better if we could limit the number of attendance for those who made registrations and set the tables and chairs so that we could have more concentrated, peaceful communications with each attendance, In shaa Allah.

I pray to Allah that somehow those who kindly took their precious time to attend that gathering had good time and found some positive aspects of Muslims so that they feel a step closer to Islam, Biiznillaah.





無料で世界各地の家庭料理バイキング!ICOJイフタール夕食会のご案内(ICOJ Iftar Party)

2011年08月06日 | EVENT NEWS イベントのお知らせ


Assalaamu 'Alaykum, my dear brothers and sisters!

Ramadhaan Mubaarak!!

Kulla 'Aamin wa Antum bikhair!

May you all have a Happy, Fruitful Ramadhaan!


I'm terribly sorry for this late greetings of Ramadhaan

and late uploard of this event which is coming Tomorrow, In shaa Allah.

As ICOJ (Islamic Circle of Japan) requested all the participants for pre-registration for the ease of reception, however, it's not that we would going to refuse anyone who shows up to attend without pre-registration.

So if you were living around Tokyo or kindly don't mind taking the distance of visiting Gyotoku on Sunday, August 7,2011 from 18:00 to 20:30, then all of you are welcome!

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that you are kindly requested to bring your delicious dish if you were to attend our gathering to show our guests (Not yet Muslims Japanese) the beautiful varieties and the Internationality of our bond with ISLAM!


アッサラーム アライクム。
















