日本のイスラーム (Islam in Japan)


Seventeen years in Islam (2) セブンティーン・イヤーズ・イン・イスラーム

2011年01月12日 | MESSAGE


Start sharing others what I learned, especially during my temporal return trip to Japan.

Start learning at Fath Institute, BA course, the branch of Al-Azhar University, Usuulu-ddeen dept.

Sharing one apartment with Shaykh Muhammad Howaidi from Libya opened my eyes how students of sacred knowledge should be. May Allah reward him great. I had to leave him at the time of his marriage and he suffered a lot from oppressive trials from his own country’s government but I heard that he is working hard actively in some Northern Europe. May Allah protect him.  

Start attending lectures of Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Sa’eed Al-Bouti (for the science of Suluuk) and his son Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Tawfeeq Al-Bouti (for the sciences of Da’wah, Suluuk, Fiqh Shaafi’ee).

Sharing one apartment with Brother, Ustadh Muzzammil Sayyd from U.K. opened my way to taste the beauty and importance of learning the sacred knowledge of Islam in traditional ways. He introduced me to the wonderful scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Mu’tazz As-Subainiy and learned from him a lot together. However, after almost a year, I came to dislike his aggressive style effected by Ahbaash like easily judging Takfeer on Muslims and left him sadly wondering if I ever became a Muslim to judge against others nor to be judged as a disbeliever! Later I heard that he repented from such affiliation but I lost his contact since then. Still, a lot of goodness he showed me and knowledge I gained through him are something that should be appreciated. May Allah shower His blessings to him.



Got married to a Japanese sister. Switched to Sharee’ah dept. BA course of Fath Institute.



Granted the 1st child “Sakeenah” in Aichi, Japan



Given opportunities to recite the whole Qur’an with Dr.Shaykh Muhammad Taha Sukkar – the son of Shaykh Al-Qurraa` Shaykh Muhammad Sukkar - being checked and corrected by him.

Attending private lessons of Ustadh Shaykh Muhammad ‘Adnaan Darweesh, especially for the sciences of Fiqh Hanafee, ‘Aqeedah.

Given opportunities to attend private lessons of Shaykh Saadiq Habannakah for Fiqh Shaafi’ee.

Given opportunities to attend Hadeeth narrating lessons of Dr. Shaykh Muhammad Khair Sha’’aal.



Given the opportunity to have one best friend to learn and advise each other, Brother Shaykh Wafdi Hurzaid from Malaysia to the extent that we went to ‘Umrah together and accompanied him during his visit to Japan.

Granted the 2nd child “Hakeem” in Damascus, Syria

Start working as a part time lecturer for the classes of “Japanese-Arabic translation” in the Japanese studies department, Damascus University

Given opportunities to study under Shaykh Muhammad AbulHuda Al-Yaqoubi since then, especially for the sciences of ‘Aqeedah, Suluuk, Hadeeth.

Given opportunities to attend lessons of Shaykh Muhammad Mujeer Al-Khateeb since then, especially for the science of Hadeeth.

Given an opportunity to meet face to face with Shaykh Al-Habeeb Ali Al-Jafri with other Japanese Muslim students.



Shown a lot of hospitalities by Brother, Ustadh Firaas Al-Burghliy and his family and still they are good to me whenever I visit them. May Allah shower his blessings to them.

Coming back to Japan and start working as an usual Japanese business person during weekdays and as a part time volunteer Shaykh in my private time.



Shown a lot of hospitalities by Brother, Ustadh Muhammad Usaamah Al-Muraabit and his parents with his brothers and relatives and still they are good to me whenever I visit them. May Allah shower his blessings to them.


